~***September Mummies***~

I opted for a lace dress ( which is now a top) smsrt leggings with pipping down the front and smart sandals lol best I could come up with!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Sounds nice constantstar, I'm another with incredibly limited wardrobe now!!! Having to wash a pair of work trousers tonight to wear the next couple of days because they're the only ones log enough to look ok with flip flops, and my feet swell too much by the end of the day!!

Mr Sam Sam has a suspected inner ear infection. He has something going on with his eyes, and his whole right side is a bit weaker, but they can't confirm without x rays. He had a steroid injection and now 10 days of anti biotics, if that doesn't clear it up then they'll investigate further. Poor little man cried when he was injected - he never even flinches at injections usually :-( he's not even 2 yet so not old by any means, but hopefully this won't be any more serious. He has to stay inside till he poops (to make sure he can use the muscles to) which he's currently hating!!! I'm getting lots of "mummy I'm not well" cuddles though :-)

Went to a dog agility fun night tonight - Zulu popped in the middle of the course... OH was not impressed, I found it quite amusing hehehe!!

Glad it doesn't sound like anything more serious Tigger, hopefully the meds will work and he'll be back to his usual self soon.
I've been trying to put clothes together for my London trip and I too am struggling! I refuse to buy more clothes now though haha.

Got my midwife apt today, going to ask for some Zantac as the heartburn is killing me! Anyone know if you can take it while preggo? Xx
Not sure if you can take it, my friend was prescribed gaviscon when she was pregnant but I can't stand it!!

Had mw this morning and my blood pressure is really high. It was 135/90 when I got there and had come down a bit just before I left to 128/88 but still really high considering it was 108/60 at my last appointment! Midwife has booked me in again to be seen on Monday to double check it. Just the thought of it being high stresses me out which is probably making it higher...need to chill out!!
Good luck with finding a wardrobe for London Haylian!

Tigger, I hope the little 4paws gets well real soon and that the antis kick in and knock the infection on the head!

Last day stuck in the flat today - YIPPEEEE!!! Cant wait to have some more energy to do things. :-)
My BP was raised at my 31 week apt and it stressed me out too, one of my biggest fears was high BP as I've suffered from it before. Luckily by my next apt it had come down again. I really had to focus on relaxing though. Got mw this afternoon so hopefully it'll still be ok. Gaviscon isn't budging my heartburn :-( but Zantac has come highly recommended.

I bet you're excited about the cooler weather aren't you :-) I'm hoping the weather stays cool for London this weekend, can't face walking round in the heat! Xx
My BP was raised at my 31 week apt and it stressed me out too, one of my biggest fears was high BP as I've suffered from it before. Luckily by my next apt it had come down again. I really had to focus on relaxing though. Got mw this afternoon so hopefully it'll still be ok. Gaviscon isn't budging my heartburn :-( but Zantac has come highly recommended.

I bet you're excited about the cooler weather aren't you :-) I'm hoping the weather stays cool for London this weekend, can't face walking round in the heat! Xx

That's good to hear Haylian, mine has been so low all the way through so it's just a worry why it's gone up but at least they're going to keep an eye on it. Going to have to relax as much as I can over the next few days x
Yeah defo, was your urine ok etc and you've had no excessive swelling or headaches etc? X
BeeSmall, I have had high BP throughout my pregnancy. Never gone below 130/90 - I have to check it every day and my pulse is 120. Doc said that my body is used to it now and is not ideal but ok. Our bodies are amazing what they can cope with, just watch though that it isnt pre eclampsia. XXXXXX
Hayley have you tried rennies? Gaviscon doesn't work for me very well, but rennies are a god send!!! I seem to eat them like sweets!!!

Boo to high blood pressure, hope it doesn't lead to anything more serious.

5element, have you got exciting plans for this cooler weather?! I had to have all windows shut yesterday to keep the cat in, couldn't have managed that a few weeks ago!!!!!
Hi Tigger,

We are off out! Going to our fav veggie restaurant then on to the cinema to watch my hero Mr. Depp in his new film. CANT WAIT!:lol::lol::lol: Also going to pick up our pram and high chair this weekend. So excited!!! Sounds pretty silly I guess but just the simplest of things are exhausting!

Whats everyone else got planned for the weekend???
Yeah I've tried everything :-( and drinking milk like its going out of fashion!

I've been fantasising about Christmas again today! I love it so much and I can't wait to spend it with my baby girl, someone bought me a Christmas outfit for my baby shower and I cried haha xx
Hoping to visit the maternity unit this weekend. Got to just phone up in the evening and see if anyone available to show us round. I'm hoping we might take ds out for the day somewhere and oh can drive as i'm not supposed to at the mo.

I keep thinking about xmas too. Cannot wait love it xx
I can't wait for Christmas with a baby either, so exciting!

I haven't had any head aches or excessive swelling and no protein in my urine so fingers crossed it was a one off
That's all promising then so hopefully it's a random higher reading and Monday will be back to normal xx
Sounds like a lovely weekend!

Im struggling with this hearyburn too I feel awful!!

Apart from that going to visit my friend with my oh and son as she had her baby a week and half ago so going up for the evening / overnight on sat ;) thats it really xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
So mw says not allowed Zantac :-( apparently its much stronger than gaviscon etc so they don't like you to have it.
Baby's heartbeat was good and strong and head down, she thinks I might be 1/5 engaged which is why my pelvis is so sore and measuring bang on 36cm. BP was higher when I got there but fine by the time I left so that good too.

Now off to pick hubby up from work and head to dreaded meadowhall for a travel case/hospital bag then out for the family meal, I want to go to bed already haha xx
Run out of ranitidine! ! Heartburn is soooo bad. Took my last one and uts not worked and had my quota of antacids!!! Gunna be a long night :/

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Hi girls how are you all today?

I'm trying bit by bit to get ready for the weekend, my mum doesn't know where we're taking her so I can't wait to finally be able to tell her :-)
Was looking at things to do yesterday and think we're going to do Madame Tussaud's and national history museum then we're taking her to the outdoor theatre to watch sound of music. I think by tomorrow night I'll be shattered!!

Ahh sounds like a lovely weekend. Make sure you take it easy though, London is tiring enough when you're not 8 months pregnant!! I love London!

I'm sleeping so badly and have really achey hips and legs. Feel like all I ever do is moan!! Have a nice quiet weekend though so will try to relax and nap when I can to catch up on some sleep x

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