~***September Mummies***~

It's not me who needs a wash, it's everyone I come into contact with haha!!

Baby clothes/stuff is now in the wash, hospital bag (for baby) has been started... I'm so excited :-D
Same here tigger, have done a few baby washes and hospital bag is pretty much sorted. Off to morrisons in a bit with my mum to buy some lucozade and energy bars etc to pack too. It's all so exciting!!

I'm loving being off work, I feel like I can get so much more done and sneak in a little nap too before hubby gets home! Could get used to this!

Bee x
I really can smell doggy smell - doesnt help that I was in the stables!! :lol::lol: Fav mixture of horse/dog!

Bev, that is an amazing scan piccie there of Poppy! LOVE IT

WOW it is scary that some of us will be doing labour threads soon. CANT WAIT!!

Dreading this weekend, we have record heat wave (again:wall2:) around 38° and I think I am going melt!! It is hot & humid enough at the moment without this again! :-(
I really need to get a hospital bag so I can start packing it, I've got 1 week left at work so after that I'll have much more time to get stuff done. I'm so excited about washing all her clothes etc and putting her beddig on the cot etc, I'm like a kid at Christmas :-)

Have you all got nursing nighties / pj's? If so where from? I want one with a sleeve as I hate my arms but I can;t find them anywhere?? Starting to panic a bit as I really need one, I have some old ones for when in labour etc that are a few sizes too big so baby can come underneath but for when I'm home etc and bf I have nothing.

Ps. Ladies, you are giving a touch of panic being all so organised with your hospital bags........gotta get my behind into gear!!!!!
Ps. Ladies, you are giving a touch of panic being all so organised with your hospital bags........gotta get my behind into gear!!!!!

I second that! I need a bag to pack haha x
ive got my bag, its got half the babys stuff in it and 1 pair of pj's for me so far lol, will probably just chuck in some more baby stuff and get pads etc just before im due and will throw in extra set of pj's when im in labour, i reckon i'll have time haha
I had just been and it some hospital bits today! Hoping to har my bag packed by next week! I got a big shirt from primark for after Birth skin to skin, big knickers I can throw away if needed, a nice soft sports bra type thing. Ivor a skirtini for my water birth!! Ahhahaha. And pads. Has anyone herd of these infinity pads by always? Supposed to be good and there not like big nappies? I just need slippers and a tenns. And baby formula. Sorted I reckon!! X
I have no intention of packing my bag for a while, I just wanted an excuse to go through baby things :-) I'm annoyed though, I put the first load on airers today as it had been raining a lot over night and this morning, second load I put on the line (just blankets, quilts and boring stuff)... Airers still VERY damp, line stuff bone dry!!!

Bloody unpredictable weather!!!!
Primark have some really cheap nighties and PJs. Lots are button down the front too if you're planning on breast feeding. The nighties were only £4 so I figured I'm not going to be too worried about ruining them x
I bloody love my mum. I was saying I eslly wanted a new pushchair and she has bought me one! She is so lovely. Ive gone for the graco evo! Couldnt decide what colour, wasnt sure whether to get blaxk so gone for it in plum! Comes on tues. So excited ;)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Awww mums are the best! And soon we will be able to spoil our little ones too :) xxx
Mums really are the best.

OK Ammdaz you can update the front page with our name choice, drum roll please..............

Violet Marie :-) loved it from about 28 weeks and now hubby is calling it her I love it even more. Sorted :-) xx
Pleased you made the decision Hayley, I've said before but it's a gorgeous name :-)

Anyone or plans today? I'm not looking forward to goings back to work next week. Only 3 more weeks though!! Gonna do some baby clothes ironing today, and then I might do some shopping for the bits we're low on!!!

Hope the country is cooling for everyone else, I actually woke up in the duvet this morning for the first time in weeks!!!
Im off to argos seen some nice curtains for 6.99 for our bedroom lol!! Then im going to do some washing and cleaning. Will take o to see his gran after nursey today as she been in hosp for 3 weeks and hasnt seen her but she home now!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I'm doing some pottering today, washing and tidying etc. then meeting up with friends which I'm not looking forward to cause they've been a bit bitchy lately and general mean girls. Then going to get my nails done.
Last week at work next week! Can't believe it's finally come round, feels like forever I've been waiting xx
I'm working from home today back so sore I can't drive. .. x

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Mums really are the best.

OK Ammdaz you can update the front page with our name choice, drum roll please..............

Violet Marie :-) loved it from about 28 weeks and now hubby is calling it her I love it even more. Sorted :-) xx

Aww lovely, I've updated for you :) must be a great feeling to have the name sorted. We still have three that we love and right now I honestly couldn't pick between them so I just hope when she's born she suits one more than the others otherwise we're going to be stuck! Xxx

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