~***September Mummies***~

Sending my bump bud a hug and a massage that her back and tooth get better!!!

I AM SOOOOOOO JEALOUS TIGGER!! We have a record heatwave here this weekend - seriously, we are awaiting 40° on Sunday and I just dont know what to do. It hasnt gone below 30° in weeks now but 40° is just tooooooo crazy!!!! :wall2::wall2::wall2: Bump is so tight and I feel like I take 1 step forward in ultra slow motion!!!
Thank you Tigger and Eli xx I've actually had a really productive day working from home its been nice xx

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Sending my bump bud a hug and a massage that her back and tooth get better!!!

I AM SOOOOOOO JEALOUS TIGGER!! We have a record heatwave here this weekend - seriously, we are awaiting 40° on Sunday and I just dont know what to do. It hasnt gone below 30° in weeks now but 40° is just tooooooo crazy!!!! :wall2::wall2::wall2: Bump is so tight and I feel like I take 1 step forward in ultra slow motion!!!

That honestly sounds unbearable :-( I guess it means move as little as possible and stay in front of a fan constantly!!!
I'm starting to feel desperate for some cooler weather now! Been melting today and its so uncomfortable. On a brighter note I've had more baby stuff delivered today, playmat, bf pillow, towel and a book :-)

Hope your back is feeling better now Seonaidmac xx
Think my fingers have turned into mush - I am constantly dropping things today or bumping into things. It is like walking through glooop the whole time. Wee man thinks this is all funny and is wriggling away in there like no tomorrow! Never thought I would write this ladies but I could do with some typical British weather!!!:oooo::oooo:

:dance: My Guinea Pigs have the high life here though, lying under a cool pack and it is wonderful cool in their box - if I only I could fit into their box! :whistle:

I've been the same with dropping things, I keep answering my phone at work and it slips straight out of my hand. Goes with a right bang too which is embarrassing haha. So glad next week is my last week, I can't wait to relax!! Xx
Exciting baby deliveries - was the book for you or bubs Hayley?!

5element- you are some kind of hero putting up with those temps!!!! Think I'd spend my day sat in an ice bath?! Haha

Confirmed our trip to London next weekend - I'm going to meet my nephew baby Thomas - sooooo excited!!!!! Thought hubby was gonna have to drop a day of work so we could do it, but turns out he got informed of a wrong rota (2nd week running, causing problems!) so even better news!!!
It's a nursery rhyme book for bubs :-)

Ooh how exciting that you finally get to meet him! I'm going to London the weekend after, it's a surprise for my mums 50th birthday so keeping it a secret has been quite a challenge haha. Hubby has just gone out to get curtain pole and curtains for nursery eeeek nearly done now xx
Hopefully it cools down in London before you girls go. :)

Getting nursery sorted is so much fun. I got on scales this morning which really depressed me so went out and brought a few bits for hospital bag. Hoping to start packing it when I go on maternity. Getting all prepared just makes me so happy :)

Also just worked out in around 5 days we will have our first November mummy in third tri! Scary!!! Exciting to see who first sept mummy will be :) hoping its not me with me a later sept due date hehe! Xx
Omg can't believe November mummies will be coming in so soon! That means we are really close girls!

Well I though I was coping fairly well with the heat but today I've really struggled, went to a local country fair and could only manage about half an hour before I'd had enough! 5element I don't know how you are managing with even hotter temps, I feel for you!

Tigger how exciting that you are going to meet your little nephew soon, you've been waiting so long!

3 and a half weeks till im fully cooked! Eek..think il start eviction proceedings soon after!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I really need to start on my hospital bag, I have got a lot of stuff for it but no bag lol. Still struggling to find a nightie but my mum knows someone who makes clothes etc so I'm going to buy some bigger sizes and she's going to put some buttons down the middle so I can bf etc. As if November mummies are coming soon! Omg can't believe how close we are, I get so excited!!!!!!! Xx
Eeek 5 weeks tomorrow until my due date and 2 weeks tomorrow until baby is fully cooked. Absolutely petrified. Cant believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Im kinda not ready for it to be over yet, enjoy feeling LO wriggle about!! Anyone else scared about labour? Im no good with pain. Xx
I am scared about labour but I'm more excited than anything and very curious! I know it's gonna hurt but its the final hurdle and I can't wait :-) I may have differed to views after haha xx
I made a big boo boo the other day and had a look at labour videos on you tube. Just for "preparation". It's scared me a little now!!! Think I'd rather be prepared for what to expect though, and at the end of the day the worst bit is going to be over relatively quickly (in the grand scheme of things - if anyone wants to tell me differently... I'm not listening, sod off ;-) ).

On Thursday, we can say "we're having our baby next month!" Crazzzzyyy!! I don't feel I've been pregnant long enough to make an actual real life baby?!
I cant believe im going to have 2 children! And a girl. I know nothing about girls! And I don't have to work for a year! Lol! Eek

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I know its going to hurt but its just the unknown lol i dont know what pain to expect lol. Ah i couldnt look at labour videos, it would make me even more scared lol would rather not know.

Constantstar - i feel like that with boys lol i know nothing about them, although my family is full of them ive never delt with a baby boy before. I have a little niece who i help look after alot and i worship so if i have a girl im good but if i have a boy ill be so unsure lol

I am scared about labour but I'm more excited than anything and very curious! I know it's gonna hurt but its the final hurdle and I can't wait :-) I may have differed to views after haha xx

I kind of feel like this too, in a weird way I'm looking forward to labour! Like you say it's the final hurdle before meeting our babies :) And I've done it before and it hasn't put me off lol so it can't be that bad although I think you do forget the pain fairly quickly!

I'm also a bit worried about knowing what to do with a girl haha, so used to just having DS. But I'm excited too, can't wait to have one of each and also can't wait to see what DS makes of his sister. He's been so sweet kissing my bump loads and getting excited :)

You never know some of us might go early and end up with August babies :-) xx

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