Does anyone else feel like September feels an absolute age away??
I can't believe I still have 8 weeks left!!! feels like an eternity until We get to meet him
Haha, I feel the opposite, it feels so close.
I've got a small holdall bag I'll dig out for my hospital bag, using babys changing bag for their stuff. Just had a look on Matalan Constantstar - very good sale they have, but nothing I can justify buying unfortunately

(I have this immense need to spend money at the moment hahaha!!)
How's everyone's weekend gone? We started stripping a pine chest of drawers earlier - my mum painted it cream years and years ago and I dislike it. It currently looks awful, but hopefully it's going to turn out ok!! Attended a local baby show earlier too. Was horrible - walked into a hall that had about 10 - 15 stalls, and NO other visitors. Spent 5 minutes walking around them all, to realise none of it was what we wanted/needed, to walk out again!!!
I've also had a bit of an awkward work problem arise yesterday. I recommended our firm to my best friend for her other halfs business. She's been really happy with everything, but a girl I now share a room with has picked up her accounts. My friend text me yesterday to say she has no confidence in the person doing her accounts after a number of phone calls last week and would feel better if I could check some stuff over for her. Very awkward as we share a room (and a phone, so when my friend phones in asking for me...), but I've spoken to someone I really trust there that's told me I really need to speak to my boss and tell him what my friend's said - it's his name and reputation at stake. Dreading it. I know it can all be confidential and I trust it won't really come back to haunt me, it just feels like I'm stirring things for someone else

Wish me luck tomorrow...!!!!