~***September Mummies***~

I remember thinking in early stages wow I dunno what people moan about it feels like period pain! Then it got worse for me lol! Im trying to think of it that I got no choice cause baby gotta come out lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Im trying to think of it that I got no choice cause baby gotta come out lol

This is what I keep coming back to! The time to get scared was 7 and a half months ago when we decided to do this... Too late now!!!

Its not even like a section would be "easier" - that scares me more than a normal vaginal birth!!!
I have a feeling i'm going to go over... but it doesn't bother me too much because i don't believe in all this 'Due date' nonsense....
I think bubs in putting pressure on a nerve as my back is still agony and its not the side i usually get problems with... hoping that lying on hubby's inversion table will help bubs move off... it may even help the wee bugger turn from breech...

Going swimming tomorrow morning too.... hopefully it'll help ease my back too...
Oh dear :( do you have a ball to bounce on? My cousin swore by hers when her back was hurting, it always got baby moving and moved him off her nerve nearly every time so it might be worth a try?

Sooooo glad it's cooler today! Actually woke up old and had to turn the fan off, yay! Xx
Hi Ladies!

All I can say to you is SOCKS!!!! Last night I remembered that someone on here once said put on a pair of socks that have been soaked in cold water. Last night I sat on the sofa, feet up by the fan and it was HEAVEN!!!!! :-) Doing pretty much the same today to cool off.

WOW ladies, it feels amazing that we are getting so close now to the writing labour threads stage. :oooo: Like you said Tigger, it has gone so quickly that I cant believe we are going to have a real LIVE baby!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! :lol:

Once this heat is over, I am DEFO getting my hospital bag ready...........
What kind of bag have you all used for your hospital bag? I am very much an overpacker than an under packer so I'm thinking I'll use a small travel suitcase. Was going to put baby's stuff in her changing bag apart from the going home outfit which I'll put in with my stuff. Xx
Yep I'm going to get on my ball big time today hun xx I'm taking a wee travel case too stuff buying a new bag when I don't need one lol xx plus I too overpack xx

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Hope the ball helps!
I need to buy a travel suitcase cause I don't have one, hence the no packing yet haha xx
I've got a hoddal type bag with pretty flowers on which my pregnant friend got me for b day from tesco for hospital bag. Then using changing bag for baby :) xx
I've got a smallish holdall then the changing bag with toiletries in it x
Been bargain hunting today. Matalan has a half price sale on managed to get my pjs for hosp in there (top snd bottoms) for £6 and a changing mat for £4 -the nice thick type.
Also got my buggy board from toys r us. 22% off and had a £20 voucher too so not bad ;)

Feel like im almost ready for bubba. Roll on 3 and a bit weeks and baby can come!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Does anyone else feel like September feels an absolute age away??

I can't believe I still have 8 weeks left!!! feels like an eternity until We get to meet him
Does anyone else feel like September feels an absolute age away??

I can't believe I still have 8 weeks left!!! feels like an eternity until We get to meet him

Haha, I feel the opposite, it feels so close.

I've got a small holdall bag I'll dig out for my hospital bag, using babys changing bag for their stuff. Just had a look on Matalan Constantstar - very good sale they have, but nothing I can justify buying unfortunately :-( (I have this immense need to spend money at the moment hahaha!!)

How's everyone's weekend gone? We started stripping a pine chest of drawers earlier - my mum painted it cream years and years ago and I dislike it. It currently looks awful, but hopefully it's going to turn out ok!! Attended a local baby show earlier too. Was horrible - walked into a hall that had about 10 - 15 stalls, and NO other visitors. Spent 5 minutes walking around them all, to realise none of it was what we wanted/needed, to walk out again!!!

I've also had a bit of an awkward work problem arise yesterday. I recommended our firm to my best friend for her other halfs business. She's been really happy with everything, but a girl I now share a room with has picked up her accounts. My friend text me yesterday to say she has no confidence in the person doing her accounts after a number of phone calls last week and would feel better if I could check some stuff over for her. Very awkward as we share a room (and a phone, so when my friend phones in asking for me...), but I've spoken to someone I really trust there that's told me I really need to speak to my boss and tell him what my friend's said - it's his name and reputation at stake. Dreading it. I know it can all be confidential and I trust it won't really come back to haunt me, it just feels like I'm stirring things for someone else :-( Wish me luck tomorrow...!!!!
You got some bargains there constantstar, I still need to buy a Moses basket.

Yes pregnot I've got 6 weeks left and it feels so far away. I keep setting little goals. 1 week left at work then I'll be 35 weeks then I go to London the week after that I'll be 36 weeks, then it'll only be 1 more week until I'm "fully cooked" at 37 weeks then its my mums birthday the week after that, then fingers crossed I'll only have 2 weeks left to wait. I'm hoping she doesn't make me wait any longer than that :)
Oh no Tigger what a horrible situation to be in. Suppose your friend is right though as its his reputation on the line it's only fair to tell him what your friend has said. Let us know how it goes, hopefully it won't be as bad as you think.

I've had a very chilled weekend and haven't really done much, went and bought the curtain pole for nursery and curtains which aren't in stock until Wednesday :-( and today I've enjoyed the cooler weather.
Just cooking tea now, chicken pittas with salad and sweet chilli sauce with over chips, yummy!! Xx
Yeah I feel like its forever away. I think sept is going to come quickly as got little goal posts like going to Yorkshire with my mum, ante natal class, scan to check placenta and baby shower but sept is just going to drag and drag!!!! Doesn't help that people keep telling me they think I'm going to be early as family have long history of early first baby (only about a week early) but I just know I'm going to be the exception and be all geared up! ;) last week at work this week and just keep thinking how bored I'm going to be! Xx
Ohhh yum yum, I haven't had pitta in AGES! We're having lamb shanks for tea - but I ruined it. Was boil in the bag, and the pan boiled dry and broke the bag and ruined the gravy. So I threw a major strop and refused to finish tea - hubby can do it now! Hormones.....
Tigger that does sound awkward but how long you got left at work? Hopefully if its not too long won't be awkward for too long. And it's not just reputation but your friends accounts on line that you want to make sure are right. Good luck with the chat xx
I think September seems really close! But I think it makes a difference that I'm due right at the beginning, I keep thinking that baby may even turn up in August which is probably not a good way to think because I'll be in for a right shock if I go two weeks over!

We had a nice day today. OH did a fantastic BBQ, I ate far too much and felt completely stuffed all afternoon! My mum and dad came which was nice because they've been on holiday and I haven't seen them for two weeks. That's ages for me, I normally see them a few times a week. DS was so sweet when they turned up, he's missed them loads and when he saw their car pull up he started jumping up and down with excitement!

I had a look online at the matalan sale but as much as I was tempted I really can't justify buying any more for LO. She has too many clothes as it is lol.

Tigger hope you get the work situation sorted. Although it will be a bit awkward for you it sounds like you don't have much choice but to talk to your boss, I'm sure it will all sort itself out.

My last day at work tomorrow, woohoo! Kind of sad to be leaving my colleagues as I get on really well with some of them but super happy to have loads of time to spend with DS and OH, and the LO when she arrives :-)

Tigger, tonnes of luck for work today. I always think so long as you do the right thing, things have a habit of sorting themselves out. Let us know how it goes XXXX

Spent yesterday on the sofa in front of the fan. Hit the peak with 39.2° which is BLINKIN HOT!!! Only constructive thing I ended up doing was a list of who to send text messages, emails and annoucment cards to here! List has got kind of long and with 2 languages we have to get a 2 drafts ready of everything! Will be worth it though as this is the last thing we want to think about when LO is here.

Now I am just waiting on it getting cooler...................waiting, waiting, waiting.........:whistle:

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