~***September Mummies***~

It looks gorgeous Bev, and I really like the chair covering!!! How you getting on? Is Alyssa dealing with the heat now?

Ahhh Hayley I don't envy you at all. I've not done anything except for wash then tie up my hair for weeks, can't be arsed at all. It just gets yucky and sweaty if I leave it down!! Have you got AC in the car? Lifesaver if you have. Ours is broken :-(

alyssa is managing ok being butt nekkid most of the time lol, helps the potty training anyway, fan on constantly and mini milks aplenty, im not too bad either tho its really hot and im never this hot usually so i can see how ppl feel. im a hide in the house near the fan kinda gal :)
my scan got changed to wednesday :( but all is fine i think, poppy seems to have moved to one side so i have a wonky bump and kicks in my ribs on my left
potty time this morning

drawing yesterday

and chilling on the sofa watching power rangers now
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Me and my boy resting our toes!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13


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Baby having a long bout of hickups atm and also I got hearyburn/ reflux so bad tonight!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
aww ive started feeling sick again randomly as well as the heartburn
Took o for his hair cut today (£13!!) Anyway woman was like when r u due. I was like sept 12 she was like noooo way. Id say ul have baby within 2 weeks your bumps sooo low!!! Lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Hi ladies how's your weekends been?
I've just got home from Essex and I'm absolutely shattered! Been with all my inlaws and nieces and nephews and its been lovely. Feel completely drained tho and frustrated that I can't do everything I used to be able to now.
The best part though has been the cooler weather, it's been so nice to not be boiling. I honestly thought I'd have to sit in the car with the AC on if it was really warm again lol. Gonna make the most of it tonight as its supposed to be hot again tomorrow booooo!!

Glad you had fun Hayley and it cooled down a bit. I'm so looking forward to some rain!!!! Garden could do with a good water if nothing else.

I'm actually risking wearing jeans today, so far so good. I've got a day of study ahead of me though, boo. Hopefully my final exam ever on Wednesday. I've failed it once back in November so it's a bit of a last shot this time, it's cost me enough so won't be able to afford to do it again for a long time - and the pay off if I do pass will be a £8k payrise so fingers crossed, haha!! Results not till 30th August though :-( at least I have other distractions.

Jeans, you are brave :) wow that's quite a bonus if you pass the test, fingers crossed all goes ok for you.

I'm sticking to pj's today, woke up feeling lousy and soooo tired so assigned myself to the sofa today x
Just had scan and consultant appointment. . Still breech but apparently the kinda breech that does usually turn xx called extended breech xx baby is big. .. 5lb 8 already! !!! Above average but all normal xx god knows size when full term lol c section maybe not such a bad idea lol xx

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Ahh naughty baby!! (And big baby!!) can always take some comfort in the fact the scans are usually out ;-)

Had a "mother and baby" catalogue delivered from next today. It is FULL of tiny little baby clothes I desperately want to buy. Wish I knew what we were having, the gender specific tuff is so cute :-)

Glad you had fun Hayley and it cooled down a bit. I'm so looking forward to some rain!!!! Garden could do with a good water if nothing else.

I'm actually risking wearing jeans today, so far so good. I've got a day of study ahead of me though, boo. Hopefully my final exam ever on Wednesday. I've failed it once back in November so it's a bit of a last shot this time, it's cost me enough so won't be able to afford to do it again for a long time - and the pay off if I do pass will be a £8k payrise so fingers crossed, haha!! Results not till 30th August though :-( at least I have other distractions.

TIGGER TONNES OF LUCK FOR THIS EXAM HUN!!!! Will keep my fingers crossed that babybrain is well and truly shut down for the exam! XXXX


Just had scan and consultant appointment. . Still breech but apparently the kinda breech that does usually turn xx called extended breech xx baby is big. .. 5lb 8 already! !!! Above average but all normal xx god knows size when full term lol c section maybe not such a bad idea lol xx

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Thats one big bubba you got cooking there hun! Must be all that fresh sea air and Yoga!! So relieved to read that it is the best kind of breech to have - didnt know there was different sorts though! Babies are really amazing! XXXX

BEV, I just adore that potty piccie of your dot! She is such a cutie!!!!!
Oh my im a hoarder!! This is stuff I bought recently or saved in cudboard from o. Even more around the house! Argh!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13


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Random but I'm 34 weeks.. When did this happen!!! Argghhhh?! I'm scared but super excited. Can't wait to meet my little boy! Xx
ive washed the 0-3 stuff i need, and ive dyed a few bits purple lol so i have an airer full of violet purple babygrows and vests, feeling stressed and annoyed most of today, canine teeth coming thru on Alyssa make her a whingey lil thing, up and down constantly emptying the potty is tiring, council messed up my housing benefit and it means ive lost out on like 120 quid i'll never see again too. better now its quiet and chilled and cooler, yay bedtime and yay malteasers lol. looking forward to my growth scan on wednesday at 2 see how big Poppy really is, or at least better guess than bump measurements cos if im measuring 5 weeks ahead that makes me nearly term haha
I'm so jealous everyone seems to have babies!!!!!

There's the royal baby and all the pictures associated with that, then someone I work with had a baby today (she was 5weeks ahead) and I'm sat in my aunties now with the window open and I can hear what sounds like quite a young baby crying. 7 weeks sounds like forever right now!!
I said that today, I'm so jealous they've got their baby and I've still got to wait :) then I feel I should look at my belly and say "but I'm happy to wait so stay put" haha. Other women will look at us the same way when we have our little bundles. We've come so far so what's another 7 weeks :-) xx
Ahhhh I know really, I'm just having a moment!! I definitely don't want my baby here now, realistically, but I dooooo. I bet the little ratbag makes me wait 9 weeks now!!!

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