*September 2020 Mummies*

35 weeks today... :cheer:

We have picked a boys name but still not got one for a girl yet. I really hate picking names. Got to get it right to fit with rest off the family.

Haha we’re the opposite and have a girls name picked but can’t agree on a boys!
It’s so hard. Hoping Hubby will give in to my chosen choice seeing as I have to do all the work :D xx
Happy 35 weeks ttcno2. We haven't even discussed names let alone pick one! Hubby is still in denial I think so not an easy conversation to have really. I'm 32 weeks tomorrow so plenty of time still...
Wow 35 weeks @TTC no2! They’ll be here before you know it! Glad you’ve got one of the names sorted, hopefully a girls one will pop up in next few weeks!

Had MW appt today, bit of a mixed bag - baby growing well and heartbeat/my bp all good but as I thought she’s transverse :-( Told it’s not a problem at the mo but my son was always head down so I can’t help worrying. Also some nitrate in urine so gotta collect some antibiotics tomorrow morning for potential infection. No symptoms of this though but better safe than sorry I guess xx
Evening ladies :) we are away for two nights at my mother in laws big beach front static caravan. Really enjoying the break from our house and some sea air. We arrived this afternoon after my midwife appointment, I’m 34 weeks now. It wasn’t my normal midwife and she was much nicer, she apologised for how I had been made to feel calling the maternity unit the other day and urged me to call them with anything I’m worried about. When she listened in to baby she did seem to be a little concerned that her heart rate was very fast, she listened in for about 5 minutes which is pretty unusual. She said it had settled a little by the end but in the next breath was urging me to call if I noticed an movement issues and to make sure I knew where the nearest hospital was to where we are staying away. Everything seems fine though. Also had my bloods done again and iron levels are now up to 120 so have gone up by 5 again in two weeks so that’s really good in terms of my anaemia. Now just waiting until the 11th for my scan. My next midwife appt was booked for 38 weeks but I’m kind of hoping that ends up being cancelled seeing as that would be when they have talked about possible induction.
Hope everyone else is well today!
Glad your iron is on the up still @Rose83 and that you got a more sympathetic midwife this time. Hope you have a fab few days break, getting away somewhere sounds perfect and weather is looking good!

I *think* we’ve settled on a name now. We were team yellow with our son and he would have been Georgia Evelyn if he was a girl. I still love it but hubby has gone off it in the last for 4 years so had to go back to the drawing board
Morning ladies.
Lovely to hear about your trip away Rose. Excellent weather to be by the sea. We've got a week away Norfolk way from the 7th. Need to make sure we put some fans in the car. Was sooooooo hot yesterday. I think I got about 2hrs sleep last night, on the sofa. Was so hot, and worried about how hot it was in DDs room. Even with 2 fan's in there it was still 31c at midnight!
DH is out at a lads bbq this afternoon, and staying over (too much faff to get taxis, and i cant drive him as DD will be in bed), kind of looking forward to an evening of peace and the bed to myself :dance:, and watching my trash on Netflix.

We're set on a name. Decided fairly early on. Was umming and ahhhing for a bit, but nothing else has taken our interest and its grown on us even more over time. Be alright provided she doesnt come out with a surprise penis :rotfl:

Wow, 35w TTC, thats crazy. Im 32w tomorrow. Got a private scan on tuesday. Trying to not get too excited for it too early otherwise it will drag. Really keen to find out how baby is lying at the mo, and get an indication of size.

Pleased your iron levels gave risen Rose, and that your mw was nicer/helpful.

Hope you're all doing ok and gavent been melting too much xx
Ladies finally we can say:

Were having our babies next month:cheer:

Wonder will any arrive before September.
Morning ladies.
Lovely to hear about your trip away Rose. Excellent weather to be by the sea. We've got a week away Norfolk way from the 7th. Need to make sure we put some fans in the car. Was sooooooo hot yesterday. I think I got about 2hrs sleep last night, on the sofa. Was so hot, and worried about how hot it was in DDs room. Even with 2 fan's in there it was still 31c at midnight!
DH is out at a lads bbq this afternoon, and staying over (too much faff to get taxis, and i cant drive him as DD will be in bed), kind of looking forward to an evening of peace and the bed to myself :dance:, and watching my trash on Netflix.

We're set on a name. Decided fairly early on. Was umming and ahhhing for a bit, but nothing else has taken our interest and its grown on us even more over time. Be alright provided she doesnt come out with a surprise penis :rotfl:

Wow, 35w TTC, thats crazy. Im 32w tomorrow. Got a private scan on tuesday. Trying to not get too excited for it too early otherwise it will drag. Really keen to find out how baby is lying at the mo, and get an indication of size.

Pleased your iron levels gave risen Rose, and that your mw was nicer/helpful.

Hope you're all doing ok and gavent been melting too much xx

So jealous off uz that have little trips booked. Would love alittle get away but its not going to happen.

Bet u cant wait for ur scan not be long coming around. I have one Wednesday and also getting my group strep B swabs done aswel as il be day off 36weeks.
Want to also have my birth preferences all writing down incase they want to go over it. Finally finished my hypnobirthing digi pack really enjoyed it.
Ladies finally we can say:

Were having our babies next month:cheer:

Wonder will any arrive before September.
It’s August! I think I can say with a fair amount of certainty that I will have a baby this month, I can’t see them not inducing me early with how I’ve been doing. Which is crazy!

I’m jealous of the weather you’ve all been getting! We are on the west coast of Scotland and it’s not been great here. We had about 5 hours of 20 degree weather yesterday before a thunderstorm and that has been our entire summer! Hoping once we are back home today that maybe the sun will stay out enough for the paddling pool x
Given that im not due til the 27th I can't be sure that I'll be having a baby in September. My last was 1.5w early, but thats cos I was induced. But who knows.

Rose- a pregnant friend who lives in scotland messaged me yesterday moaning that it was 23c amd she could barely cope with being outside. At that time it was 33c where I was. I had little sympathy ;-). We got our paddling pool out but it was a bit sad. I think the cat has puntcured 2 of the 3 rings of it.
We've had crap weather. Thunderstorm yestrday afternoon. We finally made it out to park at about 4pm cos off rain. My pool that I bought end May has sat in the shed. Might get use out off it next year.:think:
Hey ladies, I feel like I’ve not posted in a while, but I have been reading and catching up on everything. I have been struggling so much with work and this pain across the top of my bump while working, it wipes me out completely for days then I’m back in work and it starts again! I spoke to my manager yesterday during my shift and I asked to start my annual leave from today for 4 weeks then my maternity leave to start, which he was absolutely fine with. I went back to work for just 5 weeks instead of the 7 weeks I wanted to, but at least that’s 5 weeks extra I get with baby, which I wouldn’t have got if I didn’t go back to work. The only downside is I ended up in bed all day yesterday with a killer migraine, I think from all the stress of having to let work down and start my maternity leave early, but I do feel so relieved to not have to worry about it now.

I had my growth scan on Friday and at 32weeks she is weighing 4lbs exactly, which is fab and I feel so much less stressed than I did in my last pregnancy worrying about having a small baby. Alfie in comparison was 3lbs 8oz at 33weeks! Sonographer reckons she will be a similar size to my second, he was 7lbs 6oz. Next growth scan isn’t til I’m 37 weeks on 4th Sept.

I’m starting to get the nesting urge of wanting everything in the house sorted out and organised, not necessarily baby stuff though as that’s all mostly sorted. But I have this need for wanting to sort out my kitchen cupboards, sort out the mess in my conservatory that seems to be the dumping ground for crap, gut the garden and actually make it look pretty etc and generally throw away a load of things lol not sure I will be able to achieve any of it, but I will give it a go while hubby is off work for the next week and a bit so he can help.
I find it so hard to get things done in the house now. The pain on my left ribs just kills me. My motivation is non existent too. But I did the jobs yestrday and got the kids to the park so that was a win. Lol

Great weight Kanga. Just thinking ur next scan I will be already due the day before. We are so close now.
Think when I get to 37 weeks i will set up the next to me crib have it al ready.

U did well to have worked 5 weeks. To do that when ur in pain.. time to chill and relax now and not worry about work any more. Honestly not sure how I wouldve coped if I had to go back with the way I've been feeling.
It is tough to do things when in so much pain, and it really affects your motivation. I have lists of things I want/need to do but generally don’t get any of it done lol It is always a win when you manage to get out the house with the kids, we don’t manage that much!

That’s crazy you will be due/ had baby by the time I have my next scan. I still need to pick up my next to me crib, car seat and iso fix base, swing and bouncer from my friend, as I’m buying the bits off her as her little boy is 1 now and she has only used them for him. Hoping to do that in the next few weeks, not done it already because she has been shielding her parents and all the restrictions due to covid.
So glad you’ve managed to start maternity leave @kanga86. I’ve got 4 weeks left but no way I’d manage it if I didn’t have a desk job and working from home. You’ve done brilliantly to get so far! And you @TTC no2 to be still getting your little ones out to the park!

Started on hospital bag list today and hubby has got pram/next to me etc out of loft. 32 weeks today- starting some exercises to try and get the cheeky monkey to turn head down! Too scared to do them when OH is out in case I get stuck!
Hopefully baba will turn for u.

Girl what would uz do?...
My nephew has been born monday. I havent seen him. U know the craic when a baby is born people flock to see them. My parents of course have been. I'm the only sibling (on our side) living in the village able to visit but havent gone due to covid and I dont think it's right people should holding the baby when not family. Everyone is different and I have my own way il be doing things when my baby is born. The kids want to see their new baby cousin but I'm not sure with being pregnant it's good idea as they've no restrictions in place.

Edit: brother has asked I be godmother too so I feel I should be going and seeing him and making more off an effort.
@TTC no2 i had a similar sort of issue with my parents last night. They live in York and we are obviously in Scotland. My mum (who is notoriously selfish and came to see baby 3 at a few days old despite knowing she had a cold, coughed all over him and gave him the cold) asked last night if she was going to be allowed to visit. My short answer was no. We plan not to see anyone for 2 weeks after birth to make sure we aren’t a threat to any of the family. And then we will decide who will see them based on current advice. At the moment there are localised lockdowns and restrictions not that far from where my parents are and they aren’t taking all the rules etc very seriously. Put simply I don’t trust them and don’t really enjoy having them around enough to actually want them here. My mum has gone in a sulk since I’ve told her that we will make all our decisions based on government advice.
So basically I would do whatever you are comfortable with and maybe explain that to your family and your reasoning for not visiting the new baby.

it was actually about 20 degrees where I was in Scotland yesterday but my friend on the West coast by Edinburgh said it was 30 over there! I found the heat of around 20 fine although I did get red marks all over my bump, it was like my stretch marks all got super angry.

I’ve been violently sick today after having to take two codeine tablets over the course of the night due to migraine and sciatica/pelvis pain. Nothing worse than being an adult who doesn’t quite get it all in the toilet so that not only do you have to deal with being sick but you have to clean your bathroom afterwards :rotfl:
Im pleased you've managed to stop for leave and maternity leave kanga. Hopefully now the stress of work and making that decision is done you'll feel like a weight has lifted off of you. I'm 32w today as well. Got 6 working weeks left (on leave for one of them) and then 2 weeks of leave before due date and maternity leave. Fortunately I only work 3 days a week and am working from home, and I'm not really expected to do anything much, so I've got it easy.

Got my private scan tuesday. So excited. Trying not to think about it too much though or the time will really drag. Really interested to find out current estimated weight and how she's lying.

I'm with you on the nesting Kanga. I want to clean everything. Having DD around limits what I can do though as her 'helping' isnt very useful. I'm impressed with you taking the kids to the park TTC. I'm relying on DH for all of that sort of stuff. I'm making myself feel better about it by saying that her 2 days at nursery tire her out so much that staying home and in the garden for the rest of it isnt a problem.

What exercises are you doing Jenny? Im sure this baby is either breech or transverse. Interested to find out on tuesday.

I'm reaching boiling point with DH today. He went out at 1530 yesterday for a socially distanced bbq (only 5 guys) and stayed over as planned. Happy with that as hes not been out since lockdown started and I needed my space tbh. He got home around 0900 this morning and has been useless since. Hes sat in his chair, he was clearly really tired so went up for a 2hr nap, he had a bath, hes now gone out to his makeshift gym. Whereas Ive looked after DD, made brioche, am making dinner, tidied, etc......and I only got 4hrs sleep for ge 2nd night running. DD has got a splinter in her foot which is clearly hurting her, but I cant get it out (tried to the point of her screaming hysterically so had to give up). So I just feel like I've reached my peak today. Sorry, grump over x
Jenny and Amy I’ve always worked active jobs during pregnancy and had to go off around 32/33 weeks as it has just been physically impossible to keep going after then. I’m sure it must be different with desk jobs, it must be so strange working from home though.

Jenny I hope you can get baby to turn, mine was actually head down at my last scan, when she has been breech and oblique at my previous ones so eventually turned. I’m pretty sure she was transverse for some of last week, so who knows if she will stay put. I did look at the exercises from spinning babies and I don’t think I won’t want to try them without assistance either lol

Oh no Rose, worse thing having to clean up your own sick, I’ve been sick before being able to eat or drink for the day so never have anything to actually bring up so dry retch instead. Hope your migraine eases off, mine eased off over night and I’ve felt okay today.

Amy, how exciting that you have your scan on Tuesday, it’s not too far away at all now. I do feel much better knowing I don’t have to struggle through any more work shifts, means I can concentrate on maybe getting out the house with the boys a bit more as I won’t be so knackered/ in pain. The plan is to visit different parks, so I can drive there, find a bench to sit down on and watch the boys play. I’m so glad they are of an age where they can do everything by themselves lol

ttcno2 it’s a hard one when it comes to babies and everyone has different feelings about it all. I’m quite relaxed, but we are in an area where the number of cases is quite low/ haven’t risen much recently. I will be allowing my sister, niece, and in laws hold the baby as we are in contact with them already. I will also be letting some of my work friends come and visit, but they have said they will wear a mask and wash hands etc before holding her and I am comfortable with that. Obviously if there is any new cases in the area or at my work then I wouldn’t allow them to come. I would probably wait til she is over 2/3 weeks before seeing my work friends anyway.
I've noticed last few morning my fingers are sore like they feel tight as they swell during the night also my feet and ankles.
I've looked it up all seems pretty normal in pregnancy. On nhs web its says to ring up if its accomanpied by rib pain which I have been getting as can be sign pre eclampsia. I've always thought it was pain on the right to indicate that. I've no headaches or anything else.

Edit. It is def right side . That rules that out
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