Morning ladies.
Lovely to hear about your trip away Rose. Excellent weather to be by the sea. We've got a week away Norfolk way from the 7th. Need to make sure we put some fans in the car. Was sooooooo hot yesterday. I think I got about 2hrs sleep last night, on the sofa. Was so hot, and worried about how hot it was in DDs room. Even with 2 fan's in there it was still 31c at midnight!
DH is out at a lads bbq this afternoon, and staying over (too much faff to get taxis, and i cant drive him as DD will be in bed), kind of looking forward to an evening of peace and the bed to myself

, and watching my trash on Netflix.
We're set on a name. Decided fairly early on. Was umming and ahhhing for a bit, but nothing else has taken our interest and its grown on us even more over time. Be alright provided she doesnt come out with a surprise penis
Wow, 35w TTC, thats crazy. Im 32w tomorrow. Got a private scan on tuesday. Trying to not get too excited for it too early otherwise it will drag. Really keen to find out how baby is lying at the mo, and get an indication of size.
Pleased your iron levels gave risen Rose, and that your mw was nicer/helpful.
Hope you're all doing ok and gavent been melting too much xx