*September 2020 Mummies*

@kanga86 - I was bloody fuming. I was pacing up and down the waiting room like a bull in a china shop :rotfl:

My GD blood test come back all clear but I have read that the glucose test is much more effective, is this correct? Now I’m worried I might actually have it but it wasn’t picked up? Surely the hospital know what they are doing though?

Just waiting to hear when my next scan will be.... I really hope everything goes smoothly, I don’t have to be induced. I really want my water Birth.

anyone got any nice plans this weekend? Xxx
That's good your test was negative. Not sure which is more accurate but if the hospital is happy then I dont think u have anything to worry about.

No plans for weekend. Gives miserable weather and I'm awake from about 5.00am so wont be much house work done today either.
U up to anything nice?
My GD blood test come back all clear but I have read that the glucose test is much more effective, is this correct? Now I’m worried I might actually have it but it wasn’t picked up? Surely the hospital know what they are doing though?

Did you have a glucose challenge test? The clinic I go to sends all their patients between 26 and 28 weeks.

You can not have anything to eat 12 hours before. You have a blood test on arrival. Then you drink 100mls of a solution with glucose in it then have your blood taken every 60 minutes after that. It takes three hours in total.

You could request that test from your provider for peace of mind?
But I agree with above, if your hospital does not think you need one then you must be fine! But if it is really playing on your mind there is no harm in asking.
@TTC no2 - isn’t it frustrating when your body wakes up early on weekends.
not much really, just a bbq today but weather isn’t looking great tbh. I hope they have a gazebo up :rotfl:

@EmilyMaria - no I don’t have the drink or anything like that. I just had a blood test. Was told not to eat anything after midnight the night before and then I couldn’t eat until after the blood test which I had at around 9am the next morning. I am wondering if I should ask for the glucose test, who knows?!

Gestational diabetes

Maybe talk to your doctor or midwife about the result of your previous blood test. You can ask them for a glucose tolerance test if you feel you have risk factors and want further testing and see what their thoughts on it are.
Butting in again.. :)

@chattychar1990 What you had was a fasting blood sugar test. It tests your resting blood sugars. Standard practice in Aus is that everyone does the full 3hr GTT that @EmilyMaria was talking about. It tests your fasting bloods but then also sees how your body reacts when given a massive dose of sugar. The 3hr test is a lot better at detecting GD but the fasting bloods give a baseline for who needs more testing... If your fasting bloods were even a little high they'd have referred you for the full test, so I'd say you're in the clear. :)
So annoying especially as I sat up watching Netflix to 1am. I did manage to nod off again for bit .

Enjoy the bbq:)
My blood tests always came in fine but when I did the 1 hour glucose test, I had a slightly elevated result. Then had to do the 2 hour test and still was slightly elevated. I remember being very annoyed by it because if I had done the test a few weeks before, I would not have been declared a diabetic since the limits were increased. I watched what I ate but still cheated sometimes and NEVER had a high result. It sucks having to prick yourself with a needle 4 times a day. If you're worried, you can take the test but you could also just watch what you eat. You need carbs and so does the baby but choose the whole wheat bread instead of the fluffy white buns, choose an apple instead of a snickers bar. You know what I mean!:lol: I wish someone had told me that instead of having to jab that needle into my fingers 4 times a day.x
@chattychar1990 ive had the glucose tolerance test in my previous 3 pregnancies. I meet all the risk factors for having GD but because of covid this time they only did the fasting blood test as they aren’t keeping people in for the full test where I am. As with all my others the result came back fine but if it has been elevated they would have seen me for more investigations so I think you’ll be fine :) you must just be like me and male big babies.

I feel like all I do is come on here and complain but yesterday was the worst day I’ve had in any pregnancy for pain. I’ve been having to take codeine at bedtime the last 3 nights to be able to sleep through the pain. Yesterday I could barely walk around the house and was crying in pain. I honestly feel like my body is doing a combination of splitting in two at my tail bone and then my legs were just taking it in turns to have such bad sciatica pains all down them that I couldn’t put weight on them. If I had been able to phone up for crutches instantly I would have got them. I think I’ll need to call physio on Monday and ask for them. I’ve woken up this morning and it’s still really bad :(
Morning, 31w today and feeling grumpy. DH is currently annoying me. It was his morning to get up with DD, but then he set the smoke alarm off at 0730. Then i got up and found her in a pull up (shes been in knickers the last 3 months, apart from poo's which shes too scared to do on the toilet). Seems she'd asked for one an he couldnt be bothered. Hes been on his tablet all morning since i got up. Yesterday I got up, tidied, and then made him a sausage and egg sandwich. I got nothing this morning :-(. Rant! So pleased hes back in work tomorrow. I will happily put up with DD without him in the way.

Sorry you're feeling so bad Rose. Puts my rants into perspective. I really hope the physio can help you tomorrow.

I've not had the glucose test with either of my pregnancies. Its never been mentioned to me. I'm pleased as I'm rubbish at swallowing tablets and downing drinks and etc, so having to drink a yucky drink would take me FOREVER.
Thanks for your advice ladies. Much appreciated <3
I’ll trust the hospital and carry on eating my chocolate haha xx
Glad your test came back fine @chattychar1990 - I also had the shortened version this time due to Covid. Just carry on doing what you are doing as baby is growing well.

@Rose83 - really feel for you, pain sounds unbearable. Hope you manage to get support/crutches from the physio today.

Uurgh @AmyThomas, Id be annoyed by that too. Especially the pull up!!

All OK here - spent weekend at sister in laws. They’ve got a new puppy so son was well entertained and I could just sit and chill which was nice. Got MW this week (31 wks) just to check blood pressure as had that bit of swelling etc last week xx
Morning everyone!

Spoke to physio this morning and they said I can have crutches but may have to wait a while, they aren’t allowed to make appointments for anyone to see them and have to try to meet you at one of your other appointments so they might not be able to see me until the 11th at my scan :(

then I’m also really unimpressed with my maternity unit this morning who I rang because I have a right sided rib pain I’ve never felt before, it’s really achey but then every so often a sharp shooting pain and I don’t think it’s the baby lying funny or anything. But they essentially told me to go away and that I had called with this pain before - I haven’t, I called with other pains in that area which I was worried related to them investigating preeclampsia at the time. I explained what I’m feeling today is very different but they weren’t interested. They made me feel like an annoying hypochondriac and weren’t interested unless I had reduced movements
Morning everyone!

Spoke to physio this morning and they said I can have crutches but may have to wait a while, they aren’t allowed to make appointments for anyone to see them and have to try to meet you at one of your other appointments so they might not be able to see me until the 11th at my scan :(

then I’m also really unimpressed with my maternity unit this morning who I rang because I have a right sided rib pain I’ve never felt before, it’s really achey but then every so often a sharp shooting pain and I don’t think it’s the baby lying funny or anything. But they essentially told me to go away and that I had called with this pain before - I haven’t, I called with other pains in that area which I was worried related to them investigating preeclampsia at the time. I explained what I’m feeling today is very different but they weren’t interested. They made me feel like an annoying hypochondriac and weren’t interested unless I had reduced movements
That is disgusting they have sent you away. I would call back and ask to speak to a senior midwife or someone that is in charge.
I’ve had rib pain this morning, I can feel her little foot right up there by my rib so guessing she’s just laying funny. X
That kind of stuff really annoys me. Its so important for us to call them when we have issues or are worried, and they push the issue so much. So for someone, who is probably having a grumpy moment, or feeling stressed to make you feel like that is so bad. It really winds me up as it could make people worried to call. I agree with Char, if you're still concerned I wpuld ring up agai and if you get a similar response ask to speak to someone senior or who to complain to. I'd also speak to your mw about how to make a complaint. Even if it was a mistake/accident by a mw having a bad time they need to be aware of how they are making people feel. Hope you're feeling a bit better though xx

DH went back to work this morning and its been amazing. I've managed to get so much housework done, and quickly, without him in the way. I've meal planned for the week, I've cleared away (thrown away :cheer:) all the stuff he's hoarded around himself over the last 17w. I've also done loads of cleaning, which is helping my nesting urges. DD has played happily as he's not been popping downstairs constantly, distracting her. When its just me and her she just gets on with playing. Obvs when he comes home we'll tell him that we've missed him :rotfl:
Thanks ladies, makes me feel better that you’d be annoyed too. They told me to go take paracetamol and lie down on the opposite side and see if it helped. So I did that, made my husband deal with the children and lay down for about an hour. Then when I got up and started walking I got unbelievable pains in my crotch, honestly felt like a limb was about to come out down there :rotfl: my husband told me to call them again when I was crying in pain but I refused and said they’d just tell me I was making a fuss over nothing. I googled it and I guess it’s the lightning crotch pain you see written about and maybe she is just moving down more. I made lunch and the pains stopped and have been lying on the sofa. But now the rib pain is back, looking at the time I guess the paracetamol has worn off and maybe that was masking the pain. I suppose if it doesn’t settle again and I’m still in pain in a few hours I’ll call again. But you’re right, they’ve basically made me feel like I shouldn’t be calling unless it’s about reduced movements.

as an aside I had some crazy strong braxton Hicks last night, I could feel them in my chest and had about 6 or 7 in an hour x
Oh Rose. That's terrible what she said to u over the phone. Def ring back. Hopefully change off shift soon and ul speak to someone else bit more empathetic.
I have a gel pack u can use hot or cold forgot I had it. But I'm plan on putting it in microwave to help with my rib pain (hope it works but the pain is a bloody bitch) let u know how it goes.

My nephew was born today. Hes gorgeous. Lots of hair. Makes me feel totally on countdown to D day for me now.
Ah congrats on the new nephew @TTC no2!

Totally agree with the other girls @Rose83 - that’s really not helpful from your maternity triage. I get why they aren’t seeing people as much as before but they should be reassuring and not making us feel a nuisance!! Hope you can get your crutches before scan appt!

Glad you’ve had a better day @AmyThomas!

Less than 5 weeks left at work for me, still got loads to do before I finish up so thinking that will fly by! Got some baby stuff on my Tesco delivery tonight, wipes/nappies/creams and those mini formula bottles for hospital - seems v real all of a sudden (and I’m 4 weeks after some of your dates!!)
35 weeks today... :cheer:

We have picked a boys name but still not got one for a girl yet. I really hate picking names. Got to get it right to fit with rest off the family.

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