*September 2020 Mummies*

What car has everyone for those with 3kids and up?
I thought was sorted. But now that I've got the car I'm not sure it's going to do. Its VW Touran. I've 2 highback boosters and then the Infant carseat. Is there any cars that would fit all 3 in the back without putting one near boot in a 7 seater?
If I have to put oldest way at the back she will be stuck with the pram beside her.
What car has everyone for those with 3kids and up?
I thought was sorted. But now that I've got the car I'm not sure it's going to do. Its VW Touran. I've 2 highback boosters and then the Infant carseat. Is there any cars that would fit all 3 in the back without putting one near boot in a 7 seater?
If I have to put oldest way at the back she will be stuck with the pram beside her.
I’m an expert in this area
So we have had a Renault Grand scenic and thats pretty good boot space for child crap and they fit across the back seat. also has 3 isofix points on that row.
we got rid of that though and have Landrover, I forget the model but there are only a few that fit that many seats but that’s our back up car because our main car is a VW Transporter (in other words I drive an actual minibus). We have 3 isofix on the first row of seats then none on the second row. So we’ve now configured it so my 5 and 4 year old are on the second row with no isofix in their high back boosters and the baby and 3 year old in his isofix extended rear facing are on what you’d usually call the back row but of course it’s the row behind the driver.

I believe the Citroen C3 Picasso is another option. The Ford Galaxy is but we had one of them for a few weeks until it basically started pouring with smoke and it was established a secondhand dealership had sold us a car only fit for scrap. I expect there are a few more but there aren’t too many x
My partner will not buy anything French made hes all into his cars but we may just have to. He wont be the one driving it all the time. He has VW transporter sportline has also said I could take it but it's actually too nice to get dinged by other people opening car doors on school run I'd never hear the end off it.
I will look into ur suggestions.

Other news I think I'm starting to lose bits off plug. I wonder when I was getting swab done yestrday did it do something to it.
@TTC no2 its a tough one, we never bought the transporter with the plan of it being my main car but once we realised how easy it was to get the kids in and out of it seemed silly not to be using it. Plus he has wanted to go back to having a 4x4 since he got rid of his last one about 8 years ago so this gave him an excuse to :rotfl:

we haven’t had too much trouble with people hitting the doors...apart from me driving into our own gate post and doing about £1200 of damage to two panels which we haven’t bothered to have fixed :|

that’s exciting about your plug! I’ve been getting really strong BH every evening and when I was in on the CTG my urine showed a trace of blood so I wondered if that could be from plug.
It hasn’t happened yet @SockVortex so there is still hope! Southport should be OK though even if Preston not!

Covid test for OHs colleague came back negative so that’s a relief! Made me worried though about him working over the weeks leading up to baby coming. Still got 7 weeks to go but this has just put it in my head! Nothing I can do about it though, I know he does everything he can with PPE etc so just have to cross fingers! X

Great news! I’m so glad it was negative :D
Morning ladies, just checking in after a few days. Great news that the test was negative Jenny.

Crazy that we're going to have some of the babies so soon. Good to hear the hospitals are all over it though. Im 32+5 so still feel a fairly long way away at the mo, but I know it will creep up. We go off on our holiday this afternoon. I swear packing to go on a self catering holiday with a toddler is basically just moving all the crap from your house to another house. :rotfl: Making sure we take a few fans with us as its supposed to be 33c down here today. Think the rest of the time away will be around the mid 20's.

The whole car, size thing is a minefield. Trying to find something the right size, thats not too bulky to manoeuvre, and not too expensive. Urgh. At christmas time when we started trying we got rid of a Astra and got a Ford CMax. We're only going to have 2 car seats to fit in, but wanted the bigger boot space, and more leg room for growing kids and the driver.
We have a vw touran and we have had to be very clever with the car seats to get them all in. As it only has 2 isofix and then a narrower middle seat.

1st and 2nd pic - recaro profi plus on isofix, Britax evolva 123, besafe izi combi isofix erf seat.

3rd pic - britax advansafix, Diono radian 5 erf, britax duo plus isofix

4th pic - britax advansafix, Britax adventure booster, diono radian 5 ff

We now have another booster seat, a harmony deluxe, instead of the diono 5 in the car. The adventure and harmony are both quite narrow seats as is the advansafix which is why we have them unfortunately the car seats have been quite expensive (other than the harmony one). I now have the mission of figuring out where to put this baby! She has a baby jogger city go infant car seat on isofix. One of the older boys will either be in the front with me, if it’s just me and the kids travelling or one will have to squeeze the boot next to the buggy. Not ideal but we can’t afford a new car.

Would love to see your transporter Rose as hubby has said about getting one before.

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Just having a quick catch up, feel like I’ve missed loads.

@JennyS85 im so glad the covid test came back negative for OHs colleague. My sister has a similar thing with a friend these last few days too, but it was just severe tonsillitis that she had and her test came back negative too.

@TTC no2 glad your scan went well, sounds like baby is growing really well. I’m glad they are willing to give you a sweep to see if they can kick start labour for you before your daughters communion. Fingers crossed it works. I have been losing bit of plug for the last week or so, but it’s not bloody so I know it can grow back! Made me feel worried when I first saw big glops of plug when I wiped.

@AmyThomas i was wondering how your scan went, yay for baby being head down! Lovely weight too, I don’t think my midwife is even bothering with fundal height as I’m having growth scans as she didn’t measure me at my 29 week appt, will see if she does at my 34 week appt. I also have the problem of my glasses steaming up while wearing a mask, so annoying! Have a fab holiday, it is such a mission packing for a holiday with young kids as they need far too much stuff!

@chattychar1990 good to hear you are okay, if fed up of pregnancy. I’m so done too, but not ready for having a baby to look after yet lol hopefully all goes well with your next growth scan, even if they predict a huge baby doesn’t mean you will have or need to be induced. So make sure you aren’t pressured into something you don’t want. I had a very positive induction but I know that it not always the case.

@Rose83 being at the hospital at 1am for a ctg does not sound fun at all! I thought I might need to call yesterday, but I had a busy day so went for a lie down and she kicked up a storm so I just obviously didn’t feel her during the day as I doing things. You are definitely cooking another big one then, so glad they are going to induce you at 38 weeks! I would hate to be induced at the end of August because then baby would be the youngest in the school year, but I know it’s different for you in Scotland right?

I’m 33 weeks today :) scary how close it is all getting to us all having our babies
We have a vw touran and we have had to be very clever with the car seats to get them all in. As it only has 2 isofix and then a narrower middle seat.

1st and 2nd pic - recaro profi plus on isofix, Britax evolva 123, besafe izi combi isofix erf seat.

3rd pic - britax advansafix, Diono radian 5 erf, britax duo plus isofix

4th pic - britax advansafix, Britax adventure booster, diono radian 5 ff

We now have another booster seat, a harmony deluxe, instead of the diono 5 in the car. The adventure and harmony are both quite narrow seats as is the advansafix which is why we have them unfortunately the car seats have been quite expensive (other than the harmony one). I now have the mission of figuring out where to put this baby! She has a baby jogger city go infant car seat on isofix. One of the older boys will either be in the front with me, if it’s just me and the kids travelling or one will have to squeeze the boot next to the buggy. Not ideal but we can’t afford a new car.

Would love to see your transporter Rose as hubby has said about getting one before.

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Great photos @kanga86
How similar do all ur boys look, they are gorgeous
We have britax evolva123, Joie everystage and then the infant cybex. I will have another fiddle about later with them all.

Yea that's same as me it's not bloody or anything so good sign baby isnt on it's way or anything.
Feeling more pressure down there and few belly cramps this morning but all fine now
I'm not feeling too bad pregnancy wise today, just struggling with the heat. Just been out to the shops to get bbq stuff for later, my face is all itching from sweating with a mask on. We need these babies to cook a little bit longer, although you will be full term from next week ttcno2, eek!

The boys are so like it's scary sometimes. We have the britax evolva as a spare in hubby's car now because it is just so big. Maybe you could do the same and get a slimmer booster seat? The evolva is 49cm wide, whereas the adventure is 44cm. Although just googled the joie everystage is 58cm wide so that pretty big too. The advansafix is 47cm wide.
We have a maxi cosi 2way pearl on the 2way fix isofix base, the maxi cosi pebble on a 2way fix base and then one advansfix III and one advansifix IV. I’ll have you get you a photo of inside @kanga86

also you’re right an end of August baby in Scotland is actually probably the perfect school age as they are bang on 5 when they start school where’s you can start as early as 4 years 6 months (my daughter was 4 years 8 when she started) or as late as 5 years 5 months which is the age my middle child wi be when he starts next year. My third baby was born 23rd August so his new sister is only going to be a few days later so will be interesting to see how they do at school compared to the other two.
I think ours is the advansafix II, but I can’t remember. We got it as you can use the 5 point harness up to 25kg, think they have changed that now though.

Harry was 4yrs 2m when he started school as he is a July baby. James was 2 weeks off being 5 years as he is a September baby. Alfie will be 4yrs 4m when he starts this Sept. Here you could have a baby on 31st Aug, so they would turn 4 then start school a few days later in September as schools start around 3rd/4th September!! So I will be keeping my legs crossed til 1st Sept at least lol
So one of our cats has gotten really badly matted over the lockdown, feel bad we didn't notice it. So we have had to shave her fur a bit around her back as we couldn't brush them out. Unfortunately I don't think she like it very much as I got a nasty bite from her earlier. I do feel sorry for her as she looks so silly with a bald patch on her back!

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Oh poor cat, my parents had a long haired black cat and this used to happen to him every summer, he was rubbish at grooming himself and would go out for hours in the summer months so you’d miss how bad it had got.
Morning ladies,

Kanga, your boys look so lovely in there car seats together. Love the one with the 2 big brothers watching their baby brother in his <3.
So fortunate we dont have a car seat faff like that. We've got a Joie iGemm one for baby that we used last time. DD is currently in a 360 one that supposed to go up to when shes 4. Once baby is too big for the small one she'll move into the 360 one and DD will go up again. Fortunately my sister gave us two bigger car seats that my nephews used (no accidents), so that saves some money.

Now on holiday for a week at a house in Norfolk. Yesterday was a bit of a faff. DH worked till 1500, so I did all the packing. Got stuck in a bit of traffic so took 2hrs. House is lovely and spacious, but it was soooooo hot last night. I was so uncomfortable too. Think I'd moved too much stuff around and got dehydrated and stressed. Tummy was sore and back was agony. DH kindly stayed on the sofa so I could starfish on the whole bed with the fan. Got all the windows and door open now tempting in the morning breeze. And baby is kicking up a storm.

Hope you all have good weekends. Your poor cat Kanga. Make sure you keep an eye on your arm from the bite. My dad got cat scratch fever once from one x
Awww my cousin had her baby this morning at 42+1! So exciting seeing little tiny babies and knowing we’ll all have one soon!
Hope you are managing to have a lovely holiday Amy, especially with this hot weather!! Good job you have a fab to help keep cool. I felt so ill yesterday, I did start to panic about cat scratch fever. But I didn’t get a temp and feel okay today. Think the heat just got to me and baby was non stop it felt like yesterday, constantly moving. She’s had a much quieter/ normal day today and I’ve stayed by the fan blowing full blast all day. I did go in the pool for a bit too, but always end up feeling hotter than I was before after having to get dressed and come back inside!

Rose how lovely for your cousin, bless her going to 42+1 and labouring in this heat!! How big was baby? I’m so glad I’m not having to breastfeed in this heat, I remember it well from my May and July babies, and it’s awful having to snuggle up that close with a newborn!
My car that we just got..
Well someone forgot to put their handbrake on and it rolled from their house right into our parked car. I had just gotten kids into their seats and belted up and got myself in. Force actually knock my girls glasses of her face. Poor kids were so upset. Damage was miminal. Dented bumper with a hole in it. Thank god none off them were at the very back.

My friend had her wee baby this morning. She went early. After loosing her show and continued to passed clots. Thankfully both off them are well. She so lucky to have it over with.

Kanga has ur little lady movements picked up. Keep drinking water I think babies to tend to get little bit quiter in the heat. Mind my MW saying that to me . Keep hydrated
@kanga86 she was 8lb 14oz so a good size! My
Cousin is tiny too, she put on 3 stone this pregnancy but is usually about a size 8 so has really noticed the weight gain, didn’t have GD or anything. She lost a lot of blood and was already anaemic so now super anaemic and they wanted to give her an iron transfusion but she didn’t want it. She is a paramedic but in to doing things more naturally for herself so just
Wasn’t up for more intervention.

@TTC no2 that is scary! Doesn’t bear thinking about if it had happened with the kids standing outside the car.
@TTC no2 - That’s crazy so glad you are all ok! Must have been such a shock.

Exciting to hear of all the new arrivals for friends and family. Getting real close now! I’m on end of work countdown now, 2 weeks after this one. Still suffering with feet swelling at desk and the heat is not helping me out! Xx

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