Hey lovely ladies

well Oakley has been in the world a whole two weeks and 3 days now! I honestly don’t want him to grow just yet! I love him being so tiny and squishy
He’s sleeping ok if a nighttime, has a feed at about 10isb, then dosent wake up till about 1/2am, then goes through till 6. So he’s not doing to bad. But as I’m breastfeeding and expressing, health visitor cane round for the 14 day check and said he’s only just got back to his birth weight so she’s going to come back round this Friday and weigh him again
I’m going to a meeting with the ‘Meet the Matron’ person about my birth and why they insisted on a csection when everything was fine with baby and me! So I’ll have chance to go through my notes. Mentally and emotionally I’m still angry at the birth, although glad he’s safe obviously. physically I’ve stopped bleeding all together now, me and dan DTD last night for the first time and it was fine, although said to him afterwards, remember a watermelon sozed baby came out of that, so it won’t feel the same we both laughed!
Hope everyone else is ok, and these babies start arriving soon

crazy how 9 months has flown by and some have already got our little ones and some ladies still waiting! Been such an exciting time! Xx
P.S picture is of Oakley two hours old and two weeks old

defintley getting his facial frowns now xx