*September 2020 Mummies*

Felt pretty blah today due to tiredness and not achieved very much at all bar doing the school clothes washing. Least it's another day nearly done, another day closer to baby being here. Feel like I'm a stuck record complaining, don't remember feeling quite this fed up with pregnancy before.
I’ve just said exactly this to my hubs - another day ticked off!

Had my first emotional episode last night Think it was just the stress of the Too small/too big scans etc the day before. Poor OH - I was just blubbering about just wanting her to be here safely after our miscarriage etc. Felt much better after letting it all out (but like a bit of an idiot) xx
I slept through for 7+hrs. OMG :dust:Although now I obviously cant relax until the baby starts moving around loads cos shes usually really active overnight. Why can we never relax?!

Celebrated 39w today by sending DH out to get a McD breakfast. Was sooooooo good. Ordered myself a maternity tens machine this morning. I know I'm cutting it fine, but with the aching in my back and a desire to stay home as long as possible I thought why not. From ebay, all unused and with pads and was £20. Should be here tuesday/wednesday so should be fine. If not I can sell on. Got stuff planned for monday and tuesday, and then MOT on friday so kind of hoping nothing kicks off until at least next weekend.

Hope you're feeling better Jenny. Was your OH supportive or did he just sit there looking confused? These poor guys must just think we're crazy sometimes :rotfl:

Hope you managed to get back to sleep kanga xx
Got a bit excited when I saw the 4am post Kanga - but no just more insomnia! Hope you got back to sleep and have a restful Sunday planned!

Happy 39 weeks Amy - glad the McDs hit the spot! Hubby is a pretty sensitive guy so he knew how to calm me down so was all good. Sounds great to not be sitting around next week wishing it to happen.

I’ll hopefully know more about my options/timescales after appt tomorrow morn.

Hope all Sept mums and babes are well - seems so long ago we welcomed Orlaith. I’ve seen an October baby has arrived already too! X
Sorry Jenny, no baby news unfortunately lol I managed to get back to sleep about half 5, then got up at 8am. Although I was up through the night I do feel better rested than the night before. My Fitbit tracked just 20mins of deep sleep the night before last whereas last night I got nearly 2hrs deep sleep so slept pretty solidly before waking at 4am. Hope your appt goes well tomorrow and you get given a plan of action.

Jealous of the McDonald’s breakfast Amy, although I did treat myself to one during the week while all the kids were at school lol That’s good you have things planned to keep busy and as the days just drag by otherwise. Other than my mw appt tomorrow and it being James’s birthday tomorrow I don’t have any plans! Gonna have to find something to keep me busy.

I’ve been pretty busy already this morning, stripped the boys bedding and put a wash load on, remade their beds, and put the washing away that I did yesterday. Going for a shower in a min then heading out to the school uniform shop to get a couple of jumpers for James as the ones that did fit in August when he tried them on don’t fit now! Then food shopping, before taking the boys to our usual Sunday visit to soft play to make use of their annual passes. So busy day planned at least for today.

I agree with Jenny how are our September babies Órlaith, Piper, Oakley and your little girl Char doing? x
I know ladies shes 5weeks old today. Had bit off bad nappy rash few days ago metauium wasnt doing much on its own so I've mixed it with cansten which is def helping. She was so cross one eve. Tried to leave the nappy off to let air at it for bit but she wasnt having any off it.
Just waiting on a smile now any day. Cant wait for first proper smile those windy ones dont count lol
Kanga god love you. U must be bloody shattered.
Sounds like u have busy day ahead aswel. Ul get some rest tomoro when they go to school hopefully

Amy I used TENS I thought it was great. Think def took edge off things

Jenny good luck with the app tomorrow x
Hello everyone! Keep checking in to see if the rest of the September babies are here yet. Sorry you’re all suffering a bit with insomnia, I’m glad I never got that as I would not have been able to cope! Sleep deprivation is wearing me down but Piper is going through stages of some nights she is waking 3 to 4 times and then every 3 days or so seems to have a night where she stays asleep 4 to 5 hours at one point which then gives me a slightly better night to catch up. She really is such a good baby though, I don’t know how I would have coped if she had been like my boys who never wanted to sleep in their cots. ive realised that my husband worries as much about her breathing etc now she is out as I did while she was inside with movements etc. Breast feeding is still going well although is sometimes painful and she really struggles to stay latched on but I’m hoping as she grows it will get better as midwives all felt it was just because she has a small mouth/tongue.

how’s things with your husband @kanga86 ? Has he started to realise this is really happening now? X
I know ladies shes 5weeks old today. Had bit off bad nappy rash few days ago metauium wasnt doing much on its own so I've mixed it with cansten which is def helping. She was so cross one eve. Tried to leave the nappy off to let air at it for bit but she wasnt having any off it.
Just waiting on a smile now any day. Cant wait for first proper smile those windy ones dont count lol
Are you using wet wipes? They are quite harsh on baby's skin.
On day 2 when my midwife came to check on my DD1, she told me her bum looked a bit red and to be careful because it looked a bit sore. I switched to cotton pads (like to remove make up with) and cleansing milk and I never had any rashes with either baby. Be careful because it really burns on their fragile skin!x
Are you using wet wipes? They are quite harsh on baby's skin.
On day 2 when my midwife came to check on my DD1, she told me her bum looked a bit red and to be careful because it looked a bit sore. I switched to cotton pads (like to remove make up with) and cleansing milk and I never had any rashes with either baby. Be careful because it really burns on their fragile skin!x

Yea I'm using wet wipes. I thought they wouldve been better than pampers etc
I will invest in some cotton pads and cleansing lotion
Getting some weird tightenings today, nothing regular or particularly painful but definitely different. So worried it's all going to kick off tonight/tomorrow on James's birthday :( keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing happens for at least 30 hours! :pray:
Oh Kanga that would be Sod’s law wouldn’t it! Hope it all dies down for another day for you.

@Rose83 - Glad feeding/night routine is going well for you and Piper :-)
Getting some weird tightenings today, nothing regular or particularly painful but definitely different. So worried it's all going to kick off tonight/tomorrow on James's birthday :( keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing happens for at least 30 hours! :pray:

oooh keep us posted :love:
Thankfully all has died down for now. Managed an okay ish night sleep and although still lying in bed I feel okay. Hoping moving around and getting things done today doesn't start things back up.
Hope baby stays put Kanga till James Birthday is over.. Happy Birthday to him.

Omg. I'm wrecked today. Miss Órlaith must've had me up every 2 hours or around that lastnight. Just felt like I had my head to pillow before was up again.
Got the kids to school. So I'm going to give house quick once over and I'm jumping back into bed. Prob wont sleep as I never can during day.

Amy and Jenny how is things with u both this morning. What time is ur app Jenny
Hey lovely ladies :) well Oakley has been in the world a whole two weeks and 3 days now! I honestly don’t want him to grow just yet! I love him being so tiny and squishy
He’s sleeping ok if a nighttime, has a feed at about 10isb, then dosent wake up till about 1/2am, then goes through till 6. So he’s not doing to bad. But as I’m breastfeeding and expressing, health visitor cane round for the 14 day check and said he’s only just got back to his birth weight so she’s going to come back round this Friday and weigh him again :)

I’m going to a meeting with the ‘Meet the Matron’ person about my birth and why they insisted on a csection when everything was fine with baby and me! So I’ll have chance to go through my notes. Mentally and emotionally I’m still angry at the birth, although glad he’s safe obviously. physically I’ve stopped bleeding all together now, me and dan DTD last night for the first time and it was fine, although said to him afterwards, remember a watermelon sozed baby came out of that, so it won’t feel the same we both laughed!

Hope everyone else is ok, and these babies start arriving soon :) crazy how 9 months has flown by and some have already got our little ones and some ladies still waiting! Been such an exciting time! Xx

P.S picture is of Oakley two hours old and two weeks old :) defintley getting his facial frowns now xx

Hope your boy has a lovely birthday Kanga! And you get a good nap in Ttc!

Lovely Oakley update- he’s changed loads in that couple of weeks! Really glad you are getting the chance to review your birth experience Chickadee! So important that you get chance to talk it through now in the cold light of day. Hope it’s useful.

Update from my appt this morning, was actually positive, consultant really listened which I was worried about after hearing some experiences on here. I said outright that I didn’t want to be induced before due date unless he felt there was any medical reason beyond her being estimated bigger than average. Had a sweep today and one booked for Thurs. Then to call Friday if nothing happens to discuss outpatient induction between 40/41 weeks. So would go in, get pessary/monitor baby for a bit then go home for 24 hrs. If go into labour, can still go to midwife led unit. So I’m happy with that as back up option.

Off for a long slow walk in the sun ☀️
Hey ladies. Lovely to get the baby updates. Cant believe we're up to 5w old already and some of us are still waiting.

Hope you've had a lovely birthday day for your little boy Kanga.
How was the sweep Jenny? Im intrigued as I've never had one. Found the pessary induction so painful last time as I was only 38+2 and dont think my body was ready at all. I think I'm currently more nervous about a sweep than labour :D

I ended up in the hospital last night as I just wasnt happy with babys movements. I was on the monitor for about 10mins and she had a few wriggles, and the staff were happy with the hb and excelerations and etc. I still couldnt feel much though so they left me on for a bit and then she seemed to prompty fall asleep. Damn baby. They offered me to stay in overnight or go back today for more monitoring. They were happy but it was for my reassurance. I opted to go back today. However, typically as soon as I got off the monitor she started moving. Then she moved a lot last night, and is kicking off now. I ended up cancelling the appt today as I was reassured.

So 39+1 today, but no signs of anything happening. No real twinges, plug, show......have a feeling I'll be in for the long haul xx

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