*September 2020 Mummies*

Hey everyone! Still struggling on here! I will be 39 weeks tomorrow, my next mw app is on my due date! Really hoping I go into labour before then!
Just so uncomfortable I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore! Starting to see the mucus plug coming away which is good, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean I will be going into labour anyday soon. I just hate this waiting game! It was our 4 year anniversary yesterday so we went out for a spicy Indian and then came home and did the deed (which really isn't very easy right now haha) but we are trying anything I guess haha.
My sister in law is taking my toddler out for the afternoon so I am excited to just sit on the sofa, watch TV and eat chocolate! Something that I never ever get to do, so this will be a real treat lol.
Hey girls, my appointment showed no growth from 2 weeks ago. So up at hospital now waiting for a scan at 1pm to see what the little tinker is up to now! Hopefully all fine but with that reduced movement episode last week, not sure whether they'll suggest something?? Will update later x
I hope your little boy has a good time going full time from Monday. See I know mums at all 3 drop offs so get asked constantly about the baby, it's driving me nuts. Still not here, nope cos I'm not even overdue yet! I'm feeling the pressure.

I hope all goes well at the hospital Jenny, it's possible the drop in growth is because baby has dropped into your pelvis, but I hope the scan shows all is well.

Amy I hope your mw appt goes well too and that you have a lovely pamper afternoon. Yay for an okay nights sleep too!

Our hospital is allowing partners in from the start of labour only if you go into hospital already in labour. But if your induced or have to go on to the postnatal ward adter having the baby then they have to book up one of three 2 hour visiting slots between 12noon and 6:30pm.

Sounds like you are trying hard to get baby out Victoria, hubby keeps pestering me to do the deed but I'm just not up to it at all. I've lost a few bits of plug but nothing that screams labour will happen soon. I'm seriously hating the waiting game now. Enjoy your quiet afternoon chilling out.

I managed to have a 2hr nap, it wasn't the most restful as had my heartburn play up so kept getting sticky burps but I do feel better than i did this morning. I have a mw on Monday at 39+4wks I'm not sure if she said she will offer a sweep then or at the next one at 40+4wks. She has booked the appts in as she has 4 ladies due in the same weeks so her rota is so full. I will probably decline the sweep though as it's James's 6th birthday that day and if I go into labour and have her that day I will be most disappointed. As I really don't want them to have to share a birthday.
Well that was an interesting afternoon! So bump measurement was totally static from 2 weeks ago. Been tracking just above 50th centimetres til now. Scan showed all well with baby but she’s actually est at 4kg now!! So 97th centile!!?? Appointment to discuss scan results on Monday morning. So guess maybe talking about sweeps/ induction etc or whether to just let things take their course. I’ll be 39&1 by then anyway x
Wow that is a good weight estimate! Was your little boy big? This girlie is estimated as being way bigger than my others so not sure how accurate it is. She was estimated at 6lbs 13oz at 37wks. My boys were
41+4wks - 7lbs 1oz
40+2wks - 7lbs 6oz
37+5wks - 6lbs 1oz

so somehow don’t see her being huge but who knows.

I guess they will discuss what they plan for you on Monday, sucks it’s such a long wait though. I’ve been having my scan results discussed straight after with the consultant to save having to go for extra appts. Would you be wanting to let things happen naturally? I mean with Char they estimated baby to be huge and she wasn’t really.
How come everyone has weight estimations except me haha?! I have never been told any estimated weight, I have been measuring 95th centile the whole way but I have never been sent for a growth scan. My first boy was 8lb 1 so I'm just guessing this one will be around the same! Everyone has their opinions of course and love to keep telling me how my bump is bigger this time. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything either, you just never know until the baby comes out ha!
I've had an eventful day too. Bump measuring at 33.5, so 5 behind and dropping me down to 3rd centile. No scan appts available so had to wait out for a callback. Not overly concerned as hb was fine and baby is wriggling away. Got a call to say I can have a scan tomorrow lunchtime. If she's measuring really small I'm going to have to go and buy some smaller clothes. I'm guessing I'll be in the same situation with maybe discussing induction or sweeps?

Its odd cos my bump feels bigger to me than last time, but I didnt have any bump measurement issues last time and DD was just under 7lb at 38+4.

Sorry to hear your in a similar, but opposite situation Jenny. These babies are a pain.

But in good news, I now have beautiful toenails and eyebrows :cheer:
How come everyone has weight estimations except me haha?! I have never been told any estimated weight, I have been measuring 95th centile the whole way but I have never been sent for a growth scan. My first boy was 8lb 1 so I'm just guessing this one will be around the same! Everyone has their opinions of course and love to keep telling me how my bump is bigger this time. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything either, you just never know until the baby comes out ha!
In some ways having growth scans is stressful! And being given estimated weights! I had 5 in my last pregnancy and I was a wreck between each one. I know I’m bigger this pregnancy than my last, but I was tiny then, but I’m similar to baby 1 and 2 though.
I've had an eventful day too. Bump measuring at 33.5, so 5 behind and dropping me down to 3rd centile. No scan appts available so had to wait out for a callback. Not overly concerned as hb was fine and baby is wriggling away. Got a call to say I can have a scan tomorrow lunchtime. If she's measuring really small I'm going to have to go and buy some smaller clothes. I'm guessing I'll be in the same situation with maybe discussing induction or sweeps?

Its odd cos my bump feels bigger to me than last time, but I didnt have any bump measurement issues last time and DD was just under 7lb at 38+4.

Sorry to hear your in a similar, but opposite situation Jenny. These babies are a pain.

But in good news, I now have beautiful toenails and eyebrows :cheer:
Oh no! These babies are being right little pickles! Hope the scan goes well tomorrow. As for induction for a small baby, they generally only do it if growth has dropped off. Alfie measured below the 5th centile by scan at all 5 growth scans I had but because he didn’t drop centiles they weren’t concerned, plus the placenta doppler was always good. I was induced for the reduced movements, so the fact baby is wriggling away is a really good sign.
I’ve been in same situation til today Victoria - just tracked on a line for both pregnancies. All a bit weird. My bump is much smaller than with my son but he was born 8lb 4oz at 41 weeks so she’s already meant to be bigger than that.

Hope your scan goes fine tomorrow Amy - at least the scan gives you comfort of then looking at placenta/cord flow etc.

As you say Kanga, in a similar situation to Char now. Would prefer to go naturally in an ideal world for midwife led unit. Id probably accept sweeps but not sure on induction. A little part of me is thinking I birthed an 8lb baby in 3 hours with no meds so even if she’s 10lb, maybe I could do it with some drugs?? Or maybe I’m crazy
As you say Kanga, in a similar situation to Char now. Would prefer to go naturally in an ideal world for midwife led unit. Id probably accept sweeps but not sure on induction. A little part of me is thinking I birthed an 8lb baby in 3 hours with no meds so even if she’s 10lb, maybe I could do it with some drugs?? Or maybe I’m crazy

I’ve heard that birthing bigger babies is easier, I obviously have no experience in this. But I do believe that we can birth the babies we grow size wise. I would be surprised if you jumped from having an 8lb baby to a 10lb one though. So I don’t think your crazy for considering a natural mlu birth still.
Sounds like you ladies are all being put through your paces by these babies!

@JennyS85 i went from an 8lb 8 baby to a 10lb 1 with baby 2. Then I had a 9lb 6 and this one was 8lb 14oz. In all honesty I think this one was the easiest to birth, she was fast and I had no drugs so a very different experience to the other 3 and previously I would have said the 10lb was the easiest to birth. I think the theory is that the extra weight combined with gravity makes them easier. To be honest I’m not convinced as I think smaller baby equals smaller head which surely must make them easier to get out!

but anyway I really hope you all do ok with scans etc in the next couple of days x
Afternoon ladies. Scan was fine. Baby measuring at approx 6lb 12oz, putting her on the 30th centile. The sonographer said she was just hiding well. Blood flow and fluid is all good. So nothing needs doing, I'm just playing the waiting game. 9 days til EDD xx
Fab news Amy, I've been thinking of you today. I think I measured 4 weeks behind with Alfie but my bump was also tiny. I think he hid well too. I've not had any fundal height measurements this time around just the growth scans.

I'm still feeling completely fed up and so over being pregnant now, just want to know exactly when she going to come now as I keep having dreams about giving birth at home completely alone or just me and the kids! In some ways I wish I was being induced so I knew I would be safely at the hospital to deliver her.
Afternoon ladies. Scan was fine. Baby measuring at approx 6lb 12oz, putting her on the 30th centile. The sonographer said she was just hiding well. Blood flow and fluid is all good. So nothing needs doing, I'm just playing the waiting game. 9 days til EDD xx

Aww so glad results scan were good Amy
Thanks ladies. I'm back on the pregnancy insomnia train. Yay! Least I can hopefully sleep in a bit this morning as DD is having a sleepover at her cousins. x
Amy I’m awake too! Been awake since 3:10am when James woke up having wet the bed. We are trying a bed wetting alarm as he still isn’t dry at night and he managed to play around with it so the alarm didn’t go off just flashed the lights! So no help! After tossing and turning I’ve come downstairs and pre treated the stains on all the boys white school polo shirts, how they get them so mucky I have no idea and started the washing machine so that will be finished in a couple of hours if I manage to get back to sleep.

Glad your dd is having a sleepover and you can try and catch up on some sleep. My hubby has to go out to do an mot on a mates car so I will be with the boys, fingers crossed they will be happy on their iPads for a bit or I may have to try for a nap.
@chattychar1990 I was aware of your struggles and you where so helpful and supportive on my am I pregnant post. Im so so so happy you finally get the baby you so deserve you will be a fantastic mum many congratulations ♡♡
How come everyone has weight estimations except me haha?! I have never been told any estimated weight, I have been measuring 95th centile the whole way but I have never been sent for a growth scan. My first boy was 8lb 1 so I'm just guessing this one will be around the same! Everyone has their opinions of course and love to keep telling me how my bump is bigger this time. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything either, you just never know until the baby comes out ha!

Not everyone gets growth scans. If your bump is being measured and following the line of the curve expected, then you won't have one. If it starts on/below 10th centile, or tails off or sudden accelerated growth, these are reasons for growth scans. Other reasons for scans would be episodes of reduced fetal movements (usually 2 eps after 28/40) or clinical condition of mum (e.g. raised BMI, or medical reasons, twins etc) :)

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