*September 2020 Mummies*

Feeling really weird today ladies, bump seems extra sore when moving around and I have a backache. Not suffered with any back pain this pregnancy so feels a bit odd. Kinda hoping it’s signs things are happening, but not sure I want this to last 11 days to due date!
That’s exciting Kanga! Maybe baby is going to come early!

we’re doing ok, night feeds are exhausting and Piper tends to be too restless between 5 and 7am to put in her cot but is fine from 7 til 9/9.30am so fortunately my husband is letting me sleep in then while he gets everyone off to school. She is really a very good baby apart from those couple of hours, she is very content and doesn’t cry much, both my boys were refluxy babies and my third used to scream all evening because of it.

looking forward to seeing the later September babies arrive!
Ooh @kanga86, that sounds like it could be the start of some niggles! Totally with you tho, rather not have them if they just go on for days and don’t lead to anything!!

Went out for breakfast with hubby today ALONE (probably the first meal just us in 4 years!!!) whilst son was in school this morning. Felt like a real treat!

Glad Piper has settled well and you are getting some rest (and avoiding school run for now) @Rose83

Nothing interesting happening on my side, I’ve still got a few jobs on my list for this week so I’m happy with that! Also my sister (childcare plan for labour) is away tomorrow/Wed so she needs to stay put! Xx
Feeling really weird today ladies, bump seems extra sore when moving around and I have a
That’s exciting Kanga! Maybe baby is going to come early!

we’re doing ok, night feeds are exhausting and Piper tends to be too restless between 5 and 7am to put in her cot but is fine from 7 til 9/9.30am so fortunately my husband is letting me sleep in then while he gets everyone off to school. She is really a very good baby apart from those couple of hours, she is very content and doesn’t cry much, both my boys were refluxy babies and my third used to scream all evening because of it.

looking forward to seeing the later September babies arrive!

backache. Not suffered with any back pain this pregnancy so feels a bit odd. Kinda hoping it’s signs things are happening, but not sure I want this to last 11 days to due date!

Hows the back ache Kanga? I had 2 wee episodes off niggly pain the day my waters broke. Didnt last long like ibhad it for few seconds.

Lastnight I seemed to be up alot and rose going a few posts back I have also drifted off whilst feeding. It's so to stay awake. I've been feeding, changing and getting her back into her own bed but if she stirs near 6am and I know I've to be up for 7am I take her in beside me and we have a wee snooze. Theres only me and her in the superking as my OH has moved to the spare bed so hes gets full nights sleep for work (it's a mans world)
Ooh @kanga86, that sounds like it could be the start of some niggles! Totally with you tho, rather not have them if they just go on for days and don’t lead to anything!!

Went out for breakfast with hubby today ALONE (probably the first meal just us in 4 years!!!) whilst son was in school this morning. Felt like a real treat!

Glad Piper has settled well and you are getting some rest (and avoiding school run for now) @Rose83

Nothing interesting happening on my side, I’ve still got a few jobs on my list for this week so I’m happy with that! Also my sister (childcare plan for labour) is away tomorrow/Wed so she needs to stay put! Xx

Sounds lovely. I havent been out with just me and OH alone in ages.
How long ur sister away for?
Amy any potential buyers come look st ur house? Really hope its works out for youz
No baby yet :brat: had the back ache most of the day and it stopped me from being able to sleep. Needed a hot water bottle on my back, plus it was super hot last night as had the fan on, and my heartburn decided to play up. Was still tossing and turning at 2:30am so feeling pretty tired this morning. Just about to get out of bed so fingers crossed my back is okay.
Sounds lovely. I havent been out with just me and OH alone in ages.
How long ur sister away for?

She’s back tomorrow night so should be fine :-)

So lovely to hear all the babies are doing well and thriving! Can’t believe in the next 3/4 weeks, our family will be complete!

Hope you are settling in well back at home @chattychar1990 and all is well with little miss xx
Have u one off those birthing balls if not climb the stairs if u have the energy.
Have u one off those birthing balls if not climb the stairs if u have the energy.
I don't have a ball this time round as I never found them comfortable in previous pregnancies, always made my spd worse. Still feeling really off, but nothing that shouts contractions or labour is imminent, boo! Back is a bit sore today but nothing like it was yesterday, so that's a bonus.

Doesn't help that on every school run, that's twice a day and at both the infants and juniors I get stopped by someone saying still going or not popped yet! Theres still 10 days to go til my due date and still people cant help themselves to comment! Blah just blah!!
No joy on the house front. And the house we want is going back on the market. Can't blame them, but super upset about it.

I had a terrible night as well kanga. Had about a hrs sleep then woke up at 0030. Too hot, heartburn, felt sick, baby kicking, DH snoring, etc. Ended up on the sofa. Got back to sleep around 0500 but then DD came in at 0720 to wake me with 'true loves kiss'. Sweet, but ffs!
She moved into preschool at nursery today so I'm sure she'll be very excited about that once she gets home.

I was going to have a lazy day but ended up clearing out my wardrobe and getting rid of 3 bags of rubbish. Very pleased with that. Feel like I want to go through the whole house now. :D

I'm 38+2 now, and at this point in my last pregnancy I was induced. If I get to 1400 thursday I'll be the most pregnant I've ever been (I'd better, I've got an eyebrow tint and pedicure that afternoon :rotfl:)

Hope we both have better nights kanga x
Oh no Amy how disappointing the house you want has been put back on the market. I’ve used all my energy in previous weeks so have no energy whatsoever for nesting. Sounds like you are suffering at night just as much as me, I tried to go to bed at 9:30, so took a good 4 hrs to settle down. I would’ve gone downstairs but our sofas are awful to sit on and even worse to lie down so better to stay up in bed.

I feel annoyed to have gone past the date I was induced with Alfie, but my other 2 were both late so should expect to go for a fair few more days yet! I’ve nothing planned so that’s probably why it’s dragging more as there is no reason for her not to show up lol The only day I don’t want to have her is next Monday 21st as that is when my middle boy is 6 and I don’t want him to share a birthday!
Yep, I think I'm in nesting mode. My mum is having DD for a few hours tomorrow and I'm kind of excited to tidy out the airing cupboard. Pretty sad hey! I think I'm wanting to keep busy too so I dont dwell on baby stuff and house stuff.

Just been told we've got some people wanting to view our house at the weekend. Fingers crossed this may be the start of getting some interest. But dont want to get my hopes up after the people cancelled last friday. Least this all means the house is pretty clean and tidy, and should stay that way for when baby arrives (then it will desend into carnage!) xx
I’ve tried to do some nesting but just keep having to stop for a rest every 10 mins. The Tri 2 heartburn has come back with avengence today but I can’t stop eating! Such a bad combo
So that's all 3 boys in school full time! I have 6 hours til pick up time! Just as well as I had another awful night last night and plan on having a good nap today :)

How is everyone getting on? Any signs? I'm getting fed up of being asked this on every school run, do any of you get asked all the time? I'm keeping my fingers crossed today is the day, although with how tired I am maybe tomorrow would be better for labour haha
So that's all 3 boys in school full time! I have 6 hours til pick up time! Just as well as I had another awful night last night and plan on having a good nap today :)

How is everyone getting on? Any signs? I'm getting fed up of being asked this on every school run, do any of you get asked all the time? I'm keeping my fingers crossed today is the day, although with how tired I am maybe tomorrow would be better for labour haha

Yey to full time school! Monday for me :-) I’m getting asked quite a lot but it’s a new group of parents as son just started so it’s an easy conversation starter I guess!

No signs here at all - no twinges/pains/discharge or anything! How funny that we spend so much of early pregnancy worrying about those things, then it comes full circle the last few weeks! Got MW at half 10 today (38&4) - if all well, I’m guessing that’s it til after due date.

Hope tomorrow is the day for you Kanga! And Victoria & Amy, hope you guys are good.

Not sure where you are all based but the maternity/labour rules all changed here in Lancashire yesterday- partner can be with you through early labour now too and visiting for him now 10-8pm if we do end up on ward for whatever reason. So worth checking if similar applies to your trusts too, taken away a lot of my anxiety about it xx
Hey ladies, all good here as its a nursery day :cheer: . Had an ok nights sleep too, which is a rarity these days. No signs here either, although I'm not really sure how it would go. I've just got the standard backache, painful big movements, tiredness, etc. Lots of discharge, but thats been standard for me throughout. If I get passed 1404 today I'll be the most pregnant I've ever been.

Got my midwife appointment at midday, also 38+4. So I also probably wont see her then til 40+4. Be interesting to see how I'm measuring now as was 4w behind last time. Baby is moving loads though. Got a beauticians appointment this afternoon. Eyebrow wax and tint and pedicure. Can't wait. Its been about 7 months since I had my eyebrows properly done and not me just getting rid of the worst :good:.

Last time I asked it was in established labour and then for a few hours visiting each day. I'll ask again and see if its updated. Pleased to hear its updated for you jenny x
Good morning ladies.

Enjoy ur beauty session Amy. Sounds good.
Hope MW goes well also

Jenny hope MW goes well for you too
Thags great ur trust have changed.
I'm so glad my babes came when she did as there been outbreak in 2 local hospitals to me. So rules wont relax round here for good while.
I'm so over this covid shit.
I'm so use to going doing my own thing. Like shopping etc. I wont take my kids in to do the groceries amore even to pop In to local shop for milk. I feel tied down and have to rely on other people which is so annoying .

Kanga hope u catch up on some needed rest. I've 2 runs to do. Son is out first st 1.50 then back hour later for my daughter
Oh forgot to say I just bought one off those nappy bins from angelcare website if u use the code Bounty09V1 its reduced to 5.00 and delivery is 2.95. Thought was good deal.

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