*September 2020 Mummies*

Congrats @chattychar1990! Can’t believe she’s finally here :) and you get plenty of hugs :) lots of rest hopefully will help you :)

Oakley has only lost 4.5% of his birth weight, I’m exclusively breastfeeding, which I had never done with the girls, finding it a bit hard sometimes, but I think I’m doing ok, my boobs seem to leak quite a bit and I can defintley tell the difference when there full and when he’s drank!
Hope everyone’s doing ok! And soon to see some more September babies arrivals ❤️ Xx

Oh hey Oakley! Soooo cute and well done on the exclusive breastfeeding @chickadee1990 - that’s amazing!

4 Sept babies here already and 4 to go....but we are all a bit later in month. Hope everyone is feeling OK - I’m thinking my girl is going to sneak into October
Huge congratulations @chattychar1990 hope you are recovering well and getting plenty of rest. So happy for you!! Oh gosh as each baby arrives it makes me more nervous/excited that it is going to be my turn soon, aaah!!
Congrats @chattychar1990! Can’t believe she’s finally here :) and you get plenty of hugs :) lots of rest hopefully will help you :)

Oakley has only lost 4.5% of his birth weight, I’m exclusively breastfeeding, which I had never done with the girls, finding it a bit hard sometimes, but I think I’m doing ok, my boobs seem to leak quite a bit and I can defintley tell the difference when there full and when he’s drank!
Hope everyone’s doing ok! And soon to see some more September babies arrivals ❤️ Xx

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Oh he is a beaut <3
Oh chickadee, Oakley is just gorgeous! Well done on exclusively breastfeeding, it is such a challenge breastfeeding in those early weeks but so worth it if you can do it.

Today I’m 38 weeks, yay! This last week has dragged so much so I’m sure the next 2 weeks will too! I don’t see me going early but I guess you just never know til it starts to happen. With Harry I was 10 days late and phoned up the hospital to book my induction around 1pm for the next day. Then I started getting tightenings around 5/6pm lol so had no clue it would start just a few hours later! Then with James I just woke up as normal in the morning with this immense pressure down low and the tightenings started pretty much straight away.
Hey ladies.
My little princess arrived today at 12.28pm. Weighing a healthy 8lb 3oz so she definitely wasn’t as big as they all thought she was going to be.
I ended up with an emergency c section. I’m sore and absolutely exhausted but I finally have my baby girl and I couldn’t be happier.
I will write up my actual birth story when I’m
Settled and back home. We have to stay in hospital for 2 days as we both caught an infection while she was in the womb so we are both on antibiotics.
hope the rest of you are all doing well xxx

Massive congratulations @chattychar1990 I've keep popping on to see if there was any news. So happy your baby girl has arrived and you are settling at home.
Hope you're both doing okay after the catching and infection and recovering well after emergency c section. Xxxx
Happy 38 weeks @kanga86! Hopefully won’t be too much longer.

Had a trip up to triage this morning, hadn’t been happy with movements yesterday eve or this morn. Of course as soon as I was sat in the waiting room, she started kicking away. Got on monitor and she was having a disco, kicked the pad off! So glad she’s fine - never had it with my son so was a bit freaked out. Midwives were v nice about it, said always best to check.
Happy 38 weeks @kanga86! Hopefully won’t be too much longer.

Had a trip up to triage this morning, hadn’t been happy with movements yesterday eve or this morn. Of course as soon as I was sat in the waiting room, she started kicking away. Got on monitor and she was having a disco, kicked the pad off! So glad she’s fine - never had it with my son so was a bit freaked out. Midwives were v nice about it, said always best to check.
Oh no, I've had a few times where I've not been happy with movements but everytime I've phoned the hospital they seem okay with it so haven't actually been since about it this pregnancy at all. Glad all was okay when you got there though. I've had 2 days where baby has been moving loads, but then today been super quiet again, so frustrating to know what to do though. Cant wait to get her out so I don't have to worry about movements anymore, andi can physically see how she is doing.
Happy 38 weeks Kanga.

Hope u ladies bumps and babies are all good.

I have been so busy this week getting things done for my girls communion tomoro. Currently in hairdressers with her getting some pre hair curls pinned up for her hair to be done in morning.
Cant believe my little Órlaith is 4 weeks old on Sunday. Shes fairly growing and her little wrinkly skin in starting to fill out now she gaining weight.
I'm so glad she decided to come when she did as my local hospital has outbreaks off covid in it.
By this time in my last pregnancy I'd been in 3 time for reduced movements, whereas this time I haven't had to go in once yet (touchwood). I've had a few times where I've thought about calling and taken some time to really try and feel her, but its been ok. I find shes usually fairly quiet in the day, and then proper kicks off in the evening and at night. I hope its not an indication of what she's like in the future.

Hope the communion goes well tomorrow TTC. Cant believe we were worried it would coincide with the birth. Seems like ages ago we were all discussing that.

Dropped the price bracket on our house today to try and draw viewers in and get an offer before we lose the house we want. Fingers crossed for us. Im 38w on sunday, and need baby to stay in for a few weeks to hopefully get the viewings in x
Omg ttcno2 how is Orlaith 4 weeks old this Sunday! I hope your daughter has a lovely communion tomorrow.

Amy I hope dropping the price of your house gets you an offer on your house. Seems so mean you could lose the house you want, would they not wait longer? I don't really understand it all as we've only ever rented.
Feeling really irritable and pissed off today, feel like I could burst into tears. Kids are driving me up the wall and hubby is out all day working on a car so dont even have any support. I seriously need this pregnancy over with now
Hope communion went well @TTC no2.

Hope the price drop does the trick @AmyThomas and you still get a decent offer. Hope baby gives you a bit longer to sort things.

sorry you’ve had a teary day @kanga86 - I’m with you on EVERYTHING getting on my nerves! My hubs was away today too and son has watched WAY more TV than I’d like but I’ve survived which is the main thing!
Oh yes I do hope the communion went well today ttcno2, even thinking of you today.

Thank you Jenny, it's so horrible to have emotional days and I'm surprised I'm feeling okay at the moment. Hubby has literally just got home at 8pm! Plus I've had his in laws here since 5pm! So I'm surprised I feel relatively calm at the moment. The kids did calm down abit, but it involved ipads and the Nintendo switch being on all afternoon, but we survived the day. Glad you survived your day at home alone too
Hope everyone has had a good weekend, it's been very quiet in our group the last few days. I've had a much better day today and all organised for the school run tomorrow. Such a mission to make sure all the school uniform, shoes and lunches, showers etc are all done, but feels good to have it all sorted.
Hey ladies. Glad you have had a better day today Kanga, I know exactly how you have been feeling! I had a nightmare week with my toddler last week which made me feel so stressed and anxious! But the last few days have been lovely, my sister in law threw me a nice afternoon tea today with the girls which really was such a treat! 12 days until due date now, really feeling uncomfortable and just ready for baby to arrive, but also I am starting to get super nervous about labour so I'm also feeling not ready at the same time, ahhh!! Roller-coaster of emotions for sure!!
Hi girlies sorry havent had chance to get on. Been so busy. We had such a fab weekend for the communion. Caoimhe was beautiful in her dress. Got bit chilly after the mass so we got some photos with her classmates and made our way home for tea sandwiches until we met with a photographer to get some proper fotos.
Then off for meal to meet up with some other family members. Was exhausted last night.
Will have a catch up read during the night feed as missy is just away to sleep so I should have a few Zzzz before she stirs. Hope baby's and bumps are behaving x
Morning ladies,

How are we all doing? Had a difficult end to last week where I just felt so tired and emtional all the time and kept crying. Felt sorry for DD and DH. Think it was just hormones and house stress. Had a better weekend. DD went and stayed at my mums for 22 blissful hrs. DH and I just chilled out, had a takeaway, watched and film, and then went for lunch, was nice to have some us time.

38+1 today and definitely feeling it. So much more uncomfortable generally, and if I do too much I get a really sore back and lots of BH. Weird to think last time I was induced at 38+2. Hoping this one stays put for at least another week just cos I dont feel ready for a newborn yet. DD is at nursery tomorrow so Im going to finish off all the bits still left. Need to finish my bag, finish sorting DDs and descale the steriliser, etc. Urgh. And we've got our car being MOT'd 2 days before my due date (fortuntely have 2 cars so we're ok if things kick off then)

The communion sounds lovely TTC, and a busy weekend. xx
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend Victoria, jealous of the afternoon tea. Although I probably wouldn’t have been able to eat much as I’m really struggling with portion sizes. It’s so tough when you have hard days with the kid/s you already have as you don’t know how you will cope once the baby arrives, I still worry, but somehow us supermums just crack on!

TTCno2 sounds like you had a very busy day, but glad it all went well. I hope you managed to sleep whilst Órlaith did, not sure I’m ready for the night feeds but I am so ready for this baby to be out now!

Amy, sorry you hear you had a rough couple of days too, these emotions have a lot to answer for! Although not nice, it makes me feel a bit better I’m not the only one lol I’m far too organised, so much so that 30mins after dropping all the kids at school, I’m on my own and bored! I need to try the car seat in the car at some point but that’s it other than usual house jobs like clean the fish tank and clean the bathroom!

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