*September 2020 Mummies*

Hey @kanga86, the last few weeks are so hard aren’t they. I’m physically OK - soooo lucky that school is next door to our house. But mentally finding it quite hard, want to do stuff to keep busy but get tired really quickly I’m not good at “resting” so feel a bit on edge.

Hope all the new arrivals are settling in well at home girls. Such an exciting/exhausting time, can’t wait!

Hope last week of work is going OK @AmyThomas and that you’ve had a better couple of days with you LO @VictoriaNi.

Thinking of you too @chattychar1990 - I really know being overdue is no fun but it’s all worth it. You know she’ll be here in the next week then all ttc/pregnancy pain will fade away as you get to know your precious daughter xxx
Hey ladies, happy due date to me today! Can’t believe this little girl has been out in the world 12 days longer than she should have been! We’re doing ok now, feeding problems have all gone and she is happily cluster feeding from me and depriving me of sleep each night. I feel a lot more ‘normal’ most days now, no real pain from any of my previous problems, only thing I’m getting is a sore shoulder from holding her to feed and looking down at my phone while she does it!
My husband has been great at getting the other kids off to school and nursery and letting me sleep late to make up for the night times. Although he was very unhappy with me today because he woke up to find me in our bed sitting upright holding an asleep baby and I was also asleep. It’s the first time it’s happened (with this baby) and he was freaking out. It’s not like I don’t know how dangerous it is and I felt really guilty. He says I need to wake him up if I feel like I’m going to fall asleep feeding her but of course I didn’t know I was going to fall asleep! He gets super anxious even when she is perfectly happily asleep in her cot and checks her breathing all the time so I know this is going to make him really struggle to sleep now because he is going to be worrying I’ll do it again. :(
In better news the weight is falling off me and I’m now 24lbs less than I was just before I gave birth. I’ve lost 15lbs in the last 7 days which must have mainly been water retention. But it’s making me feel better as it means I don’t have quite so much hard work to do dieting and exercising once I’m over the newborn stage! On this date last year I was 183lb (4 days after our wedding and the smallest I’d been in years) and today I am 223lb so it’s still a lot to lose but at least I’m heading in the right direction effortlessly at the moment!

hope everyone is ok and I’m constantly checking for any news on these pesky little babies that want to stay put beyond their due dates! You’re on the home stretch now ladies - just make sure you get tons of sleep whenever you can because you never know when that luxury will stop again! X
Hey ladies.
My little princess arrived today at 12.28pm. Weighing a healthy 8lb 3oz so she definitely wasn’t as big as they all thought she was going to be.
I ended up with an emergency c section. I’m sore and absolutely exhausted but I finally have my baby girl and I couldn’t be happier.
I will write up my actual birth story when I’m
Settled and back home. We have to stay in hospital for 2 days as we both caught an infection while she was in the womb so we are both on antibiotics.
hope the rest of you are all doing well xxx
Hey ladies.
My little princess arrived today at 12.28pm. Weighing a healthy 8lb 3oz so she definitely wasn’t as big as they all thought she was going to be.
I ended up with an emergency c section. I’m sore and absolutely exhausted but I finally have my baby girl and I couldn’t be happier.
I will write up my actual birth story when I’m
Settled and back home. We have to stay in hospital for 2 days as we both caught an infection while she was in the womb so we are both on antibiotics.
hope the rest of you are all doing well xxx
Arrrrr Char congrats!!!! I am beyond happy for you! Enjoy those precious early moments with your beautiful baby girl. Cannot wait to hear more <3
Hey ladies.
My little princess arrived today at 12.28pm. Weighing a healthy 8lb 3oz so she definitely wasn’t as big as they all thought she was going to be.
I ended up with an emergency c section. I’m sore and absolutely exhausted but I finally have my baby girl and I couldn’t be happier.
I will write up my actual birth story when I’m
Settled and back home. We have to stay in hospital for 2 days as we both caught an infection while she was in the womb so we are both on antibiotics.
hope the rest of you are all doing well xxx

aaahhhh congratulations hun, amazing news, can’t wait to hear more, hope you are feeling ok xxx
Huge congratulations char! So happy for you! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Hey ladies.
My little princess arrived today at 12.28pm. Weighing a healthy 8lb 3oz so she definitely wasn’t as big as they all thought she was going to be.
I ended up with an emergency c section. I’m sore and absolutely exhausted but I finally have my baby girl and I couldn’t be happier.
I will write up my actual birth story when I’m
Settled and back home. We have to stay in hospital for 2 days as we both caught an infection while she was in the womb so we are both on antibiotics.
hope the rest of you are all doing well xxx
Huge congratulations! Been seeing your journey since the beginning of the year, so happy to hear your little girl is here safely! Wishing you a quick recovery and much happiness with your new bundle <3
Just came on before bed hoping to see an update.

Massive Congratulations @chattychar1990. Delighted u have ur long awaited baby in your arms.
I hope u both recover well and look forward to hearing about the birth.
Wonderful news @chattychar1990 - so pleased the long wait is over and she’s here safe and sound. Congratulations!

Sending much love for a speedy recovery xx
@Rose83 - Great to hear your update - So glad the feeding has improved and hope the cluster feeding subsides!

Try not to beat yourself up on the falling asleep! I remember doing this with my son on day 3 and was absolutely mortified. No harm done xx
Just catching up on the news. Congratulations @chattychar1990 <3
Sorry you had a difficult time of it, but so exciting tgat your little girl is here. Hope you recover quickly. Try and get as much rest as you can.

Yay, so exciting :dust:
Awww congratulations @chattychar1990, she wasn't huge at all a lovely weight. Sorry it ended in an emergency section, I hope you both recover well and you are well looked after in the hospital for the infection. Enjoy your baby girl.

Rose I wouldn't feel bad about falling asleep, it's one of those things. Of course you know how dangerous it can be but it not like you did it on purpose. I'm glad to hear your husband is being a great help and sorting the other kids out for school. I am kinda dreading the school runs with all 4! Great news about the weight loss too, it wasn't just baby weight it was all the extra fluid and stuff that caused it. Hopefully some more of it will keep falling off so you don't have too much work to get back down to the weight you were at your wedding. I'm hoping I can lose some of my excess weight once baby is here and breastfeeding, although my weight gain was prior to the pregnancy so could be harder to shift.

@JennyS85 i can't believe how much i am struggling now. Luckily i don't have too many things on my to do lists any more as I just dont have to energy for any of it. I'm not sleeping great at night and although exhausted in the day I can't relax enough to sleep either. I attempted to groom my lady bits this morning whilst all the kids were at school, jeez that was a mission lol probably looks horrendous but I do feel better for accomplishing the task hahaha
Congratulations Char! Glad she's here safely. Wishing you a speedy recovering and enjoy this special time getting all those cuddles! x

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