*September 2020 Mummies*

Huge congratulations @chickadee1990 he is just gorgeous, well done!! I am sure you are so glad your labour is over. Hope the wee man is settling in well!
Congratulations chickadee, he is so scrummy! Sounds like he is settling in well too. What a whirlwind labour you had, it is so crazy to dilate so fast. With my last I was 1cm at 6:30pm and he was born at 7: 08pm so I can understand how surprising it can be. Glad you managed to avoid the c section, how come they wanted you to have one?
@chickadee1990 i hope all has gone well with your induction and your cuddling baby now.

thank you @WinterWolf as much as the anxiety sucks it is reassuring that someone else knows what it is like. I feel as though I’m overly paranoid about her movements, which is driving me crazy.

@chattychar1990 sounds like the sweep has really got things moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed baby will be here soon.

@VictoriaNi you have my full sympathies on having a hard day with other children, mine certainly know how to wind me up right now. As much as it is hard with more than one, you will most definitely be good enough and you will be able to cope with a toddler and a baby. Obviously there will be days were it is easy than others, but soon you will forget any of the worries you had about coping with 2. I have moments where I panic about going from 3 to 4, but then I just think I’ve survived so far and we are all loved and happy for the most parts so whatever happens I will take as a win if we make it to the end of the day lol

@AmyThomas, I can’t believe baby is already 3/5ths engaged! I have no idea if mine is engaged, but I don’t think she is because her bum feels right under my ribs! My mw has booked in my appts at 37+4, 39+3, 40+3, just so she knows I will get seen by her.

Glad your mw appt went well as well @JennyS85

I had my growth scan and baby girl is now measuring at 6lbs 13oz at 37weeks, and close to the 50th centile. In comparable Alfie was 5lbs 11oz at 37+4wks, so she is over a pound bigger. She seems to be jumping up the centiles from the 10th, to 25th to 50th over the 3 scans I've had. I didn’t like the consultant much who I saw after, she was like what are you doing differently this time, as if I’m controlling her jump up in weight, or caused my boys to be small for gestational age! Then she wrote in my notes “my plan” to have sweeps at 39+5 and 40wks, without even discussing it with me! Not even sure why there is a huge rush to get me into labour! Maybe I shouldn’t feel as annoyed by it as I did but I left and cried in the car. Surely having a baby on the 50th centile is better than the 5th like my previous babies?

Congratulations xx
Hey ladies.
Baby isn’t here yet, I’m so fed up. I came yesterday evening to be monitored and for a consultant to speak about going ahead with the induction as they have said baby is a little larger on my graph. But consultant last night told me that I should go ahead with a natural birth.
They kept me in over night as baby was erratic on the monitor. Shit night sleep, babies crying, doors slamming, alarms going off. I have a scan this morning to look at growth of baby and they will then come to a final decision if I will be induced or not.
Really feeling sorry for myself laying here. I just hope she makes an appearance very soon xx
Hey ladies.
Baby isn’t here yet, I’m so fed up. I came yesterday evening to be monitored and for a consultant to speak about going ahead with the induction as they have said baby is a little larger on my graph. But consultant last night told me that I should go ahead with a natural birth.
They kept me in over night as baby was erratic on the monitor. Shit night sleep, babies crying, doors slamming, alarms going off. I have a scan this morning to look at growth of baby and they will then come to a final decision if I will be induced or not.
Really feeling sorry for myself laying here. I just hope she makes an appearance very soon xx

Sorry to hear that, Char! It really sucks that they kept you in :( I’m glad they’re still happy to let you have a natural birth though. Hope they stick with that when they next scan you. Try to stay positive. She’ll be with you soon :D
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it Char. Staying in the hosp is always hard as its so noisy and busy in there. Hopefully they get more answers after the scan and you'll know where you stand. xx

I'm trying at have a more positive day after a pretty rubbish weekend of just feeling crap. Lets see how long that lasts :D. Got to wait in for British Gas and an armchair to be delivered. Due to covid the rules are doorstep delivery, so that could be fun!

We've got 1 week to get an offer on our house before the one we want goes back on the market, so I'm trying to not think about that. Trying to stay in the mindset of 'what will be, will be'. But its difficult.
How did the scan go this morning @chattychar1990 Hope things happen for you soon. Honestly this last part just waiting is awful. My first son was 9 days late and it felt like an eternity just waiting for something to happen, but your baby will be here in no time and all this part will soon be forgotten. Good luck! X
How did the scan go this morning @chattychar1990 Hope things happen for you soon. Honestly this last part just waiting is awful. My first son was 9 days late and it felt like an eternity just waiting for something to happen, but your baby will be here in no time and all this part will soon be forgotten. Good luck! X
Scan was all good. They said they have no reason to push me for an induction because baby isn’t at a dangerous bigger size. I’m pissed off tbh because for the last 3/4 months of my pregnant they were adamant I was high risk.
They gave me another sweep and thankfully I’m home now, in the bath having a lovely soak. Now to wait for this little madam to show her face!! Xx
Scan was all good. They said they have no reason to push me for an induction because baby isn’t at a dangerous bigger size. I’m pissed off tbh because for the last 3/4 months of my pregnant they were adamant I was high risk.
They gave me another sweep and thankfully I’m home now, in the bath having a lovely soak. Now to wait for this little madam to show her face!! Xx
Scans do my head in, they aren’t an exact science and yet so much faith is put on them!
It’s crappy that you’ve been messed around so much, I hope you have a comfy night in your own bed (or maybe not, because you’ll be in labour lol). Enjoy your soak in the tub xx
Scan was all good. They said they have no reason to push me for an induction because baby isn’t at a dangerous bigger size. I’m pissed off tbh because for the last 3/4 months of my pregnant they were adamant I was high risk.
They gave me another sweep and thankfully I’m home now, in the bath having a lovely soak. Now to wait for this little madam to show her face!! Xx
I'm so pleased you're on track for a natural birth! Try to forget about that whole experience and relax into the thought your beautiful baby will soon be here! Xx
Just relax now @chattychar1990 as much as you can, the little lady will come on her own when she is ready. Hopefully soon! I know everyone says, but enjoy the peace and quiet while you still have it lol. I have had another awful day with my toddler, my husband came home and I just broke down. I just feel like I can't do anything right with my little boy at the mo, he pushed all my buttons today until I broke down which again has me panicking about adding a newborn baby into the mix. Hoping it's just my hormones all over the place and making me extra emotional right now. I know there are going to be good and bad days!
Someone actually said you were high risk just because baby was measuring big? That’s ridiculous! Hopefully not too much longer to go xx
So glad you are on for natural birth, might happen now as you can hopefully relax without the induction date hanging over you Char!

@VictoriaNi - sorry you’ve had a rough day with toddler, I’m sure it’s a mix of exhaustion and hormones that makes us feel this way! I had a similar day Saturday when OH was working- just wanted to curl up and cry. My 4 year old is so intense!!

My mum came today whilst my son was in school and we’ve filled freezer with batch cooked meals for first few weeks after little Miss arrives so that feels good. Need to fit car seat and rebuild pram from shed but other than that I’m getting there. (Even if not mentally ready for her to come yet!)
@VictoriaNi I was the same at the weekend. Think I cried on DH once on saturday and twice on sunday. Just felt so tired, drained, emotional and uncomfortable. DD was really winding me up and I just couldnt cope with her. DH had to do pretty much everything. I was really worried about today, but ended up having a much better day. I hope your rough time is short lived.

My last week of work this week (3 days) and I've got to go into the office tomorrow. Need to hand some stuff over, clear some stuff out, and have a few meetings. Going to be so weird as I've not been in since March. Not sure how to talk to other adults or what I'm going to wear. Not sure I have anything smart that fits.

I've got the car seat in the back of the car, mostly so its not in the way in the house, but need DH to fit the base. Done a load of batching cooking already. Pleased as I dont think I have the energy any more. Last time I planned on doing loads in my 2 weeks of leave before my EDD but was induced at 38+2, so ended up manically cooking at 38+1. I have got a load of freezer stuff coming for days when I really cant be bothered and just want beige. Fortunately we have a 2nd freezer in the garage.

Im keen for baby not to come too early as I'd actually like a few days of leave with DD at nursery so I can relax before (check me out going 2 weeks over now!)
37+5wks and I well and truly have had enough!! I am so glad I have everything sorted out as I don’t think I could physically do anything right now. The school runs are absolutely killing me and the school is literally less than a 5 min walk normally, but as soon as I start walking I get horrible spd pain and bump goes rock solid and feel like a lead weight strapped to my front lol

Feeling a bit strange today, as this was the day in my last pregnancy with Alfie that I was induced and I had him at 7: 08pm. Crazy to think I could still have potentially another 4 weeks if I go overdue!! I have been feeling really crappy the last few days too, lightheaded, nauseous, woozy, headachey, tired but all my checks came back fine at the mw yesterday so guess that’s just something to put up with til the end now.

How is everyone else feeling? How are our babies doing @TTC no2, @Rose83, @chickadee1990?

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