*September 2020 Mummies*

That’s great Char - sounds like things are moving! How exciting! Couple of Sept babies by the weekend.

Hope you got a spot on the ward @chickadee1990 xx
@chickadee1990 i hope all has gone well with your induction and your cuddling baby now.

thank you @WinterWolf as much as the anxiety sucks it is reassuring that someone else knows what it is like. I feel as though I’m overly paranoid about her movements, which is driving me crazy.

@chattychar1990 sounds like the sweep has really got things moving in the right direction. Fingers crossed baby will be here soon.

@VictoriaNi you have my full sympathies on having a hard day with other children, mine certainly know how to wind me up right now. As much as it is hard with more than one, you will most definitely be good enough and you will be able to cope with a toddler and a baby. Obviously there will be days were it is easy than others, but soon you will forget any of the worries you had about coping with 2. I have moments where I panic about going from 3 to 4, but then I just think I’ve survived so far and we are all loved and happy for the most parts so whatever happens I will take as a win if we make it to the end of the day lol

@AmyThomas, I can’t believe baby is already 3/5ths engaged! I have no idea if mine is engaged, but I don’t think she is because her bum feels right under my ribs! My mw has booked in my appts at 37+4, 39+3, 40+3, just so she knows I will get seen by her.

Glad your mw appt went well as well @JennyS85

I had my growth scan and baby girl is now measuring at 6lbs 13oz at 37weeks, and close to the 50th centile. In comparable Alfie was 5lbs 11oz at 37+4wks, so she is over a pound bigger. She seems to be jumping up the centiles from the 10th, to 25th to 50th over the 3 scans I've had. I didn’t like the consultant much who I saw after, she was like what are you doing differently this time, as if I’m controlling her jump up in weight, or caused my boys to be small for gestational age! Then she wrote in my notes “my plan” to have sweeps at 39+5 and 40wks, without even discussing it with me! Not even sure why there is a huge rush to get me into labour! Maybe I shouldn’t feel as annoyed by it as I did but I left and cried in the car. Surely having a baby on the 50th centile is better than the 5th like my previous babies?
@kanga86 - sounds like a great weight for baby girl! Sorry they made you feel like you’d done something differently! I’ve not had any scans but from chart, I’m measuring as v similar to you. Baby is also still free and not engaged at all! Yey for 37 weeks, massive milestone in my head! Tomorrow for me & @AmyThomas :-)

Thinking of you chickadee & char!

Also @TTC no2, think this might have been about when your big girls communion was. Hope it goes well if it’s tomorrow! Xx
Thanks Jenny. Its next Saturday. Looking forward to it now..

Hope u ladies are doing well
And we hear some news soon
Well ladies he’s here :) and finally came up with a name meet Oakley Albert Miller, born 04/09/20 at 9:22pm weighing 7lbs 13ozs! So he’s around 24 hours old. Latched on perfectly, I’ve been home since 10am this morning...but a little story for you....my birth was most defintley not straight forward at all.

Well long story short...was bought in to have waters broken at 7:30am yesterday....contracted for ages they were regular and I managed the whole 10 hours from 9am until 7pm...was about 7cms Apparently by 7pm, and all I had was the examinations, then the next midwife came on shift and the contractions were getting stronger...then about 8:30pm I was in agony...took the gas and air...realised i needed a wee...the flood gates opened and I literally flooded the floor took two midwives to wipe it up then about 9pm my contractions were that bad I asked Andrea the midwife to examine me cause I was really bad...so she did...then said the doctor needed to come in...so she came in and said apparently I’m only 5cm!! I was like whhhaaattt! Of course by this point I was high on the gas and air and was pissed off because I’d just spent the last 2 hours thinking I was 7-8cms and I was nearly there.
Then she said you’ve got to go for a c-section!!! At this point the only pain relief I had was gas and air nothing else, kind of wish I’d had pethidine or an epidural at this point. Then I told them not to rush and to get me ready slowly so I don’t feel like I forget the whole experience is going to go really badly, then just as we were ready to be wheeled to the hospital suddenly I had the urge to push!! So from 9pm to 9:15 I’d managed to get to 10cms from 5cms apparently! Wtf! The midwives were shocked at how quick it happened.
Then that was it! I just pushed him out as much as I could so could have a natural birth! And it bloody hurt!!! Like really bad! But the thought of having a section with the girls at home really wasn’t going to happen!!!
It was a total nightmare for the last few hours!! But so glad it’s all over and we’re home now!! And more so I managed it naturally with no pain relief, didn’t tear or have any lacerations it was just up, showered, get myself sorted and then got discharged this morning at 9am!! Was so happy to be home. I will catch up on everyone’s stories. Hope you’re all ok!!

Well ladies he’s here :) and finally came up with a name meet Oakley Albert Miller, born 04/09/20 at 9:22pm weighing 7lbs 13ozs! So he’s around 24 hours old. Latched on perfectly, I’ve been home since 10am this morning...but a little story for you....my birth was most defintley not straight forward at all.

Well long story short...was bought in to have waters broken at 7:30am yesterday....contracted for ages they were regular and I managed the whole 10 hours from 9am until 7pm...was about 7cms Apparently by 7pm, and all I had was the examinations, then the next midwife came on shift and the contractions were getting stronger...then about 8:30pm I was in agony...took the gas and air...realised i needed a wee...the flood gates opened and I literally flooded the floor took two midwives to wipe it up then about 9pm my contractions were that bad I asked Andrea the midwife to examine me cause I was really bad...so she did...then said the doctor needed to come in...so she came in and said apparently I’m only 5cm!! I was like whhhaaattt! Of course by this point I was high on the gas and air and was pissed off because I’d just spent the last 2 hours thinking I was 7-8cms and I was nearly there.
Then she said you’ve got to go for a c-section!!! At this point the only pain relief I had was gas and air nothing else, kind of wish I’d had pethidine or an epidural at this point. Then I told them not to rush and to get me ready slowly so I don’t feel like I forget the whole experience is going to go really badly, then just as we were ready to be wheeled to the hospital suddenly I had the urge to push!! So from 9pm to 9:15 I’d managed to get to 10cms from 5cms apparently! Wtf! The midwives were shocked at how quick it happened.
Then that was it! I just pushed him out as much as I could so could have a natural birth! And it bloody hurt!!! Like really bad! But the thought of having a section with the girls at home really wasn’t going to happen!!!
It was a total nightmare for the last few hours!! But so glad it’s all over and we’re home now!! And more so I managed it naturally with no pain relief, didn’t tear or have any lacerations it was just up, showered, get myself sorted and then got discharged this morning at 9am!! Was so happy to be home. I will catch up on everyone’s stories. Hope you’re all ok!!

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Congratulations, Chickadee :)
Well ladies he’s here :) and finally came up with a name meet Oakley Albert Miller, born 04/09/20 at 9:22pm weighing 7lbs 13ozs! So he’s around 24 hours old. Latched on perfectly, I’ve been home since 10am this morning...but a little story for you....my birth was most defintley not straight forward at all.

Well long story short...was bought in to have waters broken at 7:30am yesterday....contracted for ages they were regular and I managed the whole 10 hours from 9am until 7pm...was about 7cms Apparently by 7pm, and all I had was the examinations, then the next midwife came on shift and the contractions were getting stronger...then about 8:30pm I was in agony...took the gas and air...realised i needed a wee...the flood gates opened and I literally flooded the floor took two midwives to wipe it up then about 9pm my contractions were that bad I asked Andrea the midwife to examine me cause I was really bad...so she did...then said the doctor needed to come in...so she came in and said apparently I’m only 5cm!! I was like whhhaaattt! Of course by this point I was high on the gas and air and was pissed off because I’d just spent the last 2 hours thinking I was 7-8cms and I was nearly there.
Then she said you’ve got to go for a c-section!!! At this point the only pain relief I had was gas and air nothing else, kind of wish I’d had pethidine or an epidural at this point. Then I told them not to rush and to get me ready slowly so I don’t feel like I forget the whole experience is going to go really badly, then just as we were ready to be wheeled to the hospital suddenly I had the urge to push!! So from 9pm to 9:15 I’d managed to get to 10cms from 5cms apparently! Wtf! The midwives were shocked at how quick it happened.
Then that was it! I just pushed him out as much as I could so could have a natural birth! And it bloody hurt!!! Like really bad! But the thought of having a section with the girls at home really wasn’t going to happen!!!
It was a total nightmare for the last few hours!! But so glad it’s all over and we’re home now!! And more so I managed it naturally with no pain relief, didn’t tear or have any lacerations it was just up, showered, get myself sorted and then got discharged this morning at 9am!! Was so happy to be home. I will catch up on everyone’s stories. Hope you’re all ok!!

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Hugh Congratulations to you @chickadee1990
What a turn off events that was. Glad u were able to have him naturally in the end. Recovery from a vaginal birth is so much easier than section so good u got to avoid that.. how are the kids taken to him. I'm sure they just love him so much<3

Hes just a gorgeous boy. Enjoy ur cuddles:swaddle:
Well ladies he’s here :) and finally came up with a name meet Oakley Albert Miller, born 04/09/20 at 9:22pm weighing 7lbs 13ozs! So he’s around 24 hours old. Latched on perfectly, I’ve been home since 10am this morning...but a little story for you....my birth was most defintley not straight forward at all.

Well long story short...was bought in to have waters broken at 7:30am yesterday....contracted for ages they were regular and I managed the whole 10 hours from 9am until 7pm...was about 7cms Apparently by 7pm, and all I had was the examinations, then the next midwife came on shift and the contractions were getting stronger...then about 8:30pm I was in agony...took the gas and air...realised i needed a wee...the flood gates opened and I literally flooded the floor took two midwives to wipe it up then about 9pm my contractions were that bad I asked Andrea the midwife to examine me cause I was really bad...so she did...then said the doctor needed to come in...so she came in and said apparently I’m only 5cm!! I was like whhhaaattt! Of course by this point I was high on the gas and air and was pissed off because I’d just spent the last 2 hours thinking I was 7-8cms and I was nearly there.
Then she said you’ve got to go for a c-section!!! At this point the only pain relief I had was gas and air nothing else, kind of wish I’d had pethidine or an epidural at this point. Then I told them not to rush and to get me ready slowly so I don’t feel like I forget the whole experience is going to go really badly, then just as we were ready to be wheeled to the hospital suddenly I had the urge to push!! So from 9pm to 9:15 I’d managed to get to 10cms from 5cms apparently! Wtf! The midwives were shocked at how quick it happened.
Then that was it! I just pushed him out as much as I could so could have a natural birth! And it bloody hurt!!! Like really bad! But the thought of having a section with the girls at home really wasn’t going to happen!!!
It was a total nightmare for the last few hours!! But so glad it’s all over and we’re home now!! And more so I managed it naturally with no pain relief, didn’t tear or have any lacerations it was just up, showered, get myself sorted and then got discharged this morning at 9am!! Was so happy to be home. I will catch up on everyone’s stories. Hope you’re all ok!!

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Congratulations..God bless him
Congrats Chickadee, he's perfect! Wow what a birth story, so glad you were able to avoid the c section after going through all that. X
Wow, what a story. Congratulations chickadee, hes beautiful. Glad you avoided the c section and are home with family.

Guessing your having a rubbish night too Jenny? xx
Yep. Seems to be pretty hit and miss at the moment. At least with it being a weekend I can hopefully sleep in/get a nap today.

I hope you get back to sleep quickly after your night feed @TTC no2 xx
Yep. Seems to be pretty hit and miss at the moment. At least with it being a weekend I can hopefully sleep in/get a nap today.

I hope you get back to sleep quickly after your night feed @TTC no2 xx

Not such a great night for us. I was up 3hours from 2am. Were back up again. I'm def having another snooze once I get her sorted again.
We have been doing good enough at night feeds being up every 3hours so I'm hoping we go back to that
Wow, what a story. Congratulations chickadee, hes beautiful. Glad you avoided the c section and are home with family.

Guessing your having a rubbish night too Jenny? xx

Lol, yeah pretty standard for me! 4 year old wakes up about 2am still. Annoyingly he goes straight back to sleep but then I’m awake for a couple of hours. Not so bad now I’ve finished work though x
Thanks so much girls!!! It has been a whirlwind 36 hours, and I’m so happy to be hoovering again haha!

the csection was the last thing on my mind but they were adamant it was going to happen I turned round and shouted at the midwife saying you’re not fucking cutting me open on my vagina’ dan literally pissed himself with laughter I can’t remember half the stuff I said on the gas and air

We had a ok first night, was up at midnight, then 3am then 6am, and he fell asleep at 6:30 and woke up at around 10ish, so didn’t do too bad :)

hope everyone is doing ok!! Xx

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