*September 2020 Mummies*

Thanks ladies :hug:

Wow, 4cm already @chickadee1990 , I agree, I thought that was classed as active labour as tgats when hospitals let birth partners in. Hopefully all the bouncing will do it. But if not I would suspect they'll just break your waters when you go in.

Love the name Piper @Rose83. I'm sure baby is fine with formula and your milk will be in soon. As difficult as it is and stupidcas this sounds, try to relax as I'm sure this will help.

Fingers crossed for you @chattychar1990. Let us know how the sweep goes. I've never had one some am intrigued xx
Sex is the scientifically proven way to get things going, more effective than sweeps etc. If hubby isn’t game then perhaps some self love is needed ;) oxytocin is the hormone of orgasm and labour :cheer:
Hope sweep goes well today @chattychar1990- everything crossed it can kick things off naturally for you and avoid induction (if you are not feeling comfortable with it)

Hope things have ramped up for you overnight @chickadee1990 and you are meeting your baby today.

I’m lying here awake since 5am waiting for my boy to wake up for his 1st day in reception class. Can’t believe I have a schoolie!
Today was our due date

Good luck chattychar and chickadee.
We should have more babies popping on the thread soon

Jenny hope he has a great first day
I've been AWOL again, been reading all your posts though. Anxiety about reduced movements has really hit me this last week. Think because I had so many episodes in my last pregnancy and was the reason I was induced. Baby was pretty quiet over the weekend, but always moved when I laid down and kicks counted so when I phoned the hospital for advice they were happy with this. I however was a bit of a wreck. Thankfully the last few days she seems back to normal. I've been majorly nesting and getting the last few bits sorted out as I grabbed the car seat, swing, bouncer and next to me crib from my friend at the weekend, so that's all been washed and put away. I did set up the next to me crib this morning as I was wondering how to do the straps to hold to next to my bed as we have a divan. Had to remove the mattress and lift it up to get the straps underneath and with it being such a hassle I'm planning on possibly leaving it set up now. Depends if I get annoyed with it being there. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and have my final growth scan so fingers crossed she is still growing well.

Chickadee i hope all goes well with your induction today, although I can't imagine you will need much help getting started being 4cm already.

Good luck for your sweep today Char, I hope it can get things started for you.

Happy due date ttcno2, I found it really odd having a 16 day old on my last due date!

Rose, sorry to hear you are having a few feeding problems. I hope it will get easier for you once your milk comes in. Piper is a lovely name.

Jenny, good luck to your little boy on his first day at school. My older 2 are back on Monday, but have no idea when Alfie gets to start. Is he in all day or just a half day?

Amy, sounds amazing that your had an offer accepted on a new house. I hope you can sell yours quite quickly and get the ball rolling for moving in.
Hey @kanga86, glad she’s got moving for you. Hopefully getting everything checked for the growth scan will help to settle your mind. If in doubt, just keep contacting hospital, you are doing the right thing!

Really hope you find out when Alfie can start - that’s a bit rubbish you’ve no info. Caleb is in for half days for the next couple of weeks then starts full days on 21st xx
Hey @kanga86, glad she’s got moving for you. Hopefully getting everything checked for the growth scan will help to settle your mind. If in doubt, just keep contacting hospital, you are doing the right thing!

Really hope you find out when Alfie can start - that’s a bit rubbish you’ve no info. Caleb is in for half days for the next couple of weeks then starts full days on 21st xx

I'm hoping the scan will give me some reassurance that all is okay still crazy how scared you get about the little life growing inside you. I don't think the fears go from the second you see those 2 lines on a test!

It is frustrating, normally the school is so good with the new starters. We go on Tues 8th for a chat with the teacher, so guess we will find out more then. From the info I have for the older 2, I think he is in full time from 17th Sept just have no idea what happens before then lol
Woohoo good luck @chickadee1990 and @chattychar1990!

I hope the sweep works Char, it's uncomfortable but doesn't really hurt unless your cervix is not ready for it.
Nipple stimulation will get the contractions going, but will do nothing if the baby is not ready! Thinking of you!x
Also forgot to update - uneventful 36wk MW appt this morning which is good. Growth tracking just above 50th percentile and still head down and wriggling away x
@kanga86 I know exactly how you feel re: movements. My daughter was induced for repeated reduced movements too and it was so stressful. I was all happy this pregnancy and then on Monday bub had a funny morning where she didn't move much. Since then I've been a ball of nerves that I'm going to have the same experience at the end of tri 3 as I did last time. So even though I don't have anything useful to say, you're not alone <3 Hopefully your growth scan will reassure you and help you get through these last few weeks x
Good afternoon ladies, we’ll nothing from me yet!!! I’ve been bouncing as much as I can...lost an awful lot of plug and contracting infrequently :(
So me and dan both had our COVID tests done this morning ready for 3pm. I’m just packing the last of our bits and hoping that I’ve managed to stay at 4cms when I go in and they examine me!

Good luck for your sweep today char, hope yours works more than mine did haha!

@JennyS85 glad all was well at the midwife appointment!

looking forward to getting on the ward now and try and pop this baby out xx
Hey ladies.
Just an update from me: didn’t really know what to expect from the sweep so took my by surprise. Wasn’t hurtful but was uncomfortable and very weird feeling. Midwife done 3 big ones and said she might aswell go full force. 1cm dilated and cervix is 2cm long - she said babies head is extremely low.
A lot of mucus Plug came out when she removed her fingers. A few slight pains but nothing major at the moment.
Just bouncing on my ball, find it so boring though and it hurts my lower back a little. Going to go for a walk when the oh gets in from work. Have another sweep booked for Saturday
Morning and midwife said she is almost certain that will bring on labour if this one I had this morning doesn’t. meant to be having an induction Sunday but I’ve decided against it.
Pray for me that the sweeps work ladies <3

How are the rest of you?! Xxxx
Hey ladies.
Just an update from me: didn’t really know what to expect from the sweep so took my by surprise. Wasn’t hurtful but was uncomfortable and very weird feeling. Midwife done 3 big ones and said she might aswell go full force. 1cm dilated and cervix is 2cm long - she said babies head is extremely low.
A lot of mucus Plug came out when she removed her fingers. A few slight pains but nothing major at the moment.
Just bouncing on my ball, find it so boring though and it hurts my lower back a little. Going to go for a walk when the oh gets in from work. Have another sweep booked for Saturday
Morning and midwife said she is almost certain that will bring on labour if this one I had this morning doesn’t. meant to be having an induction Sunday but I’ve decided against it.
Pray for me that the sweeps work ladies <3

How are the rest of you?! Xxxx
Keeping everything crossed for you the sweep works Char. As long as you and baby are OK, do whatever feels right for you. Lots of relaxing, watch some of your fave films and boxsets, maybe some sexytime or orgasms! Xx
@chattychar1990 Good on you for deciding against the induction. I’d do the same in your position (though I know you agree it would be great to get pregnancy over with!). It sounds like your body is moving in the right direction so fingers crossed you go into labour on your own really soon! x
Good news on successful sweep @chattychar1990 - sounds like everything is moving in the right direction by itself. I’d also refuse the induction in your shoes at least until I was a week overdue x
Keep checking on here excited to see if any babies have arrived yet hehe its getting exciting now. We are all on that final stretch now. I have had a horrible day today with my toddler, everything was just a fight with him today, getting him dressed, brushing his hair, trying to get him in the bath, he was screaming the place down and hitting out at everything today and I really struggled with it. Days like today really make me worry that I won't be able to cope with a toddler and a new baby. I don't know if I will be good enough. Feeling a bit anxious about it now. I know this mood will shake off but right now I just want to go sit in a field on my own lol.
Keep checking on here excited to see if any babies have arrived yet hehe its getting exciting now. We are all on that final stretch now. I have had a horrible day today with my toddler, everything was just a fight with him today, getting him dressed, brushing his hair, trying to get him in the bath, he was screaming the place down and hitting out at everything today and I really struggled with it. Days like today really make me worry that I won't be able to cope with a toddler and a new baby. I don't know if I will be good enough. Feeling a bit anxious about it now. I know this mood will shake off but right now I just want to go sit in a field on my own lol.
Of course you will be good enough.
You are good enough.
You are a superwoman <3

I also want to go sit in a field in my own. The oh is breathing and it’s annoying me :rotfl:
I know that feeling Victoria and Im sure its completely normal. Im really worried about coping with both, but I know when the time comes we just will.

Had my 36w appt today at 36+4. Bump is still measuring small at 32.5w, but mw wasnt concerned. I seem to be tracking along my own line around the 7th centile. Baby is still moving around loads. She said baby was 3/5th engaged, so that explains the waddling and the pressure down there. She said I get a 38w and 40w appt, and then one at 41w. Apparently we can discuss sweeps for the 40 and 41w appts if I want. She said at the 40w appt she'll provisionally book in an induction for nearer the 42w, not that I have to have it, or will necessarily go over, but she wants them expecting me just in case. She said she didnt want to ring nearer the time to get me in a find they're full and I have to go elsewhere (if it can be avoided).

Hope the scan goes well tomorrow kanga and gives you the reassurance x

I hope things get going now after your sweep Char. Got fingers crossed for you x

Hope things are progressing chickadee x
Hey ladies.
Just an update from me: didn’t really know what to expect from the sweep so took my by surprise. Wasn’t hurtful but was uncomfortable and very weird feeling. Midwife done 3 big ones and said she might aswell go full force. 1cm dilated and cervix is 2cm long - she said babies head is extremely low.
A lot of mucus Plug came out when she removed her fingers. A few slight pains but nothing major at the moment.
Just bouncing on my ball, find it so boring though and it hurts my lower back a little. Going to go for a walk when the oh gets in from work. Have another sweep booked for Saturday
Morning and midwife said she is almost certain that will bring on labour if this one I had this morning doesn’t. meant to be having an induction Sunday but I’ve decided against it.
Pray for me that the sweeps work ladies <3

How are the rest of you?! Xxxx

this sounds very promising,I was the same as you, 1cm dilated at my first sweep then it was my second sweep which bought my labour on, had it in the afternoon, went mooching around Tesco for a bit, was in full labour by teatime! I think you are right to refuse the induction for now, obviously if you start going overdue you can rethink, good luck, by this time next week you could be holding your little girl, eeek!
this sounds very promising,I was the same as you, 1cm dilated at my first sweep then it was my second sweep which bought my labour on, had it in the afternoon, went mooching around Tesco for a bit, was in full labour by teatime! I think you are right to refuse the induction for now, obviously if you start going overdue you can rethink, good luck, by this time next week you could be holding your little girl, eeek!
Thank you so much <3
I have lost my mucus plug this morning. ALOT of it so I’m hoping this starts the labour off. It not surely the one tomorrow morning will xx

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