*September 2020 Mummies*

Who’s next then ladies?!
I'm currently bouncing on my ball and drinking raspberry leaf tea.
I want this little madam out ASAP!! X

ha ha! If you haven’t already ask your midwife for a sweep asap, then go on the ball straight afterwards, I think that got things moving for me! X
Who’s next then ladies?!
I'm currently bouncing on my ball and drinking raspberry leaf tea.
I want this little madam out ASAP!! X
:rotfl: well fingers crossed it will be you next Char :) or chickadee is being induced next Thursday I believe. Don't think me, Victoria, Amy or Jenny will be next as we aren't due for another 4 weeks yet :clock:
Definitely hope it’s you next @chattychar1990! Xx

Still seems ages off for us late Sept dates but will fly in no doubt. 36 weeks and finished work yesterday :-)
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Finally took a bump pic! The 34 weeks one is with my son in 2016 and the other is today at 35&6 ! Feel much bigger this time but actually don’t look it on this - hopefully she won’t be any bigger than her brother was :-)
Congrats @Rose83 ! She’s beautiful!!

It’s all getting a bit weird and very close to giving birth scares the shit out of me lol! Roll on Tuesday for the sweep so will be getting on the ball straight away when I’m done :) xx
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I had one bath my whole pregnancy lol
It's been my only bath since we moved into our home. (I do shower by way:rotfl:)

I loved sitting in bath with my others and watching the little ripples in water when they moved.

How are u recovering @Rose from birth
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been really posting on here, I have been checking in and reading all your updates everyday but I'm always so tired at night I never actually post!
So exciting to see the first babies starting to arrive! I still feel like I have a good bit to go, I am 36 weeks! 4 weeks does feel like a long way away at the minute as my back and ribs are just constantly sore and finding it really uncomfortable and difficult now looking after my toddler! But fingers crossed the next 4 weeks go by quickly! We are ready for baby anytime now, got all our baby stuff down from roofspace all washed and ready to go. Snuzpod built up just waiting for a little baby to go in it hehe. Hospital bags pretty much packed and ready. Am trying to get a bath every night and listening to hypnobirthing meditation to try get focused on breathing techniques etc and get into that frame of mind. Wishful thinking lol it didn't do me any good last time haha.
Must start on the raspberry leaf tea then, I didn't do that last time. I did use clary sage oil in the bath after my due date last time and my waters broke that night, coincidence just i am sure but I will try it again this time!
My friend was telling me about Clary sage today. She used it that day and went into labour that night also.
The back and rib pain is hard to stick at end pregnancy. It is constantly there. I def dont miss that.
Sounds like u are well ready for baby to arrive. U should put the feet up as much as I can now before baby arrives.
ha ha! If you haven’t already ask your midwife for a sweep asap, then go on the ball straight afterwards, I think that got things moving for me! X
I have a sweep on Thursday day before my due date. I’ll be bouncing on the ball straight after.
Oh and I have just been for a curry, I made sure to order the spiciest one I could stomach and it was so bloody hot my mouth is still on fire :rotfl:
I have been getting shooting pains up my bum since yesterday. Is this a thing? Xx
My friend was telling me about Clary sage today. She used it that day and went into labour that night also.
The back and rib pain is hard to stick at end pregnancy. It is constantly there. I def dont miss that.
Sounds like u are well ready for baby to arrive. U should put the feet up as much as I can now before baby arrives.
I’ve used clary sage a couple of times in the bath recently. Maybe I’ll try again xx
Be very careful with clary sage ladies, it can cause precipitant labour. Needs to be used in very minimal amounts and definitely not before 37 weeks x
Cant believe my little lady was 2 weeks yestrday. Time is flying by.
She seems to have reflux. Brings up every time after a feed. She gets the hiccups often too. Seems that my right boob the let down is quite fast for her too. She chokes at times. So trying to feed that side with small feeds then burp and feed again.
Other than that shes doing fantastic

Hows is everyone else
Hey @ttc no, glad you guys are feeling your way well with the breastfeeding. 2 weeks old already!! Could be almost 2 months by time my little lady arrives. 36&1 today, actually feeling ok, just very tired and slow at everything. Not in too much pain yet, finished work on Friday so should hopefully be a bit easier this week not being stuck at desk! X
I have a sweep on Thursday day before my due date. I’ll be bouncing on the ball straight after.
Oh and I have just been for a curry, I made sure to order the spiciest one I could stomach and it was so bloody hot my mouth is still on fire :rotfl:
I have been getting shooting pains up my bum since yesterday. Is this a thing? Xx

Pressure/pain in my bottom was a definite sign for me
I have a sweep on Thursday day before my due date. I’ll be bouncing on the ball straight after.
Oh and I have just been for a curry, I made sure to order the spiciest one I could stomach and it was so bloody hot my mouth is still on fire :rotfl:
I have been getting shooting pains up my bum since yesterday. Is this a thing? Xx

yes the shooting pains up the bum is definitely a thing I think its changes to your cervix happening! Ooh how exciting good luck hun hopefully you don’t have to wait too much longer now x
Gosh @TTC no2 cant believe little lady is two weeks old already! Time flies!!

I’m having my Sweep done tommorow at half 8 in the morning. Just dropped the girls off at mums so I no there not here just incase anything happens as dans still going to be at work. Car seat, suitcase and baby’s bag is downstairs which I’ve re-packed today...ready incase anything happens, and managed to have some nesting time and cleaned and gutted the whole kitchen of all the stuff that’s not needed anymore!!
Roll on the morning x

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