*September 2020 Mummies*

Ah exciting stuff @Rose83! Good luck for the morning, so exciting you’ll have your little one here so soon. Hope everything goes smoothly!

Sorry to hear your OC has progressed @chickadee1990 :-( I know you were expecting it but fingers crossed you can get things going naturally in the next week.

Hope you feel better tomorrow @kanga86 - try and take it easy!

Glad wee one is putting on weight @TTC no2 - sure she’ll keep going in right direction.

@AmyThomas - good luck with the house valuing/ mortgage appointment. It’s one of those things that there is never a perfect time for xx
Oh wow Kanga, that sound really stressful. Makes me realise we can do it though. Seen a house we really like the look of on paper so going for a viewing at the weekend. We can easily afford it, its just hoping the mortgage people agree. From already going through the newborn years and into the toddlers years I think it will be easier to move when the baby is smaller. I think it will be the toddler we'll struggle with as shes a whirlwind. Fortunately my family live in the same town so she could always stay with them for a few days.

I had a good nights sleep last night. Didnt sleep with my pregnancy pillow, so dont know if that helped, or if my body was so tired I just slept. It was definitely needed though. Was worried when I woke up that it might have meant baby wasnt moving around as much, but she's having a party now. DD is at nursery today so I'm trying to crack on with some work. Only 7 working days left.

Excited for you today Rose <3. Hope it all goes smoothly for you. So excited to see baby xx

Hope you're feeling better today kanga. I know its difficult, but try and relax as much as you can. xx

Sorry to hear about the OC Chick, but exciting about another baby. My induction took a couple of days too, but it was fine. I think this time round if i needed another one I'd enjoying the time on my own in hospital with people making my dinner and watching loads of netfix :rotfl: xx
Thanks ladies! I’ve had the first gel in now (forgotten how unpleasant having a hand shoved up there is!)
Head was just in the pelvis but no further and cervix totally closed so they said she has a lot of moving to do. At the moment also back to back. Feel like I could be in this for the long haul!
Ah keep us updated @Rose83, you’ve got this!

Sounds exciting on the house front @AmyThomas! Totally agree moving a baby would be easier than a toddler.

It’s my sons last day at nursery today- feeling a bit emotional! He started there when he was 9 months old. He’s not bothered at all and is v excited for school.

Finishing work tomorrow too so all starting to feel real now! Xx
Thanks ladies! I’ve had the first gel in now (forgotten how unpleasant having a hand shoved up there is!)
Head was just in the pelvis but no further and cervix totally closed so they said she has a lot of moving to do. At the moment also back to back. Feel like I could be in this for the long haul!
You’ve got this Rose. You superwoman!! Keep us updated xx
Good luck today @Rose83 hope all goes well :)

thanks ladies, hard to no I’m still suffering right at the end, and now with the diabetes I’m just ready for baby to be out!!! Looking forward to my stretch and sweep to see if anything happens :)
But @AmyThomas im also looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet in the hospital watching movies lol! Plus I’ve got Skygo downloaded on my IPad that I’ll watch while I’m in there so may not miss my programmes haha! Xx
So exciting Rose. You've got this. And then you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms xx

Not surprised you're emotional Jenny. Omg, last day at nursery. They grow up so quickly. DD is supposed to move up nursery class around her 3rd birthday. We've arranged for it to happen on the 15th as she's 3 two days after the next one is due. Trying to get her in and settled before all that. Knowing my luck that means this one will come early and it will all happen at the same time anyway.

Nesting bug had me tidying up the garden for a bit and washing and putting away all of DDs garden toys ready for the colder weather. Left me in agony so I had to collapse on thd sofa for a bit. Totally over did it, even though i didnt do much
How’s everyone this eve? Just popped back on to check for any updates! Hope all going well @Rose83

@kanga86 are you feeling any better today? Hope so!

@chattychar1990 - how did it go with consultant. Did you get some sweeps booked in for before due date? Xx
Good luck @Rose83!! Things can go faster than you think! Certainly with baby number 4!x
Amy I would much rather move with a baby than the 3 boys at the age they are now, so definitely a good time to do it. Glad to hear you finally got a good night sleep. I hope those 7 working days fly by for you.

Rose I hope baby is behaving and gets herself into a better position for you.

Jenny, I hope your little boy had a good last day at nursery. I was glad Alfie was able to go back even if it was only for 6 weeks. When does he have his 1st day at school? Our school has been pretty bad at giving us start dates for the new reception kids. We have a school visit on 8th Sept so guess I will find out more then. Also YAY for your last work day tomorrow!

I have done too much again today, drove 25mins to pick up some pink baby blankets from someone, then to a post office and then into asda. This afternoon I've been into the loft to grab out the 12-18m clothes for a friend. Plus I've sorted the bigger clothes from 3m to 12m that are gender neutral into boxes under the cot. I'm definitely struggling to walk about but not as bad as yesterday thankfully. I am taking a chilled out day tomorrow, well that's the plan for now anyway lol
Hi ladies, sorry I totally forgot to update you before I headed to bed.
About 3pm contractions started, not particularly strong ones but they really aggravated my sciatica so were causing me a lot more discomfort than they really should have been. I spent the day on birthing ball or on the bed whatever I could handle the pain/pressure with. I got a recurrence if the problem I had right at the start of the pregnancy where I couldn’t pee, that eventually passed but they felt was the head compressing my bladder somehow.
At 5.45pm they put the CTG back on me and caused themselves a bit of a panic when the lady next to me progressed fast and her water broke, they weren’t paying enough attention to me and hadn’t noticed my baby had had a big deceleration so all of a sudden the midwives panicked and called the doctor then one of them just realised I was too horizontal and that baby wa a probably just lying on its cord. So after another hour on the machine decided everything was fine and got the second pessary in - I was sure she had said gel the first time but turned out it’s tablets they are using.

Once that was in the contractions started increasing in strength and coming more regularly but again I knew it wasn’t really the contractions causing the majority of my pain but the effect of the contraction on my sciatica. I ended up back on a monitor and didn’t really get off it until 9pm. By 10pm I was feeling tired and tearful because I couldn’t stand, sit or lie without the pain in my legs being really bad. The midwife could see I needed something to calm me down and take the edge off so we decided on a liquid opioid that can be given two hourly and was unlikely to make me sick like codeine does. Begins with o but I can’t remember the name of it. It worked to take the edge of the pain, it seemed to stop me feeling the contractions as much and so I was mainly only feeling the sciatica and a lot of pressure. Decided to get ready for bed and watch an episode of a Netflix show. At midnight I asked if I could have another dose of the liquid painkiller and I felt that would probably get me off to sleep.
So that worked but I woke up half an hour ago and am struggling to get back to sleep. The contractions have stopped mostly although getting the odd tightening and pressure sensation. They’ll be in first thing to examine and give me another pessary. As far as I know though after that one they won’t do another one for 24 hours if it doesn’t work so hopefully a third will be enough to bring everything on.

hope everyone is doing ok, will try to remember to update you tomorrow with any progress! X
Aww Rose. Uve had a rough day really hope the next pessary does the job and ull have baby in yours arms.
I remember getting pain tops off my legs with contractions they're bloody sore. So in hope baby moves off that nerve for you.

I'm up doing a night feed. And omg ladies get urselfs prepared for the night sweats. Forgot how bad they can be. The Joy's of pregnancy :0

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