*September 2020 Mummies*

Aww Rose. Uve had a rough day really hope the next pessary does the job and ull have baby in yours arms.
I remember getting pain tops off my legs with contractions they're bloody sore. So in hope baby moves off that nerve for you.

I'm up doing a night feed. And omg ladies get urselfs prepared for the night sweats. Forgot how bad they can be. The Joy's of pregnancy :0
Funny you should say that as I had terrible night sweats last night and it was the first time!
I had some of that liquid morphine stuff. Its called orimorph (not sure on spelling). I loved it, but didnt have sciatica to contend with. Hope the examination this morning is positive and things start progressing.

The night sweats are horrid. We've got a new duvet and bedding, but I refuse to unpack and use them til I'm past the night sweats and milk leaking phase. No point ruining them straight away.
And, urgh, night feeds. Not looking forward to then either, esp having to then be awake in the day with a toddler. So pleased DH can take the first 4 weeks off. Definitely going to make the most of that, and then my mum being so close. Will get her to come and take DD for a bit.
Oh no Rose, the sciatica is really giving you a hard time. I was in hospital when pregnant with Alfie for 2 nights as I was in was much pain, it literally felt like my leg was on fire. I cant have morphine so can tramadol, when the eventually gave me something decent painkiller wise. All it did was let me sleep for a few hours but didn't do much for the pain. I really hope your sciatica doesn't kick off for you during your labour, I cant say I noticed mine when the contractions started.

Ttcno2 I'm hot enough at night now without getting more night sweats, I cant even remember those from last time but I'm sure I probably did.

Amy I'm not ready for night feeds either and then having to get the 3 boys up and ready for school. Although at least it will just be me and the baby for 6hrs so abit less stressful. When Alfie was born, James was 19m so constantly home then Harry was 3yr10m and only had 15hrs at nursery over 3 days. Also my sister lives down the road from me this time and drops off my niece at the same school so I could throw the boys out at her in the mornings lol and she can come round and help with the baby as she only works part time and she is wanting to spend time with her while she is little too.
@Rose83 - sorry you are having so much pain and labour doesn’t seem to be moving in the right direction. You’ve got this those and I know you will have bubba in your arms very soon. Xxx
Hi ladies,
Not having much luck here. The third pessary didn’t seem to do much at all although I was 2cm this morning. Latest is that a doctor did an exam to assess if they can break my waters to get everything going but she couldn’t reach my cervix Opening as the head seems to be in the way. It was incredibly painful and they tried twice. So now they are waiting for a consultant to finish a section so they can come up and do an exam and see if they can work out what’s going on. In more bad news all that has set off painful contractions again and baby is still back to back. So I’m not having fun at all.

add to that the person looking after our kids drastically underestimated how long it would take and how easy looking after kids would be and says she can’t stay later than tomorrow at 2. So then our next option would be my sister in law who I didn’t want to use because she and her family are front line workers seeing loads of people a day. So we called her and she said she would do it but that her 19 year old has just been sent for a covid test as he is coughing with the fever. You couldn’t make this up. We have another couple of options but really not what I wanted to hear today!
Are u able to do some exercises to get baby turned from back to back?
Has the consultant been to see u since?

U must be so fed up Rose
And now you've the added stress of someone to keep the kids. Hope it all works out for u and ur nephews/nieces results are negative
Oh Rose, this sounds like added stress with the kids which won’t be helping! Really hope you got things sorted and things get going soon xx
Umm so things suddenly rapidly progressed and I gave birth within two hours, only about 25 minutes of pushing. She was born at 5.19pm. Weighs 8lb 15oz. And it was so fast there was not time for anything other than gas and air which as you know was not my plan at all! There was a lot of screaming involved!

Umm so things suddenly rapidly progressed and I gave birth within two hours, only about 25 minutes of pushing. She was born at 5.19pm. Weighs 8lb 15oz. And it was so fast there was not time for anything other than gas and air which as you know was not my plan at all! There was a lot of screaming involved!

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Aww! Congrats, Rose! She’s so cute :D
Umm so things suddenly rapidly progressed and I gave birth within two hours, only about 25 minutes of pushing. She was born at 5.19pm. Weighs 8lb 15oz. And it was so fast there was not time for anything other than gas and air which as you know was not my plan at all! There was a lot of screaming involved!

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OMG Rose. she is absolutely perfect. Look at her hair <3
Massive congratulations to you, I’m sorry that labour was so painful for you but I’m glad things progressed quickly for you. Xxx
Oh Rose I'm so happy shes here.
What alittle beauty too <3

That was quick turn around after all was stalling for you.
Enjoy ur little princess now after all that.

Congratulations :swaddle:
Umm so things suddenly rapidly progressed and I gave birth within two hours, only about 25 minutes of pushing. She was born at 5.19pm. Weighs 8lb 15oz. And it was so fast there was not time for anything other than gas and air which as you know was not my plan at all! There was a lot of screaming involved!

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Oh my god she’s gorgeous, congratulations!
Congratulations @Rose83 shes absolutely gorgeous. Pleased she entered the world rather quickly - sounds a bit like my birth xx
Yay, Rose :dust: She's beautiful, congratulations. Thats really quick once it got going. Hope you're both doing well. So exciting xx
Congratulations Rose!! What a little beauty!!! Now get as much rest as you can and look after yourself! Well done!
Awww congratulations Rose, she is absolutely beautiful. She wasn't hanging around once she decided she was coming, sorry you didn't get all your drugs lol Hope you both had a good night xx

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