*September 2020 Mummies*

Seer-sha :angel:

Not too many get them right if ur not from around here.

I do love Naimh, Aoife and another one getting popular is Fiadh.

Probably because I’m from Liverpool! We’re all part Irish somehow haha. There were Niamh’s, Caoimhe’s and Siobhan’s in my school for example.

Fiadh is very pretty! I haven’t heard that one before.
All lovely names, but I must admit I had no idea how to pronounce :good:

I didnt get any of the measurement pictures with the scan kanga. The only picture that was attached was one showing the cord flow. Guessing that was incase they wanted a dr to see me. But when they phoned the maternity ward they said it was fine for me to go. I've not got any more scans booked in, just been told to keep an eye on movement. Baby is kicking me to death at the mo (she woke me up at 0200 and its really painful), so no concerns there. My 36w mw appt is when I'm 36+4 so I'll see what they say then.

I took snacks last time, but as I was induced it was a long build up, and then we were stuck in for 4 days afterwards so they were definitely needed. I dont really remember eating anything when I was actually in 'proper' labour, just had some juice and maybe a few sugary sweets. This time I've got some little orange juice cartons and a little squash concentrate/shot thing, some jelly sweets, some cereal bars, and I might get a packet of biscuits. But I'll just see what fits in my bags.

Feeling really fed up and emotional at the mo. Fed up with the broken sleep. I have so much to do tomorrow, even with DD at nursery, and I have to WFH. DH has been really busy at work, but I just feel like I need more support at home. But I also know that loads of the pressure I feel under to do stuff is just pressure im putting on myself and DH would tell me it doesnt need doing. Not sleeping well, and not having the time to nap is really taking its toll.
I could have written this @AmyThomas. Was up 2-4am, baby girl having some kind of disco! Then 4YO wanders in at half 5 and doesn’t go back to sleep. I don’t work on Tues but hubby is on 10am-10pm so going to be a long old day for me! X
Ah Amy that sucks! I’m glad she is moving loads for you, although the 2am wake up is uncalled for lol Mine likes a good wiggle at 11pm for a good hour or so and can get really painful with a foot or hand sticking out my side. I’m not seeing anyone til my 37wk growth scan, then mw at 37+4wks.

I’m thinking I will pack a few little snacks even for after labour as I don’t imagine eating during.

I feel for you both Amy and Jenny with still having to work from home, I couldn’t imagine trying to work still and look after my monsters. James is really really bad at the moment and he has made me cry so many times the last week as he is pushing all my buttons and not listening and then making these awful rah! noises rather than talking. I’m hoping going back to school will help.

I hope your days haven’t been too bad with being up half the night xx
My day wasnt too bad in the end. Thankfully it was a nursery day otherwise I dont know how I would have survived.

As I couldnt sleep I jumped on the work laptop and did some stuff, also managed to email a reply to my boss at about 0415 so he could see what time I was up. Prob got 2hrs of work in and then another hr sleep (so about 3 in total). Felt awful when DD woke me. Had to have a caffinated coffee or I wouldnt have been able to drive. Messaged my boss to say I was feeling awful so wouldnt be online all day, and he was fine. Had a busy morning doing loads of housework and freezer stocking (think that 1 coffee fueled me as body not used to it now) and then a chilled pm. Managed a hr nap before baby woke me up again kicking me to death. I swear she knows when I'm asleep and hates me :lol:

I hope your day wasn't too bad Jenny and you managed to get a burst of energy from somewhere.

I should be trying to catch up on some work now, but dont have the motivation. The next 2 days will be stressfull as I gave to get something finished by the end of the week. Urgh.
38 weeks today for me! And oh my god tomorrow I’m having a baby!!!! Can’t actually believe it’s happening, still doesn’t really feel possible that I’m going to have a baby by the weekend!
Oh wow Amy, doing work stuff at 4am! Just thinking about it makes me tired lol Although I know what it's like when your are awake so you may aswell be productive. Glad your boss was understanding too and dd was at nursery.

I had a very productive sort of day yesterday doing loads of odd jobs like descaling my coffee machine so I could have a coffee, descaling the washing machine powder drawer as it was leaking, defluffing the tumble dryer filter as it wasn't drying the clothes properly. I then went through all my kitchen cupboards and threw away all the crap that we don't use like pans/ trays that food stick to that somehow get stored even though you buy new ones and will never ever use the old ones again lol It was very productive because it gave me enough room to have a shelf for the breast pump, sterile and baby bottles. She wont be using them straight away but definitely handy to have it all stored together somewhere.

Rose I can't believe it's induction day tomorrow, will they give you a call in the morning with a time to go in or do you already have one? Are you all organised even if you don't feel completely ready lol

O M G Rose. So excited for you.:dance:

I'm currently sat at the clinic waiting for MW to ring us to come in for our appointment.
Been busy morning. My kiddies back to school today. So we've all been up early.
Will take some use to getting too.
Tomorrow then have our first visit from Health Visitor which still is at home.
Def good to get that all sorted Kanga.
I hadn't sorted any of that and was doing it when she came.
I was so unorganised this time round.
OMG Rose, its all so exciting. Cant believe these babies are starting to come. Eek.

Great news on the tidying kanga. I now want to have a cupboard for the steriliser and bottles, not sure if I'm going to manage it though with the size of our kitchen.

Sleep is really starting to become my downfall. Fell asleep at 2300 and was awake again at 0030. Uncomfortable, baby kicking off, heartburn, etc. Couldnt get back to sleep until 0600 :sad:. Ended up on the laptop again at 0400 cos I thought I might as well. Fortunately DH is home today so he had DD and I slept in til 1000. Cant believe how awake i was in the middle of the night, its crazy.

DH and I have decided to look into moving. Stupid timing I know. But we wanted to next year anyway, and with the stamp duty offers at the moment we thought we might as well look. So got the house being valued on friday, and then got a telephone chat with our mortgage man on tuesday. Need to see how much money we could actually get before we start seriously looking at houses, but there are new developments going on around us, so being able to part exchange would save so much faff.
You’re brave thinking about moving now @AmyThomas ! But totally get the stamp duty thing.

consultant has already given me a time of 10.30am for tomorrow but I just have to call to confirm this afternoon just in case they have a higher priority case that’s come in x
OMG Rose, its all so exciting. Cant believe these babies are starting to come. Eek.

Great news on the tidying kanga. I now want to have a cupboard for the steriliser and bottles, not sure if I'm going to manage it though with the size of our kitchen.

Sleep is really starting to become my downfall. Fell asleep at 2300 and was awake again at 0030. Uncomfortable, baby kicking off, heartburn, etc. Couldnt get back to sleep until 0600 :sad:. Ended up on the laptop again at 0400 cos I thought I might as well. Fortunately DH is home today so he had DD and I slept in til 1000. Cant believe how awake i was in the middle of the night, its crazy.

DH and I have decided to look into moving. Stupid timing I know. But we wanted to next year anyway, and with the stamp duty offers at the moment we thought we might as well look. So got the house being valued on friday, and then got a telephone chat with our mortgage man on tuesday. Need to see how much money we could actually get before we start seriously looking at houses, but there are new developments going on around us, so being able to part exchange would save so much faff.

We're doing the same thing at the moment. It'll be worth it I think despite all the organisation that it's going to take :)
Hey ladies, we’ll I’m currently 36+4, I’ve now been diagnosed with obstetric cholestatis which I knew I’d get, plus gestational diabieties and they don’t want me to go any further than 38 weeks, so after my appointment today, ive got a stretch and sweep booked for next Tuesday at 8:30 to see whether I can go naturally, if nothing happens then I’ll be going in to be induced on Thursday :)
Mum had the girls for me for two nights over the weekend, managed to have a massive nesting session tidied everything up, sorting baby’s stuff out now just to pack my suitcase!
Starting to get nervous now that I’ll have a baby in my arms by the end of next week!! cant believe we’re all on the last leg nearly!!!
really wish I could have gone naturally...but at least this time I’m going straight into have my waters broken and then go on the drip if I need to :)

Hope everyone’s doing well :) xx
That’s my induction time confirmed for tomorrow - woo it’s happening!
Feel like I must have forgotten something really important but I don’t think I have really x
Def good to get that all sorted Kanga.
I hadn't sorted any of that and was doing it when she came.
I was so unorganised this time round.
I’ll be this organised and she will probably keep me waiting the longest lol I’m dreading doing the school runs again and having to get up early and organised. Hope the mw appt went well.
Aaaah brilliant Rose.. just think ul be holding her soon.

Chickadee Tuesday wont be long coming around. I hope the sweep does the job for you

Amy u must be wrecked. U will be fit for all these night feeds now u cant sleep. All jokes aside hope u insomnia goes away. Night or 2 before birth I felt so tired and my body just knew it so glad I hap proper sleep. So I hope same happens for u.

Well mind I had mw app today. Well we set off 30mins to the clinic arrived 15mins before our appointment and waited for phone call to come in. Nothing came so I went to find out what heck was going on. NO Bloody MW there as she had a meeting. Was bloody fuming.
Rang up main place and ended up having a home visit this afternoon.
Shes gained 3oz from Friday was hoping it be more. Shes now 6lb 9oz.
Omg Rose how exciting!! How have your other inductions gone, did they take a long time? Or shall we expect a baby from you tomorrow!

wow chickadee another baby on its way very soon. Sorry you’ve developed OC again, but hoping you won’t suffer too long now.

Amy, bless you, you really are struggling with sleep at the moment. I had a week where I was averaging 5hrs a night and that was bad enough. I can understand organising a move with good offers on. We moved when Harry was 2yr and James was just 9 weeks old as my family were kicking us out of the house we rented off them! This was with having James having an operation at 3 weeks old and daily visits to the hospital for antibiotics til he was 7 weeks old! So it is doable lol
Omg Rose how exciting!! How have your other inductions gone, did they take a long time? Or shall we expect a baby from you tomorrow!

wow chickadee another baby on its way very soon. Sorry you’ve developed OC again, but hoping you won’t suffer too long now.

Amy, bless you, you really are struggling with sleep at the moment. I had a week where I was averaging 5hrs a night and that was bad enough. I can understand organising a move with good offers on. We moved when Harry was 2yr and James was just 9 weeks old as my family were kicking us out of the house we rented off them! This was with having James having an operation at 3 weeks old and daily visits to the hospital for antibiotics til he was 7 weeks old! So it is doable lol

Well so far my inductions haven’t been fast, first one I had I had the stuff in about 9am and gave birth just after midnight so about 15 hours. The next one I had the stuff in about 10am and wasn’t taken to labour ward until 24 hours later and then had him another 7 hours after that.

So really I’ve no idea but I wouldn’t expect I’ll have her til Friday but you never know! X
Well so far my inductions haven’t been fast, first one I had I had the stuff in about 9am and gave birth just after midnight so about 15 hours. The next one I had the stuff in about 10am and wasn’t taken to labour ward until 24 hours later and then had him another 7 hours after that.

So really I’ve no idea but I wouldn’t expect I’ll have her til Friday but you never know! X
Oh no, those babies definitely kept you waiting! Fingers crossed it goes as smoothly as possible for you then. Mine have all been very eager and I'm kinda hoping this one will be slower as I went into shock after having Alfie and couldn't hold him for over an hour as i was so shaky and lightheaded.
Omg ladies I’m in so much pain tonight, I’ve done a fair bit of driving today and it has aggravated my spd, I can barely take a step without complete agony. Taken some painkillers but they haven’t done anything yet! Feeling very sorry for myself at the moment lol

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