OMG Rose, its all so exciting. Cant believe these babies are starting to come. Eek.
Great news on the tidying kanga. I now want to have a cupboard for the steriliser and bottles, not sure if I'm going to manage it though with the size of our kitchen.
Sleep is really starting to become my downfall. Fell asleep at 2300 and was awake again at 0030. Uncomfortable, baby kicking off, heartburn, etc. Couldnt get back to sleep until 0600

. Ended up on the laptop again at 0400 cos I thought I might as well. Fortunately DH is home today so he had DD and I slept in til 1000. Cant believe how awake i was in the middle of the night, its crazy.
DH and I have decided to look into moving. Stupid timing I know. But we wanted to next year anyway, and with the stamp duty offers at the moment we thought we might as well look. So got the house being valued on friday, and then got a telephone chat with our mortgage man on tuesday. Need to see how much money we could actually get before we start seriously looking at houses, but there are new developments going on around us, so being able to part exchange would save so much faff.