@Rose83 it must be a new thing to not measure fundal height when having growth scans, kinda glad I'm not the only one. Although having it measured in my last pregnancy triggered extra scans as at one point it was measured when I was in for reduced movements and the mw there measured me really small. So I'm quite glad to not have the anxiety of it all this time. Rose you have a fab bump and you are all bump. I weighed 17st 10lbs at the start of my pregnancy at that is my most heaviest I've been. I'm quite glad I've not put loads of weight on during the pregnancy as I'm really not sure how I would cope being even bigger. Cant believe your induction day is just 3 days away!
@chattychar1990 that's so good your partner can be with you the while induction process. Think my hospital is partners only allowed once it's confirmed your 4cm and then they can book 2hr visits on the post natal ward. So strange it's so different at different hospitals, you would think they could keep it consistent for everyone. 7lbs 7oz sounds like a lovely weight so far, not huge at all. Your hospital also sounds awful for making you wait to see a consultant as this isn't the first time you've been left hanging around, I would be so pissed off waiting that long.
@JennyS85 so good to hear baby is head down now. Mine went from breech to transverse to head down too, just a few weeks before your little one lol
@AmyThomas glad your scan was okay, will the hospital do another follow up one, seeing as it looks like she has dropped down the centile? It's always reassuring that you are getting good movements and the placenta flow it good too. Saying that the head measurement may have been harder to get if she is starting to engage which could have thrown off the estimated weight. Do you have a pic of your measurements for head circumference, femur length and abdomen? I'm just being nosy but after having 5 or 6 growth scans in my last pregnancy due to a small baby I have a few I can compare too lol
@TTC no2 what a beautiful name for your daughter, I did have to Google on how to pronounce it lol I don't want to sound rude but I guess it's more common to have traditional Irish spellings where you are and you wont get asked how to pronounce it all the time?
I managed to pack baby's bag yesterday, it was quite strange actually finding a place for it all to go and seeing it all together. I've packed some tiny baby vest and sleepsuits as Alfie was in them last time, but I think I will see how my scan goes at 37wks and I may take them out to have just newborn/first size. Started on my bag too, but struggling with clothes to put in it as I have no nursing stuff, plus I'm using all my pants and nighties that actually fit currently, so a quick order on asda and I will have some bits on saturday to finish that up.
Had a bit of a strange weekend with movements as she has been a bit quite, but whenever I had a drink and took myself of for a lie down she would start moving, just not when I'm sat on the sofa like normal. So phoned the triage yesterday and they seemed happy I could provoke her to move. Thankfully last night and this morning she seems back to her normal self.
I've had some sickness and nausea Rose, but I've put it down to the heartburn as I've had to double my dose but I still get the feeling of food stuck in my throat that either makes me sick or at least feel it. I'm sure I've suffered like this in my other pregnancies too.
Sorry about the essay, I had a lot to catch up on and still missed out on some bits lol