*September 2020 Mummies*

Fab bump @Rose83 - I’ve hardly taken any bump pics this time. Need to try and remember to do some in next few weeks!

Pretty sure it’s last pregnancy for me - it’s not the being pregnant that’s the issue, it’s trying to conceive and fear of miscarriage ...we started ttc back in 2014 and feels it’s just been hanging over our love life for the last 7 years almost! Just want to relax and enjoy what we have once the little lady arrives x
Fab bump @Rose83 - I’ve hardly taken any bump pics this time. Need to try and remember to do some in next few weeks!

Pretty sure it’s last pregnancy for me - it’s not the being pregnant that’s the issue, it’s trying to conceive and fear of miscarriage ...we started ttc back in 2014 and feels it’s just been hanging over our love life for the last 7 years almost! Just want to relax and enjoy what we have once the little lady arrives x
Aww that’s so sad Jenny, I had two miscarriages before my first (who I had in 2014) and it was devastating, I had counselling because I fell apart at the thought I might not be able to successfully stay pregnant. I’ve been scared every time I’ve been pregnant but I can’t imagine having 7 years of it and how stressful that would be in your relationship. One of my best friends did take 7 years to conceive with miscarriages along the way and she found she got pregnant without even trying very hard about 18 months after her first was born. Similarly a work colleague had had 8 miscarriages, and a set of twins born at 23 weeks who only lived a few hours and eventually she had her first and very quickly after had another with no issues at all. So you might find that it all happens easier
A second time x
Lovely bump Rose. I really need to take some pictures. Think I only have 2 so far. While I'm grumbling about pregnancy I know I'll miss it when its done. This will be my last baby, and I know I'm so lucky to have fallen pregnant easily and been able to have babies. But I'm definitely getting to that uncomfortable point.

I was induced last time Char, and it wasnt bad at all. But I would want to know why they wanted to induce and weigh up the options. But ultimately its down to whats safest for baby and you.

Managed to get all the baby hospital stuff packed into the backpack changing bag. Very impressed with myself for that. Putting outfits (vest, babygro, nappy) into ziplock bags and squeezing the air out helped. Ive got 3x newborn outfits, 3x up to 1 month outfits, 2 hats, 3 small muslins, 2 swaddle muslins, 1 blanket, 1 pack nappies, 1 packet wipes, nappy bags, changing mat, bum cream, dummies, and 1 owl snuggie. Premade formula (just in case) coming in next weeks shopping. Have I missed anything for baby?

Means I can use a smaller cabin bag for my stuff. Ordered a microfiber towel to save space and got a really comfortable and really lightweight nursing nightie and robe from Boohoo. Need to find some dissolveabe paracetamol without caffeine (I'm terrible at swallowing tablets so its easier to take my own and just sign off to self medicate) as they're constantly sold out at my tescos, but appart from that I think I'm sorted on the hospital bag front.
Aww that’s so sad Jenny, I had two miscarriages before my first (who I had in 2014) and it was devastating, I had counselling because I fell apart at the thought I might not be able to successfully stay pregnant. I’ve been scared every time I’ve been pregnant but I can’t imagine having 7 years of it and how stressful that would be in your relationship. One of my best friends did take 7 years to conceive with miscarriages along the way and she found she got pregnant without even trying very hard about 18 months after her first was born. Similarly a work colleague had had 8 miscarriages, and a set of twins born at 23 weeks who only lived a few hours and eventually she had her first and very quickly after had another with no issues at all. So you might find that it all happens easier
A second time x

I think hubby would like another but don’t think it quite takes the same mental toll on him. I’ll be more than happy when she comes and we’ve managed to finally give Caleb a sibling- when having 1 baby seemed so unlikely, having 2 seems like winning the lottery!

@AmyThomas - good job on getting the hospital bag sorted. Mine is sort of a vague pile on top my chest of draws....maybe that’s a job for today. Zip lock bag outfits is genius! Going to try that.
She is indeed. Shes just a great wee thing. Couldn't imagine life without her. She got her first bath today my her granny. It seems to be a little traditional in my house. She wasnt to pleased with it. But nice little feed after and shes sleeping again
Lovely name TTC. I cant believe we've got a week old Sept baby :dance:

How's everyone feeling at the mo? Im so tired, bulky, and feeling very crampy. Baby is doing her classic thing of kicking off when its bedtime.

Is anyone having raspberry leaf tea? Read conflicting things about when to srart with it. x
I did raspberry leaf tea. Didnt get drinking up to the max amount but 1 a day and sometimes forgot about it. I've some left so going to drink it up get my uterus down. Although is saying that I'm pretty happy how it has gone down so much already.
I'm not sure if it was reason my labour was the quickest out off them all but it was def the best labour I've had.
Think I started about 33 weeks but would have to double check that cos not 100%
Lovely name TTC. I cant believe we've got a week old Sept baby :dance:

How's everyone feeling at the mo? Im so tired, bulky, and feeling very crampy. Baby is doing her classic thing of kicking off when its bedtime.

Is anyone having raspberry leaf tea? Read conflicting things about when to srart with it. x
Yes I’ve been having raspberry leaf tea. I have moved up to 3 cups a day now. Hoping it makes a difference to labour but obviously won’t know until after x
Lovey name @TTC no2 !

so I can’t believe I’m having a baby this week!!!
3 more days to go and it’s a busy week with my 3 year old’s birthday yesterday and him starting nursery today!

has anyone else suffered with late stage morning sickness? In my last pregnancy I think I had it the odd time in tri 3 but never this late. I’ve been sick the last couple of mornings and feel nauseous every day.
@Rose83 it must be a new thing to not measure fundal height when having growth scans, kinda glad I'm not the only one. Although having it measured in my last pregnancy triggered extra scans as at one point it was measured when I was in for reduced movements and the mw there measured me really small. So I'm quite glad to not have the anxiety of it all this time. Rose you have a fab bump and you are all bump. I weighed 17st 10lbs at the start of my pregnancy at that is my most heaviest I've been. I'm quite glad I've not put loads of weight on during the pregnancy as I'm really not sure how I would cope being even bigger. Cant believe your induction day is just 3 days away!

@chattychar1990 that's so good your partner can be with you the while induction process. Think my hospital is partners only allowed once it's confirmed your 4cm and then they can book 2hr visits on the post natal ward. So strange it's so different at different hospitals, you would think they could keep it consistent for everyone. 7lbs 7oz sounds like a lovely weight so far, not huge at all. Your hospital also sounds awful for making you wait to see a consultant as this isn't the first time you've been left hanging around, I would be so pissed off waiting that long.

@JennyS85 so good to hear baby is head down now. Mine went from breech to transverse to head down too, just a few weeks before your little one lol

@AmyThomas glad your scan was okay, will the hospital do another follow up one, seeing as it looks like she has dropped down the centile? It's always reassuring that you are getting good movements and the placenta flow it good too. Saying that the head measurement may have been harder to get if she is starting to engage which could have thrown off the estimated weight. Do you have a pic of your measurements for head circumference, femur length and abdomen? I'm just being nosy but after having 5 or 6 growth scans in my last pregnancy due to a small baby I have a few I can compare too lol

@TTC no2 what a beautiful name for your daughter, I did have to Google on how to pronounce it lol I don't want to sound rude but I guess it's more common to have traditional Irish spellings where you are and you wont get asked how to pronounce it all the time?

I managed to pack baby's bag yesterday, it was quite strange actually finding a place for it all to go and seeing it all together. I've packed some tiny baby vest and sleepsuits as Alfie was in them last time, but I think I will see how my scan goes at 37wks and I may take them out to have just newborn/first size. Started on my bag too, but struggling with clothes to put in it as I have no nursing stuff, plus I'm using all my pants and nighties that actually fit currently, so a quick order on asda and I will have some bits on saturday to finish that up.

Had a bit of a strange weekend with movements as she has been a bit quite, but whenever I had a drink and took myself of for a lie down she would start moving, just not when I'm sat on the sofa like normal. So phoned the triage yesterday and they seemed happy I could provoke her to move. Thankfully last night and this morning she seems back to her normal self.

I've had some sickness and nausea Rose, but I've put it down to the heartburn as I've had to double my dose but I still get the feeling of food stuck in my throat that either makes me sick or at least feel it. I'm sure I've suffered like this in my other pregnancies too.

Sorry about the essay, I had a lot to catch up on and still missed out on some bits lol
We are definitely done after this little lady joins the family and I feel done this time. In my last pregnancy I couldn’t imagine not doing it again and having another one, which like Rose was crazy as it was most horrendous pregnancy pain wise and the anxiety and stress I went through over the last 6 weeks with his growth and the reduced movements. I am so grateful this pregnancy has been less stressful in that sense, but it has put a massive strain on my marriage. Although saying that I think I will always get that broody feeling and want another, but I do feel much happier saying this is my last baby than I did with any of the others.
Random question, that I should probably know but I keep seeing people say they pack snacks and drinks for labour or after. What do you actually pack? I don’t remember if I actually bothered in my last pregnancies or not or if I just survived on hospital food and drinks.
No everyone around here knows these names. So pronouncing them will be easy. My own name is Áine and my kids are Saoirse, Cáoimhe, Pádraig and now little Órlaith.

I had intended to pack snacks was going to bring some Lucozade and some jelly babies keep me going but when going thru labour I didnt miss anything at all I was drinking ice cold water.

Rose yay.. another baby soon to be here. Cant wait to hear ur news when the time comes sounds like uve had alot on to distract u. How did ur wee one get on at nursery?
My little boy was amazing at nursery! He was supposed to start with just an hour today but the head of the centre said if I wanted to leave him the full 3 hours they didn’t mind as they knew he’d likely be fine as my other boy was there too. Sure enough he was perfect. They said it was like he had been there forever, didn’t complain once!

Kanga I’m taking jelly babies, Orange juice to drink my iron replacement stuff with and then some sandwiches and snacks for induction as I hate hospital food x
Glad your little one had a good first day at nursery @Rose83! It’s my boys last day on Thursday this week, started when he was 9 months old so feels very weird! So exciting you’ll be meeting your baby this week. Hopefully @chattychar1990 wont be too far behind you!

@kanga86 - I’ve got lucozade, sweets and a couple of cereal bars in my bag. Will stick some fruit/crackers in nearer the time. Didn’t have anything at all last time due to pretty short labour. He was born about 10pm and I did then eat all my snacks overnight :-)
My own name is Áine and my kids are Saoirse, Cáoimhe, Pádraig and now little Órlaith.

Happy to say I can pronounce all of those, haha! What a lovely set :)

Is your Saoirse a ‘sair-sha’ or a ‘seer-sha?’
Happy to say I can pronounce all of those, haha! What a lovely set :)

Is your Saoirse a ‘sair-sha’ or a ‘seer-sha?’

Seer-sha :angel:

Not too many get them right if ur not from around here.

I do love Naimh, Aoife and another one getting popular is Fiadh.
Wow ttcno2 they are all lovely names, I had to Google them all again though for the pronunciation.

Thanks for the snack ideas, I don't think I will want anything during labour as I didn't last time. But I suppose it would be good to have something for after as hospital food isn't great. Plus drinking water makes me feel quite nauseous so it would be handy to have something else, even just some squash to add to the water they give.

I'm glad your little boy had a good day at nursery Rose, its always nice when they go in without a fight. Mine generally have been really good at going in, and having a great time. I hope he had a lovely birthday yesterday too, super busy week for you.

I have 2 weeks before Harry and James are back to school on 7th Sept, but as Alfie is just starting reception his 1st full day wont be until 17th Sept. Kinda hoping baby will stay put til at least her due date a week later so I get a few days were I can properly chill out with no kids for a 6hrs during the day before she comes and hits me with sleepless nights lol

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