*September 2020 Mummies*

Glad milk has come in now @TTC no2 - hope little lady starts to put the weight back on next few days! Sounds like you are doing so well.

Good luck for the scan tomorrow @chattychar1990 - really hope she comes for you soon. And as the girls have said you don’t need to be induced if there is issues other than her being on a high percentile. Keep us updated x
Sounds like your little girl is doing fab ttcno2, does she have a name yet? Yay for your milk coming in, that will make feeding so much better.

Good luck for your scan @chattychar1990, like the others have said you don't have to have an induction for a big baby. Trust your own instincts about your choices.

I had a very uneventful mw appt on monday, kinda feels like a waste of time. Urine and blood pressure fine, quick listen of heartbeat then sent on my way! Fundal height wasn't measured either, which I was expecting but seems odd because I had it measured in my last pregnancy even with having growth scans.
Maybe that’s a new thing Kanga because I’ve had growth scans and they won’t measure fundal height either.

@TTC no2 apart from obviously you had increased mucus/show where there any other signs that day that labour was starting? I’m 37+2 today and feel like I’m having some period type cramping as opposed to the braxton Hicks I’ve been getting loads of. But can’t decide if it’s just wishful thinking :rotfl: because I’ve only had one spontaneous labour and that was almost 6 years ago with no real symptoms anything was due to start I feel a bit in the dark! Today I feel totally exhausted, a bit breathless, bit crampy and also monitoring my movements x
Maybe that’s a new thing Kanga because I’ve had growth scans and they won’t measure fundal height either.

@TTC no2 apart from obviously you had increased mucus/show where there any other signs that day that labour was starting? I’m 37+2 today and feel like I’m having some period type cramping as opposed to the braxton Hicks I’ve been getting loads of. But can’t decide if it’s just wishful thinking :rotfl: because I’ve only had one spontaneous labour and that was almost 6 years ago with no real symptoms anything was due to start I feel a bit in the dark! Today I feel totally exhausted, a bit breathless, bit crampy and also monitoring my movements x

I had been losing that egg white consistency discharge for over week. Only for it to get heavier and heavier.
I had no braxtion hicks or any other pains apart from day they broke . I had a niggly lower back ache but it didnt last long.
Then they broke when I was getting into bed. Still no pains. On monitor showed tightening but I felt fine and painless it was only when I lay on my side in hospital later that night I felt those period type cramps in my lower tummy and it was within the half hr they were 2 with in 10mins and progressing.
Thanks ladies, i will keep you all updated.
I am hoping maybe i can opt for a sweep instead of induction to see if that starts labour off.
I would be so happy if she came any time from now.
My hospital has also changed its rules so my partner can be with me the whole time and is allowed back to visit for 2 hours a day if i do have to stay in. Very happy about that.
Hope you are all ok.
Not long now ladies and it will all be over for us xx
That’s good @chattychar1990 after checking into it more I’ve discovered my hospital is only letting dads in for first hour of induction then they need to leave until labour properly starts. Although can make a half an hour visit per day you are in. Doesn’t sound like much though :(

thanks @TTC no2 sounds like you had quite a bit of warning something might be going on. Think I just feel off today x
Hi ladies,

Had my 34w mw appt this morning (34+4) and fundal measurement was 31w, so dropped below the 10th centile. Ive been booked in for a growth scan later this afternoon. Mw wasnt concerned- she said baby seemed ok. HB was 155 bpm, baby was moving around, and she commented that she is really low and was 4/5th engaged. She also said baby seems to be back to back, which explains the backache.

My private scan at 32w showed baby to be near the 50th centile, so it will be interesting to see what this one says.

Pleased to hear your milk is coming in TTC. Hope you and baby are doing well.
Rose, I'm nervous for spontaneous labour starting too as I was induced last time. Have no idea what to expect.
Hi ladies,

Had my 34w mw appt this morning (34+4) and fundal measurement was 31w, so dropped below the 10th centile. Ive been booked in for a growth scan later this afternoon. Mw wasnt concerned- she said baby seemed ok. HB was 155 bpm, baby was moving around, and she commented that she is really low and was 4/5th engaged. She also said baby seems to be back to back, which explains the backache.

My private scan at 32w showed baby to be near the 50th centile, so it will be interesting to see what this one says.

Pleased to hear your milk is coming in TTC. Hope you and baby are doing well.
Rose, I'm nervous for spontaneous labour starting too as I was induced last time. Have no idea what to expect.

That’s pretty impressive that you’re engaged so early with a second baby! None of mine have engaged until I’ve been in the hospital apart from my spontaneous one. Although I feel like today maybe this one has as I need to pee every five minutes and feel like there must be a head causing it!

My first was back to back and you definitely don’t want a back to back birth, Labour was 18 hours of waiting for her to turn and it hurt, a lot. I was advised that being on all fours with top half rocking over a birthing ball is good position for trying to get them to flip out of back to back, as is cleaning your skirting boards I believe :rotfl: maybe look up some advice because I’m sure you can never start too early with that!
Hi ladies, sounds like a busy day today. How did the growth scans go this aft @chattychar1990 and @AmyThomas?

@Rose83 fingers crossed it might be the start of things for you and not just an off day.

@kanga86 - I’d feel a bit cheated without my fundal height being measured. Maybe the maths geek in me but I love getting the chart!

@TTC no2 hope feeding has gone well today.

Same as Amy, had 34wk (34&4) appt with midwife today. Still on 50 percentile and strong movements but she has now turned head down from breech then transverse last couple of appts :-) I’m so relieved! My birth centre water birth is back on the table for now - hopefully she stays in that position now xx
Scan was ok, measurements show her to be between the 10-15th centile and weighing approx 4lb 12oz. Odd that its only 4oz up from the private scan 2w ago, but it can be affected by different things, and baby is moving around a lot. They just told me to keep an eye on movement. Blood flow seemed ok, took ages to get a reading though as she kept playing with the cord.

The mw did seem surprised at how low she is and that I was starting to engage. Maybe explains why im so 'puffy' down there and have a bit of a pouch above my bits :-o

Good news on the appt Jenny and that baby has moved to a good position.

Good advice Rose, thanks. I think being at home since March and not sitting on a desk chair might notmhave helped with the back to back. Going to spend lots of time on my ball (if I can get it from DD) and more time on hands and knees playing with her. But if she doesnt turn I'm planning on all the drugs in labour anyway :wink:
Scan was ok, measurements show her to be between the 10-15th centile and weighing approx 4lb 12oz. Odd that its only 4oz up from the private scan 2w ago, but it can be affected by different things, and baby is moving around a lot. They just told me to keep an eye on movement. Blood flow seemed ok, took ages to get a reading though as she kept playing with the cord.

The mw did seem surprised at how low she is and that I was starting to engage. Maybe explains why im so 'puffy' down there and have a bit of a pouch above my bits :-o

Good news on the appt Jenny and that baby has moved to a good position.

Good advice Rose, thanks. I think being at home since March and not sitting on a desk chair might notmhave helped with the back to back. Going to spend lots of time on my ball (if I can get it from DD) and more time on hands and knees playing with her. But if she doesnt turn I'm planning on all the drugs in labour anyway :wink:
Haha well I had ALL the drugs and the only thing that worked in the end was a full spinal block and forceps in theatre so definitely try everything you can!
Morning ladies.
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I ended up having to wait 3 hours after my scan for the doctor to review it. I wasn’t impressed.
So for my frame because I am apprantely petite baby is big. She weighs 7lb 7oz at 38 weeks so she’s not massive but she is on 91st centile on my graph.
they want to induce me at full term but I really don’t want this option. I am going to opt for a few sweeps in the next couple of weeks to see if that brings on natural labour. What do you think ladies? I have the consultant calling me today to talk a bit more about it but I’m just a bit confused by it all.
the sonographer and the midwives just keep making a point that she isn’t even a big baby but she is on my graph. They even admitted to me those graphs are more agg than they are actually worth. X
Morning ladies.
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I ended up having to wait 3 hours after my scan for the doctor to review it. I wasn’t impressed.
So for my frame because I am apprantely petite baby is big. She weighs 7lb 7oz at 38 weeks so she’s not massive but she is on 91st centile on my graph.
they want to induce me at full term but I really don’t want this option. I am going to opt for a few sweeps in the next couple of weeks to see if that brings on natural labour. What do you think ladies? I have the consultant calling me today to talk a bit more about it but I’m just a bit confused by it all.
the sonographer and the midwives just keep making a point that she isn’t even a big baby but she is on my graph. They even admitted to me those graphs are more agg than they are actually worth. X
Bloody hell thats a long wait! I wouldn't have been impressed either. This is all I hear constantly - the graphs and scans have such a big margin for error. I've read about ladies being induced at 38 weeks for fear of 10lb babies and they end up giving birth to a 7 or 8lb baby! How tall are you? This sounds like mine - all my measurements so far have been above the 90th centile on my graph. I'm only 5'2. If they suggested this to me, I wouldn't consider it unless there was a medical reason for it. See what the consultant says, but you don't have to be rushed into a decision if you're both ok xx
Morning ladies.
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I ended up having to wait 3 hours after my scan for the doctor to review it. I wasn’t impressed.
So for my frame because I am apprantely petite baby is big. She weighs 7lb 7oz at 38 weeks so she’s not massive but she is on 91st centile on my graph.
they want to induce me at full term but I really don’t want this option. I am going to opt for a few sweeps in the next couple of weeks to see if that brings on natural labour. What do you think ladies? I have the consultant calling me today to talk a bit more about it but I’m just a bit confused by it all.
the sonographer and the midwives just keep making a point that she isn’t even a big baby but she is on my graph. They even admitted to me those graphs are more agg than they are actually worth. X

I’m a bit confused by what you’ve been told because in all four of my pregnancies my frame/size/height whatever hasn’t been measured but now I look at my chart with the lines it does mention all those things so I guess they plot the graph dependent on them. They use a measurement of head circumference, stomach circumference and femur length multipled to get a figure that is compared against ‘the average baby’ and that’s how they can say whether your baby is big or not but I didn’t realise that also took into account your own size. I always watch what the scan screen says so my paperwork says femur length was 70mm but on screen that showed as a 36 week measurement when she was doing it even though I was only 35 weeks but then head and abdominal circumference measured almost 40 weeks at 35 weeks so I know she is definitely big.

In my experience the estimated weights can be slightly off for me but not hugely.

But anyway, as for advice: having had two inductions and booked for a third I don’t worry about them at all, I found a sweep a far more disturbing experience. I actually prefer the certainty of knowing when I’ll be going in too because it means I can plan for my other children and don’t have that fear of the unknown spontaneous labour. Both my inductions were easier And safer labours than my first spontaneous one. Ultimately if the consultant doesn’t explain why they think it’s safer to induce you then I wouldn’t do it though. I think your perspective as a parent should always be ‘what is safest for me and what is safest for my baby’ because as much as I pushed for them to consider me for early induction if the consultant had said to me that there was no medical reason it would be safer then I would have accepted that and waited - but as it was they said there was a big risk that another huge baby would do mummy rectocele more damage, cause major blood loss, potentially cause the baby to get stuck and problems with the shoulder getting stuck, breathing issues if she took too long to get out etc. So it sounded far safer to try to avoid any of that. But if your consultant doesn’t really think any of those sorts of things could be an issue then I would ask exactly what they think having baby early will do for you both x
Oh @chattychar1990, it’s so hard as a first time mum to know what to do in this situation. Did the follow up chat with the consultant today make things any more clear in your mind?

I wasn’t induced so can’t help there. I did have a sweep day before son was born (40&6) - was uncomfortable but wouldn’t say painful.
Any updates @chattychar1990?
I would just go full term honestly. Those estimates are exactly that, estimates! They often book inductions so they have control over when are where you will give birth. They want you to stay safe and nearby. A friend midwife told me that they now book a lot of early inductions due to Covid, so they can plan the births in their schedule, a lot more C-sections too. Don't feel pressured hun, do what you feel is right, you haven't had any complications during the pregnancy so don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with.x
Hope the follow up has helped with your decision. I'd go term aswell if there was no other reason for induction.

My little lady had her heel prick done today and shes gain 4oz since Wednesday I'm so happy with that.
Shes up to 6lb 8oz now.
She is a bit of a rascal I put her in the next to me in the middle and foot to bottom off course but she somehow turns on her side. Worried she would turn on over.
Love the next to me def great purchase
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Morning ladies!
Thought I’d attach a photo of my enormous bump. This is me at 37 weeks. I’ll be 38 weeks on Wednesday. Just weighed myself and I’m 17 stone 5lbs :shock::shock::shock: think that’s the most I’ve ever been. I’m so uncomfortable all the time and the pain is ridiculous, Thursday can’t come soon enough. However my 5 year old has woken up with a snotty nose so I’m now panicking that she is going to get a full cold and not be allowed in school and obviously if we all had a cold I’m pretty sure they would just cancel the induction. At the moment we have decided that if we are all snotty on Monday we’ll go get a covid test on Tuesday so we’d have the results on Wednesday (they are really fast where we are) so that when I call for my induction time I can at least say if I have a cold/that I’ve had a negative test x

Lovely bump wish now I took more photos off mine and now after saying I wouldnt miss being pregnant, i do lol
Even said to OH i could prob have another :rotfl: (think maybe I'm just caught up in the newborn bubble at the minute lol

Good idea to get the test if that's the way it goes.. just so u have it to show them
Lovely bump wish now I took more photos off mine and now after saying I wouldnt miss being pregnant, i do lol
Even said to OH i could prob have another :rotfl: (think maybe I'm just caught up in the newborn bubble at the minute lol

Good idea to get the test if that's the way it goes.. just so u have it to show them
Haha I said to my husband Last night that I think there might actually be something wrong with my brain because this is constant pain and it’s had some really awful parts but that he’d only have to ask and I know I’d have another one if he wanted one. He laughed and said no, unless we buy a bigger house and we don’t really have any intention of ever moving so I still think we’re done!

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