*September 2020 Mummies*

Congratulations TTC, thats amazing. Cant believe our first baby is here. This is getting real.

Hope you're feeling ok and are enjoying every monent xx
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later
Oh my goodness!!
Massive congratulations to you. I hope I follow you and bubba arrives for me soon! Another girl
to add the gang <3 can’t wait to see a photo. I hope you are doing well xxx
Wow haven't been on here in ages, can't believe we have our first baby!!! Huge congratulations @TTC no2 what wonderful news to come back on here to!!
Congrats @TTC no2 !!
What a quick birth! Glad all went well!
How early was she born?x

She came at 37+3
Yes def quick birth
1st stage think it said 3 hrs
2nd stage 22mins
3rd stage well that took forever 3.5 hrs or around that

This little lady isnt latching on very well. I've noticed a decline in wet nappies but we are getting dirty ones.
I did then offer her a bottle at 2.30am and shes been so settled since. I'm hoping once my milk comes in she will be happy enough on the boob.
Aww @TTC no2 she is gorgeous. Is she not latching and acting sleepy all the time, almost lazy latching, a couple of sucks then coming off? Alfie was the same after he was born at 37+5wks, I think coming early tires them out a lot and making latching so hard for them when it’s just the colostrum. Alfie was the only one of mine to lose weight from birth to day 5, and still took til he was 2 weeks old to get back up to birth weight, so it was a surprise to me after the other 2 boys didn’t lose weight. Has she been checked for a tongue tie? Harry had an awful latch because of a tongue tie. I will keep my fingers crossed that once your milk comes in she will latch better for you. Did you breastfeed your other 2?
@TTC no2 I’m just going to thread hop to say its really common for them to struggle to breastfeed if they come before 38wks, even those 7 days from 38-39wks make so much difference for feeding! Hopefully once your milk comes in properly it’s not as hard for her. xx
Yes that's exactly how she is girls. Soon as I put my nipple to her nose for her to open her mouth shes faffs on and off. When she does manage to go on she doesn't suckle for long and goes to sleep.
I bf my other kids so this not latching is all new to me.
MW not calling until tomoro with all the changes from covid but she rang me and was telling her about her lack off wet nappies. She did say to combi until milk comes in.
Def will get her checked for tongue tie tomoro
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I breastfed all 3 of mine and all lost 10% of their body weight in the first few days. Until your milk comes in that’s perfectly normal. My third baby did have a tongue tie but he was getting enough milk once it came in just by stimulating my let down.

If you’re happy to combi feed til it comes in then that’s ok. I get annoyed when they try to push that on to people trying to feed though because it doesn’t help your milk come in and they tried to get me to do it with all of them despite me saying no x
Sounds like you are doing that you need to @TTC no2 and I promise it will get easier. Of all the things of having a newborn again, I’m most anxious about breastfeeding again. Even with Alfie it felt all brand new and I had only stopped breastfeeding James 10 months before he was born so still quiet fresh in my mind. This time feels scarier because it’s been so much longer since I’ve done it.
Congrats @TTC no2 ! Thought I’d come in and check on you, I haven’t been on in ages. Lovely news! Hope the bf gets easier. Thea had a lazy latch and often fell asleep for a good while but she’s rectified it now.

Good luck to the rest of the September mums, not long till you’re holding your babies x
Congrats @TTC no2 ! Thought I’d come in and check on you, I haven’t been on in ages. Lovely news! Hope the bf gets easier. Thea had a lazy latch and often fell asleep for a good while but she’s rectified it now.

Good luck to the rest of the September mums, not long till you’re holding your babies x

Thank you Nicknanoo
I hope u and Thea are keeping well x
How you getting on @TTC no2
I am so jealous you are having snuggles with your baby girl.
38 weeks for me tomorrow and another growth scan to see how much bigger she has grown. Guessing they will decide what the next steps are after the scan tomorrow. Wish me luck that i don't have to be induced xx
How you getting on @TTC no2
I am so jealous you are having snuggles with your baby girl.
38 weeks for me tomorrow and another growth scan to see how much bigger she has grown. Guessing they will decide what the next steps are after the scan tomorrow. Wish me luck that i don't have to be induced xx
Hope all goes OK tomorrow for you, you don't have to accept induction if you don't want it.. as long as you and baby are both OK, totally your decision xx
How you getting on @TTC no2
I am so jealous you are having snuggles with your baby girl.
38 weeks for me tomorrow and another growth scan to see how much bigger she has grown. Guessing they will decide what the next steps are after the scan tomorrow. Wish me luck that i don't have to be induced xx

We are doing great. MW isnt long away. Little lady is tinsy bit jaudice but no concerns with it. Explained my worries regarding feeding. Shes lost 10% off hr birth weight and is now 6lb 4oz but as my milk is now in and shes feeding better I'm going to work hard to get little miss back up.
With covid now theres not many home visits so we've to go to a clinic on friday for her heel prick test.
I'm so in love with her.

Cant wait to hear and see all the other September babies now.

Good luck for tomoro

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