*September 2020 Mummies*

Lovely gifts from them kanga.
I'm starting to get my hospital bag sorted too. Want to do the babies washing this week but its forecast to rain all week- typical. We bought DD home in a neutral babygro from my granny, so I'm hoping this one will get to wear it too, or at least sometime near the beginning.

I think I'm the same on the eating front Rose. Esp when DD is around. I cant eat anything without her wanting it, so I usually end up not eating my and being starving at mealtimes. Got my 34w mw appt thursday so will jump on her scales, just for my own interest.

Kanga, I'm really stuck on numbers for hospital bag too. I dont want to take loads, but last time we were stuck in for 4 days post birth, so I want enough. Esp if visiting situations were to change. Same with maternity pads, nappies, milk (incase i cant bf or express). I think I might just have to pack what I know I need and then see what space I have. Got a small case and a backpack/changing bag (tried a carry on size one but there was no way I will fit the nappies and a towel etc in). What size bags are everyone else taking?
I always go with one of those ‘lightest in the world’ suitcases that are designed to go in the plane overhead lockers. Makes it much easier to move around and I think this time I’ll even get away with just that and nothing else. This is what I have in mine:

toiletries bag (I don’t bother with make up but take minis of all the skincare stuff I usually use)
glasses and spare contacts
Nipple cream
1 pack of size 1 nappies (25)
1 pack of water wipes
1 pack cotton wool pads
Eye mask and ear plugs
3 x up to 1 month vests
3 x up to 1 month baby grows with built in feet and scratch mitts
3 x 0-3 months baby grows
2 blankets

2 feeding vests for me
1 pair of trousers
1 pair pjs bottoms
1 button down nightdress
1 going home feeding top
2 nursing bras
5 pairs of enormous pants
5 pairs of socks
1 pair slippers
1 pack of maternity pads (where I am you get given a pack in hospital too)
Phone charger
Feeding pillow
Snacks and drinks for labour

For me there is no point packing newborn clothes as they would be far too small so I go for the up to 1 month size which fits up to about 10lb.
We are forecast rain all week too Amy, I’m glad it’s cooler but would prefer it to still be dry to get out with the boys. We can’t win with the weather, always unhappy lol I’ve washed all the baby clothes so it is just a case of organising it into the bags. I have my 34wk mw appt on Monday morning, I wonder if she will measure my bump as she didn’t at 29wks. I guess because I’m having growth scans maybe.

I will be taking a small wheelie case for me and my backpack changing bag for baby, which is quite spacious so will probably fit quite a bit. I’ve stayed just one night with each of mine. 1st was born by section at 3:43am, discharged in the late afternoon the next day. 2nd was born at 3: 03pm, but I needed a spinal to have my placenta removed so stayed until the afternoon the next day. 3rd was born at 7: 08pm and I could have gone home after a few hours but I was so shaky and lightheaded from how fast the labour was I didn’t feel up to leaving and having the 30 min drive home so stayed overnight. Any discharged late afternoon, although I am glad we stayed as he was so sleepy and I was struggling to get him to latch so was handy to have the support. I’m not sure what will happen this time, in some ways I want to be able to spend the night to have one on one bonding with just me and the baby, but then I also want to be able to be comfortable at home, so will just have to see how it goes. I can’t imagine being in for 4 days post birth, they wanted me to stay an extra night after my section but I just wanted to get home where hubby would be able to actually help me with the baby as it was so hard after the section to move around and do everything alone.
I'm wondering is things happening.
I'm loosing a ton of cm it's like egg white :sick: I constantly feel 'wet' and having to change panty liner.
Now at times I'm getting some lower back ache but it comes and goes.
Wondering maybe if my cervix is changing alittle and getting ready.
I know this stage can take ages if this is what it is.
Great list Rose, I have added a few bits to my list that I missed lol I’m not really sure what to do about nursing bras or tops. I have 2 nighties that having poppers on the front and will probably be my go to outfit to wear lol I have a couple of those comfort stretchy bras that offer no support want so ever but will hopefully hold breast pads in place and are super easy to pull down so will stick to them til things settle down then get measured for some proper nursing bras. I was thinking of packing tiny baby and newborn in my bag unless my next scan suggests she will be a lot bigger than my others.

TTCno2 sounds like things are gearing up for you with the backache and cm, fingers crossed things happen sooner rather than later for you.
Baby heartrate is high. Betting tightenings but not in any pain. I drove myself here too. Hoping to get checked on sent on my merry way till things really take off
Being kept in.. baby heartrate stabilise. Baby is just very active. Hopefully I can get things to progress and wont need induction
Thanks for the list @Rose83 - added a few more bits to mine from it! I’ve got 3 newborn and 3 up to 1 month in bag. Probably stick a couple of 0-3 in car just in case she’s bigger than expected! I also kept extra nappies/wipes/formula etc in car last time in case I had to stay in longer so hubby would know where they all were. Only stayed overnight in the end after delivery at 9.30pm so didn’t actually need much xx
OMG, just seen this TTC. How exciting. Hope you're doing ok.

Thanks for the list Rose. Its all the extra bits that seem to take up so much space. Clothes and toiletries are minimal but the maternity pads, nappies, breast pads, etc all take so much space. And knowing how many to pack is difficult. I think I'll do the same as you Jenny and have an extra bag in the car with some more nappies and etc. I'm hoping after the long stay last time, this time will be a lot quicker and i wont need as much.

34w today. In some ways it feels ages away, but then in others its really close. Esp after hearing TTCs news xx
Hope all is going okay ttcno2 and good to hear baby's heart rate settled down. I hope things have progressed over night or tou get to go home for a bit.
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later

Wow, massive congrats lovely and welcome to the world baby girl! Great weight too for a few weeks early.

Hope you recover well from the blood loss, enjoy these first precious moments! Xx
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later

:O Wow congratulations! I’m glad it went so well :)
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later
Omg ttcno2, congratulations on your little girl, and what a lovely weight. Such a speedy labour for you too. I had a retained placenta with my second and have to have it removed in theatre but it didn't affect how amazing I felt after his birth. Hope your not feeling too tired or weak from the blood loss xx
Contractions started about 2am baby girl born 6.07am 7lb3oz. OH just arrived nick off time.
Retained placenta loSt good bit off blood 1.2litres
Had an amazing birth. Great staff looking after us . Will post foto later
Ahhhhh congratulations!!!! That’s amazing! Well done, hope you don’t feel too awful, that’s a lot of blood to lose! X

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