Lovely gifts from them kanga.
I'm starting to get my hospital bag sorted too. Want to do the babies washing this week but its forecast to rain all week- typical. We bought DD home in a neutral babygro from my granny, so I'm hoping this one will get to wear it too, or at least sometime near the beginning.
I think I'm the same on the eating front Rose. Esp when DD is around. I cant eat anything without her wanting it, so I usually end up not eating my and being starving at mealtimes. Got my 34w mw appt thursday so will jump on her scales, just for my own interest.
Kanga, I'm really stuck on numbers for hospital bag too. I dont want to take loads, but last time we were stuck in for 4 days post birth, so I want enough. Esp if visiting situations were to change. Same with maternity pads, nappies, milk (incase i cant bf or express). I think I might just have to pack what I know I need and then see what space I have. Got a small case and a backpack/changing bag (tried a carry on size one but there was no way I will fit the nappies and a towel etc in). What size bags are everyone else taking?
I'm starting to get my hospital bag sorted too. Want to do the babies washing this week but its forecast to rain all week- typical. We bought DD home in a neutral babygro from my granny, so I'm hoping this one will get to wear it too, or at least sometime near the beginning.
I think I'm the same on the eating front Rose. Esp when DD is around. I cant eat anything without her wanting it, so I usually end up not eating my and being starving at mealtimes. Got my 34w mw appt thursday so will jump on her scales, just for my own interest.
Kanga, I'm really stuck on numbers for hospital bag too. I dont want to take loads, but last time we were stuck in for 4 days post birth, so I want enough. Esp if visiting situations were to change. Same with maternity pads, nappies, milk (incase i cant bf or express). I think I might just have to pack what I know I need and then see what space I have. Got a small case and a backpack/changing bag (tried a carry on size one but there was no way I will fit the nappies and a towel etc in). What size bags are everyone else taking?