*September 2020 Mummies*

Morning ladies,
Sooooooo pleased that its cooler today. Currently 10c cooler than it has been. Bliss. Slept on the sofa again due to DH snoring like a train. Managed about 7hrs on and off so very happy with that.
Last full day of holiday today so havimg a lazy day as we've packed so much stuff in already.

You've every right to feel tired and fed up Char. You're full term now, and its been bloody hot. Im looking forward to being done too, but not the 2-4 weeks post labour. But I remember how quickly I went from feeling terrible to OK last time. Its amazing what our bodies can do.

I'm not using a tens, but I know from the off that I want all the drugs going.

Need to get motivated for next week to get the last few bits sorted (I say last few bits to make me feel better, its actually washing the baby clothes, sheets, etc, getting the pram and carseat down from the top of the garage to check they're ok, sorting the freezer ready for batch cooking and stocking up, then the actual cooking, and resorting the nursery as its turned into a bit of a dumping groung again, urgh). Cant believe I'll only have 6w from Sunday. Feels like its racing by now. xx
@chattychar1990 You have to be grateful for your child, you don't have to be grateful for every part of pregnancy though. Being pregnant is crap ... home stretch and all that though!! :)
I feel tired. I've already had to come lye on top off my bed for wee break before I can start to hoover . I've things to sort before baby comes shop for uniforms, finish off buying clothes for the communion, stock the fridge/freezer up with food, get my hair sorted. I havent the motivation or the energy to do it.
My other pregnancies I was able to get on. Pregnancy didnt take much out off me but now its whole diff ball game. I'm back 39weeks too for scan and praying they give me my sweep. I never see same person and I dont think last consultant wrote it on my notes.
I was induced last time due to recurrent reduced movements, was in 4 times over the few days before he was born, but 7 times in total. They were concerned about him being below the 5th centile but happy as he was following his line consistently. So I doubt I will go early this time, others were 11 days and 2 days late, but who know what will happen with movements or growth between now and then. I have my mw on Monday (34+3) and scan at 37wks. I would be worried he wouldn't make it back if I did go into labour, especially as I don't have long labours.

Your messages about whether or not he he still has issues really hit home about how unattached he still is. I honestly have no idea how much support I'm going to get once she is here and it makes me so sad to think about. Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing in keeping the baby and if things would be better between us if I did as he asked. But then I just think actually I would probably be feeling 10x worse and resent him, probably how he feel towards me for keeping her. I feel like we are just going through the motions of life, but not really connected to each other, I do wonder why we are together sometimes because all we do is bicker about everything. I don't even think talking to him about it will do anything as the only answer I will get is a shrug of the shoulders and a meh and that will just frustrate me more. I just have to pray once she is here and he sees and holds her things will be different.
Hey ladies....I’ve been super quiet and I’m so sorry about that. Wish I was on here more often but just been feeling very low and depressed :(
So currently I’m 34+4.
so about two weeks ago I had my 32 week check up and they noticed my iron levels sitting at 72 and borderline was 104, hence they realised why I was so tired and lethargic everyday. So two Fridays ago I had a iron infusion. Lasted 15 minutes then had to wait for another 15 to make sure I’m ok. Then last Friday a week after I rang the midwife crying my eyes out because I’d had enough of feeling like shit, asked them why this was and they said it’s probably the weather, your hormones and everything in between. Had a good chat and ranted my life away! So she said bloods would be re done at my 36 week appointment/growth scan which is on the 24th of August so a week on Monday. Then last Saturday me and DH did the deed and I think we got a little bit excitable and I started bleeding so went into hospital to get checked over, apparently I traumatised the cervix lol! So I’m now on a no sex ban until the baby comes out of me!! Now we normally have it twice a week so this will feel weird haha!

then on top of that.....for the last 24 hours so far I’ve been clearing my bowels out! As in not normal bowel movements...but diarrhoea type thing...and looser stools, Now I’m panicking that I could go into labour...I’ve googled it and apparently it’s a sign! Anybody else had this?
So ye so far I’m feeling a bit shitty and just want baby out now! Still feeling lethargic as ever! Can’t wait for th kids to be back at nursery and school now just so I can lay down and go to sleep in the day!
Hope everyone’s ok...I’ve got about 10 pages to go through to catch up on everything haha! Xx

pic attached from yesterday! Baby has defintley dropped now!! Xx

Hey ladies....I’ve been super quiet and I’m so sorry about that. Wish I was on here more often but just been feeling very low and depressed :(
So currently I’m 34+4.
so about two weeks ago I had my 32 week check up and they noticed my iron levels sitting at 72 and borderline was 104, hence they realised why I was so tired and lethargic everyday. So two Fridays ago I had a iron infusion. Lasted 15 minutes then had to wait for another 15 to make sure I’m ok. Then last Friday a week after I rang the midwife crying my eyes out because I’d had enough of feeling like shit, asked them why this was and they said it’s probably the weather, your hormones and everything in between. Had a good chat and ranted my life away! So she said bloods would be re done at my 36 week appointment/growth scan which is on the 24th of August so a week on Monday. Then last Saturday me and DH did the deed and I think we got a little bit excitable and I started bleeding so went into hospital to get checked over, apparently I traumatised the cervix lol! So I’m now on a no sex ban until the baby comes out of me!! Now we normally have it twice a week so this will feel weird haha!

then on top of that.....for the last 24 hours so far I’ve been clearing my bowels out! As in not normal bowel movements...but diarrhoea type thing...and looser stools, Now I’m panicking that I could go into labour...I’ve googled it and apparently it’s a sign! Anybody else had this?
So ye so far I’m feeling a bit shitty and just want baby out now! Still feeling lethargic as ever! Can’t wait for th kids to be back at nursery and school now just so I can lay down and go to sleep in the day!
Hope everyone’s ok...I’ve got about 10 pages to go through to catch up on everything haha! Xx

pic attached from yesterday! Baby has defintley dropped now!! Xx

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That’s such a shame you’re feeling so awful! I’m so with you on the iron front, I know what it felt like to be at 105 and I honestly think I’d feel dead at 70 something. I couldn’t even raise the energy to go to the toilet! I’m ok now but if you are worried at all that your iron levels aren’t good enough then I recommend trying Spatone water supplements. You mix the unflavoured sachet in with orange juice twice a day and that’s all I had to get mine up to normal as tablets didn’t work for me.

also I have the diarrhoea too but it’s just been like that for weeks now. I’m 36 weeks but measuring full term so technically I could go into labour but I don’t think I will because I always just make big babies x
Sorry you feel like that kanga, it must be so difficult from both sides. I think if you had have decided to not carry on with the pregnancy you would probably end up resenting him and that wouldnt be healthy. But with regards to how he's feeling and how it affects the family, I dont know what to suggest. I cant remember the full story- were you using protection? If not I'd be pretty pissed at him for being like this.
I really hope that once baby comes he changes his mind and gives you the support you need (well, i hope he gives it before), and hopefully she can wrap him round her little finger.

Chickadee, sorry you've been feeling so rubbish. With an iron count that low I'm surprised you were able to function at all. And fair play to you being able to keep up with dtd for so long. No way can have I been bothered for ages.

I had a really sore, hard tummy last night and a bit of an upset stomach, but fortunately it passed. Maybe something to do with the heat, or I'd been overdoing it. Baby is definitely loving it being cooler today, getting a lot more, big movements
Thank you ladies, it really is a shit situation all round. Amy I had a mirena coil put in in June 2019 and at some point it came out without me knowing. I bled alot in the 1st 4-5 months and just put it down to the hormones settling down and sometimes it was quite heavy which is apparently when it could have come out. So a complete shock to the pair of us. The only difference I was wanting to try for another baby at some point and my husband wasnt. I think a small part of him also doubts me a little bit, like I tricked him but I could never do that to him. Because as much as I wanted another baby I respected and understood his reasoning for not having another. I was just holding out for that sliver of hope that he would change his mind. I don't think he would ever leave me or the kids but I think it will definitely take some time for him to adjust. He has never been amazing support through pregnancy before but maybe not this distant. I'm still hopeful that she will melt him once she is here and that keeps me going for now.

Amy I also think my little one is happy its cooled down abit too, pretty quiet all day today and then I've been getting these horrible big rolls and pokes all evening. Some are pretty painful and I got to freak the boys out by getting them to feel my tummy lol
I'm so sorry to hear your oh isn't very involved @kanga86. I think he will just need some time to adjust and hope he will change his mind. Maybe once your DD is a year or 2 old, she will be completely smitten by her daddy, he will start to turn round. Most of them become daddy's girls anyways!x

@chickadee1990 I hope your iron levels get back to normal soon, I understand how lethargic you can feel when they are low. I used to have that problem with Sienna and could nap all day. How's Harlee btw?x
Ahhhh, kanga, that does sound like a shit situation. I can understand why you both feel the way you do. Hopefully he comes around to it soon. Maybe seeing how much your boys will dote on their little sister will help. Guessing he'll being going for a vasectomy now?!

Packing up to get ready to go home from holiday. Its been lovely, but I am looking forward to our bed. Squeezing into a double bed with my big pillow has not been easy. Been waking up with a sore back, not sure if its the bed or just my body now xx
The boys are so excited for a sister already and my nearly 6 yr old kisses and cuddles my bump constantly so at least I know they are happy about it. I really do believe my hubby will be different once baby is here, but I suppose I can't really know. Yeah he will be going for a vasectomy now, I guess he will book it after baby is here. That's another thing he moaned about as he would've had a vasectomy after I had Alfie, but I couldn't let him do it then and completely take away our chances of another baby.

I can't imagine sleeping in a double bed even without a pregnancy pillow lol that must have been tough going especially with it being so hot too, no wonder you ended up on the sofa or kicking hubby out of the bed.
Look what my lovely colleagues at work got for me :cloud9: This is the first time I've ever been given anything from work for one of my baby's so I feel so touched that they care. Although I know I work with a lovely bunch of ladies so not too surprised. Don't know why the pics are uploading sideways.

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How lovely off them <3

Really hope hubby works his way through his feelings towards the pg. She'll soon be here and I'm sure he will soften. It must be tough for him get his head around it al when it was unexpected. I know he's had this time since but men are a diff species to us women.
Lovely gifts @kanga86 :-) Is it weird seeing girl stuff in the house after all your boys? I’ve only got the one and I’m finding it v strange!!

Starting getting clothes sorted for hospital bag tonight. We didn’t know sex with Caleb so his first outfits are neutral so would like to use them again for baby girl. Holy shit, I’d forgotten how small they are at first!! Got quite emotional looking at them xx
Is everyone remembering to eat enough? I felt like I’d eaten plenty today and it got to 9pm and I was starving. So I thought I would add up the calories I had had today and it only came to 1500! So about 1000 under what we should really be having. So I had to make myself a second dinner. Now it’s almost 1am and I feel hungry again :rotfl:
Sadly I’m probably eating too much @Rose83 Obsessed with a late night bowl of breakfast cereal though!! Is it 2 weeks to go for you now? X
Sadly I’m probably eating too much @Rose83 Obsessed with a late night bowl of breakfast cereal though!! Is it 2 weeks to go for you now? X
Yep only 13 days til induction day! Honestly I was really surprised I hadn’t eaten enough, I feel like I’m constantly eating. I struggle with my weight when not pregnant - had just spent a year dieting for my wedding in Sept 2019 and lost two stone to get to almost pre having kids weight so i tend to be quite aware of what I’m eating so couldn’t believe it was all so low calorie. Because I’m making another giant baby and have put on loads of weight people also have this perception that I eat too much - my mum for example is convinced that I’m just greedy and eat junk food all the time (obviously not true). But anyway, today I’m going to make more effort to look at what I’m eating and think about whether it’s actually enough before I get to the starving stage!
Jenny I am finding it so odd having girlie stuff about, and keep thinking they are wrong. But 3 scans have confirmed its a little girl. Most of her bit have been just dumped into the nursery so not seen any of it for a while. I’m planning on putting my hospital bag bits together this weekend. Grabbed nappies and things in Asda yesterday, that felt weird buying the small size.

Rose if anything I’m not eating enough, I regularly miss a meal whether it’s lunch or dinner. I haven’t eaten since about 2:30pm yesterday, I had a McDonald’s with the boys and just wasn’t hungry at dinner. I remember being the same in my other pregnancies once I got this far along, used to get told off all the time. I’m only 11lbs up on my pre pregnancy weight. But I am super overweight to begin with, started this pregnancy 5st heavier than I did my last and I was overweight then too!
Quick question, with baby clothes for your hospital bag how many are you putting in of vests and sleepsuits? Plus do we need to have a hat for baby as I don't think I have any at the moment. How many nappies? Don't want to go crazy but want to make sure I have enough

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