*September 2020 Mummies*

It was a bit iff a shock. But thankfully were all ok.

Oob your nearly there @JennyS85.
Yes my fingers are still swollen and feel tight. I dont know why but seems worst during night and not as bad when I'm up feet however this felt little more tighter in my usually comfy sketchers
I had to admit defeat and remove my wedding ring yesterday. We only got married last September so I was adamant I was keeping it on but yesterday it was starting to actually break the skin. Spent about 5 minutes gradually twisting it off :( my hands and feet are really swollen and it’s not even that hot where I am!
Oh no Rose, at least it didnt get stuck though. Must feel weird though. Im keeping an eye on mine.

We're having a good holiday. Bloody hot though. Great day at the zoo on Sunday (I was knackered afterwards), then we went to the beach yesterday am (nice quiet one and socially distanced). We left by lunchtime to find a pub. Loving the eat out savings. Got another lunch out and visit to a park today. Enjoying getting to spend some time just the 3 of us having fun, and not having housework. Need to sort out the last of the baby stuff when I get home, so kind of want to stay on holiday forever :D

DD has managed to pick up a water infection, so had to take her to drs yesterday pm. Fortunately it was really close and easy. It is good how quickly you get seen when they're so young, even with it not being your surgery. Hopefully a weeks course of banana medicine will clear it up. So she's back in pullups for a few days as the potty was stressing her out.
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Aww poor thing Amy. Hope she gets over it really soon.
Sounds like uz are having a great time away. So so jealous. We havent been getting the weather most off uz are prob getting.

Just aswell u got it off Rose. I've seen some women having to get cut off.

I've also few things I want to get finished up want the drawer/changer and babies wardrobe in my room.
And will get the next to me set up now this week as I'm turning 37 weeks. Could be doing with few more nappies.
Oh man ttcno2, glad you were all okay. Luckily you were all in the car and not outside of it. Not what you need having your car damaged just as you have got it. That must have been scary for your friend passing clots and things, glad her and baby are well.

Rose, baby wasnt a bad weight considering she was over 2 weeks late. Seems like it's a family thing to have big babies and anaemia. Hope she is feeling a bit better now. I'm not sure if I would accept an iron transfusion either.

Jenny I hope these last 2 weeks of work fly by for you, I have been so grateful to have finished up. This heat isn't helping any of us with swelling, although I'm not too bad.

I'm still wearing my 1st engagement ring, sounds awful lol It got far to big and I lost my wedding ring (long story!) and I had hubby buy me a new set so engagement, wedding and eternity rings. But they stopped fitting before I got pregnant as I put on so much weight. So I dug out my old engagement ring and it still is fitting now.

Glad to hear you are managing to enjoy your holiday even with how hot it is Amy, I don't even want to go outside as I'm finding too hot! Hope your DD isn't feeling too unwell with the water infection, that's good you were able to be seen quickly.

Weather here is another scorching day, at 30° already and not breeze to cool you down. I've really been struggling to sleep at night as it's still far too hot.

I'm in a really foul mood today, I was meant to be going out with just my sister for a McDonalds breakfast and then over to primark for a bit of girly shopping. I want to get a pink baby blanket from there as all 3 of my boys have one. But she cancelled last minute so she could meet up with some random guy she started talking to via a dating app just last night! Feel so let down as we've had this planned for a couple of weeks. Can't do any other days as hubby is back to work from tomorrow and I'll have the boys and I'm not dragging them around the shops.
That's sucks she let u down at such late notice. I'd be fuming. Hope uve gone on urself and tried to make the most off some time to yrself instead

Feeling so much pressure down below. And those shooting pains. With lots of CM (sorry gross I know).
I didn't go out, I was tempted too but I was so upset (cried a few times over it today, stupid hormones!) so I've sat in a grump most of the day. Plus I didn't fancy doing the 30 min drive in this heat all on my own just for a £4 baby blanket!

The in laws have popped round to use our washing machine as theirs broke and they wont get a new one til Thursday so they are sat in the garden watching the boys in the pool, while I hide in the peace and quiet inside, so getting a bit on time alone. Just not the same.

I remember having insane pressure down low when I went into labour with James, not sure if I experienced it at other times. The shooting pains are awful too! I'm feeling very stretched up high today, think she must be sticking her bum right out lol You will have to let us know if its signs of things happening, although I know we can have long latent periods of "labour" in the last few weeks.
I’m after some advice. Hubby wants to go on a course with work, which generally I have no issue with him being gone 2 days as it’s an overnight stay about 2.5hrs away from where we live. Downside I will be 38 weeks, would you let your hubby go? I was induced with my last baby at 37+5wks so who knows what will happen this time around. He thinks I’m being unreasonable saying to not go or on any course until baby is over 6 weeks old.
I'd say based on previous experience I wouldnt want him to go just incase any thing should happen.
What was reason u were induced last time? Was it due to small baby?
When is ur next appointment?
I wouldn’t want mine being away then @kanga86 you need the support for the other three and also what happens if you go into labour. I know he is only 2.5 hours away but what if he couldn’t get back in time?

I feel like now might be a good time to discuss his issues with the baby, he still seems to be burying his head in the sand that you are imminently having a baby. Is this just another thing where he is treating it like ‘well you got pregnant and I wasn’t up for it so it’s your problem you’ll be alone at 38 weeks pregnant?’ Do you feel like he is being supportive of you at the moment? If the answer is no and he is still showing little interest in her arrival then I think you need to snap him out of it as soon as possible! Xx
I wouldnt be keen at all. I could cope with the 2 days away if I had other family support around for them (after all you will be 38w pregnant, in summer, with 3 other kids), but the 2.5hrs away would be a bit of a deal breaker. Esp with you having the last one early. If you went into labour would he be back in time? How would you get the other kids sorted? Etc.

I have similar questions to Rose. Has he got his head round the fact this is happening? Do you think he wants to leave you to have to deal with it yourself because he hasnt? I'd also be asking what level of support he's going to give you once shes here. Hope it all gets sorted out xxx

I think we've decided that DH will stop drinking around the 37w mark. To be fair he's really curtailed his drinking since I've been pregnant (not that he's ever had a problem with it, lol, but we do like our wine). I think if I hadnt been pregnant over lockdown we'd have definitely drunk a lot. Already looking foward to a glass of red and a rare steak once shes out.

We had a busy day yesterday- out for lunch and then to a big park. Almost had a drama when we realised that someone had left her unicorn bag with her princesses somewhere, but DH drove back to the pub (4hrs later) and found it. :pray: I was frantically googling to see how much it would be to replace the items! Off to a sealife center tomorrow. Will be nice to be inside for a bit. Hope its cool in there, otherwise i might have to climb into a tank with the fish :rotfl:

So hot tonight. Managed to fall asleep on the sofa around 2200ish, but woke up about 0130 and ate half a pack of cookies! Still on the sofa with a fan on me, too hot to venture upstairs.
Hey ladies, I'm trying to work out of I'm being unreasonable/overly sensitive about something (easily done when pregnant and at 0300!) So I thought I'd ask what you think. Me and my close group of friends have all been friends since sixth form (now mid 30's). There's 4 of us, and we're all married and with 1 or 2 kids between 1 and 6yrs olds, so all very busy. Obvs the amount we actually manage to get together has decreased over the years, but we all chat, have a group whatsapp, try and meet up, etc.

Since I've shared news of my pregnancy I feel like I've had no real support or comms, and its really starting to get to me. One of the girls I hear from fairly regularly, so thats good. But the other 2 its not really anything. One of them hasnt messaged me personally since March, and there's been no messages to the group even asking how things are going. I found out she spent a few days with her family and really close to where I live this week, and she didnt message me at all to even say (I know I'm away, but she has no idea I'm on holiday).

With the other one its a bit more complicated. Shes got a 3yo DS, but in the last year+ has had 2 miscarriages (1 very early and 1 where she found out at 12w). I messaged her seperately before I told the others I was pregnant, and then again at 20w mark, and got congratulations, but no other comms from her apart from that. She had a difficult time when she had her DS and I spent a lot of time supporting her then and since. She spends a lot of time on social media talking about mums needing help/supporting each other, mental health, etc, and I just feel a bit disappointed that she doesnt seem to take any time to see if any others around her need any help. I'd just like a message now and then.

Just wondering what you guys think. Am I being unreasonable and wrapped up in myself. I just feel like lockdown has lead to this pregnancy going completely under the radar and being completely ignored. Sorry for the long message, just needed to get that out xx
@kanga86 - agree with the girls, i don't think you are being unreasonable. My OHs friends are going on a 2 day golf stay when I'm 38 weeks, about 2 hours away. He's agreed not to go - might go down for one of the days nearer to the time depending how thing are going. My son was born 41 weeks so no indication of going early. If there was it'd be a definite no for me.

@AmyThomas - its a really tricky one. I really do think lockdown has brightened the feelings of isolation and no-one "caring" about pregnancy. I was joking yest how my work colleagues will forget I even have a 2nd child as not seen me visibly pregnant!

I don't think its unreasonable to expect messages to see how things are going. I Even after my miscarriage, I made a real effort to message my 2 pregnant cousins to check in even though it was hard. Having said that I've noticed most of my WhatsApp groups (except immediate family) have been much quieter over last few months than normal. I've found people are happy to chat but I often reach out first.

Sorry thats not a great answer, more of a ramble! Xx
Hmm @AmyThomas its difficult because I have never had a group of friends as close as that For as long but I do have friends that are close even if it’s only been a few years we’ve known each other and they have all checked in regularly over the last few months. I’d be annoyed with the one that regularly posts about mums needing support but then not offering you any because I can’t stand people that don’t practice what they preach and do it all for social media attention.

how is everyone feeling? We’ve suddenly got the hot weather in Scotland and now I understand why you are all so uncomfortable - and it’s only 24 degrees here. I couldn’t sleep last night and felt so horrible.

what have people’s experiences of braxton Hicks been? Mine seem very strong and I’m sometimes feeling them right into my head and down into my bum. I’m guessing they are pressing on my sciatic nerve as well but in a slightly different way. It’s pretty sore though!
@kanga86 - There is no way i would be allowing OH to go on a course 2.5 hours away when i am that close to giving birth. Do you think he still hasn't got his head around the whole thing? I know you said he wasn't happy and hasn't really been supportive.

@Rose83 - I don't blame you for being upset about your friends not contacting you and asking about your pregnancy but i really do think lockdown has effect alot of people. I am normally a very sociable person but i feel like i have turned into a right hermit and i dont really want to see or speak to anyone tbh. You also have to remember that although your pregnancy means the world to you, it doesn't necessarily mean the world to other people. I know they are your friends but maybe they will just make the effort once baby is here?

@TTC no2 - How you getting on hun? i know we are only a day apart so just wondering how you are finding these last few weeks. I can't wait to get her out of me now. I am so done!! x
@chattychar1990 really I cant wait to have to it done with. Really am happy to say that this is def my last pg and I wont be feeling sad when its over. Really missed being pregnant with my others.
My feet beginning to ache and burn. They've def swollen as they feel tight in my comfy sketchers. My ribs still ache. I be so looking forward to bed around 9pm to relax.
I've noticed increased in CM and was getting lightening crotch also near sure was loosing little bits of plug other night too. Havent had any braxtion hicks at all never get them.
Got my rented TENS tried it out on my forearm nake sure it was working. First time ever getting one I do think it will be useful early stages. My 2 friends one who was week infront and other was 3 days behind have had their babies already.
How are u getting on? U getting any signs.
@chattychar1990 really I cant wait to have to it done with. Really am happy to say that this is def my last pg and I wont be feeling sad when its over. Really missed being pregnant with my others.
My feet beginning to ache and burn. They've def swollen as they feel tight in my comfy sketchers. My ribs still ache. I be so looking forward to bed around 9pm to relax.
I've noticed increased in CM and was getting lightening crotch also near sure was loosing little bits of plug other night too. Havent had any braxtion hicks at all never get them.
Got my rented TENS tried it out on my forearm nake sure it was working. First time ever getting one I do think it will be useful early stages. My 2 friends one who was week infront and other was 3 days behind have had their babies already.
How are u getting on? U getting any signs.
I feel the same!!
It took us so long to fall pregnant and I feel
Like I should appreciate that I was very lucky to be able to become pregnant but it’s just something I have not enjoyed one bit. I think lockdown may have something to do with it though. But I am so excited to get my body back and feel like me again!!
I am just constantly shattered and with this heat it’s been really horrific the last week or so. I am also starting to have burning feet and my bones are clicking all the time.
I haven’t hired a tens machine I still dunno what to do about getting one. Anyone else used one??
Midwife appointment this morning, baby is measuring big so have another growth scan at 39 weeks to see what the deal is I think.
god this post is so negative, sorry ladies haha!! Can you tell I am a miserable pregnant woman!! Xx
Hope everyone else is doing okay xx
Oh @chattychar1990, I found Tri 3 so hard with my son - even without the heat or the pandemic!! It’s hard when everything hurts and you feel like you don’t have free reign to moan when you should be grateful (which we all are!!!) I guess that’s why this forum is so great!)

You are on home stretch now and will soon be a hazy memory once your daughter arrives xx
Oh @chattychar1990, I found Tri 3 so hard with my son - even without the heat or the pandemic!! It’s hard when everything hurts and you feel like you don’t have free reign to moan when you should be grateful (which we all are!!!) I guess that’s why this forum is so great!)

You are on home stretch now and will soon be a hazy memory once your daughter arrives xx
Thank you so much Jenny. I needed your kind words today <3 I hope you are doing ok and the heat isn’t too much for you xx

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