@chattychar1990 really I cant wait to have to it done with. Really am happy to say that this is def my last pg and I wont be feeling sad when its over. Really missed being pregnant with my others.
My feet beginning to ache and burn. They've def swollen as they feel tight in my comfy sketchers. My ribs still ache. I be so looking forward to bed around 9pm to relax.
I've noticed increased in CM and was getting lightening crotch also near sure was loosing little bits of plug other night too. Havent had any braxtion hicks at all never get them.
Got my rented TENS tried it out on my forearm nake sure it was working. First time ever getting one I do think it will be useful early stages. My 2 friends one who was week infront and other was 3 days behind have had their babies already.
How are u getting on? U getting any signs.