How are we ladies?

It's ovulation day for me today. Got a positive on a cheapie OPK yesterday evening. Fortunately we DTD yesterday morning, and will again this evening. Will get the pre-seed out tonight :)
Got some ov cramps today, more noticeable than normal, quite uncomfortable actually. x
How are we ladies?

It's ovulation day for me today. Got a positive on a cheapie OPK yesterday evening. Fortunately we DTD yesterday morning, and will again this evening. Will get the pre-seed out tonight :)
Got some ov cramps today, more noticeable than normal, quite uncomfortable actually. x

Sounds promising!! Fingers crossed for you :D now it's just time to get busy :wink:
App says period is due tomorrow and I am feeling the usual PMS symptoms (cramps, tender breasts) so I am feeling a bit down today, but oh well. :?
Sounds promising!! Fingers crossed for you :D now it's just time to get busy :wink:
App says period is due tomorrow and I am feeling the usual PMS symptoms (cramps, tender breasts) so I am feeling a bit down today, but oh well. :?
Yep straight to that bedroom tonight :rotfl:
I hope AF doesn't arrive for you hun, i have everything crossed :dust: x
How are we ladies?

It's ovulation day for me today. Got a positive on a cheapie OPK yesterday evening. Fortunately we DTD yesterday morning, and will again this evening. Will get the pre-seed out tonight :)
Got some ov cramps today, more noticeable than normal, quite uncomfortable actually. x

Good luck char!! Keeping everything crossed for you x
How are we ladies?

It's ovulation day for me today. Got a positive on a cheapie OPK yesterday evening. Fortunately we DTD yesterday morning, and will again this evening. Will get the pre-seed out tonight :)
Got some ov cramps today, more noticeable than normal, quite uncomfortable actually. x
Sending all the luck for this month for you char. Hope it's a lucky one xx
Ohhh good luck @chattychar1990 !!!

I’m on cycle day 25 and no tests taken yet. Feeling slightly proud of myself. Lol last month I had 20 taken by now. No spotting yet but I’m not taking that to mean anything. Think I ovulated later and hubbie was away working. :(
Thank you all ladies <3

@liz85 - you should be proud of yourself. I know how hard it can be for POAS addicts haha! I hope you did manage to catch that egg hun :dust: x
How are we ladies?

It's ovulation day for me today. Got a positive on a cheapie OPK yesterday evening. Fortunately we DTD yesterday morning, and will again this evening. Will get the pre-seed out tonight :)
Got some ov cramps today, more noticeable than normal, quite uncomfortable actually. x

Brilliant chattychar
Fingers crossed for u x
Can you add me for the 25th? I am so just frustrated! I had 2 very faint positive clearblues and frer and it must have been a chemical because af showed up. We have been trying since April and got pregnant in June and found out it was a blighted ovum, now a chemical I assume. I know I haven’t been trying as long as some of you ladies and I am blessed to already have one child, but I am starting to get to the point of being upset or jealous when I see others pregnant or with babies. I’ll be 30 next month which also has me freaking out as my sister and my mom both went through menopause at 32 and 35 and I’m scared I’m going to run out of time! Sorry for the rant! Just sensitive today.
You are added to the front page @Oliviasmommy.
Sorry about your chemical I hope it doesn’t take you long to getting your rainbow xx

Thank you! I’ve had a high peak test since Saturday evening and just got a peak this morning. We dtd Saturday night, last night and this morning. Will keep on tonight and tomorrow morning. Hoping this month works out!!
Thank you! I’ve had a high peak test since Saturday evening and just got a peak this morning. We dtd Saturday night, last night and this morning. Will keep on tonight and tomorrow morning. Hoping this month works out!!
We will be very close in the 2ww then hun. I am 1DPO today x

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