How long have/had you been TTC?

I do too, it's just frustrating you know? Fingers crossed my HCG levels are just low and can't be detected.

Thanks for the support it is much appreciated.
FLOSSY82 (Candy)

Ttc * 3 from jan 07 - july 07

And recently from dec 07 - present
Been TTC #1 since June 2006... im 18 :)
Anyone else I should add or put ' :cheer: ' smilies next to their name? :D
You can add me. Sus, 34 TTC #1 since July 06 so a long 18 months. Just been referred to fertility clinic. First appointment in Feb.

G3m , age 25 , off the pill since jan 2005 , active ttc since jan06 , bfp june 07 = 18 months ( or 30 months no protection ) NOW 7 MONTHS GONE :cheer:

me= dermoid tumour (removed may 07) , PSOC , overweight
dh = low sperm count
Can you please add me?

KayKav, aged 30 (31 on Wednesday, so I guess you should put 31 :eek:(), TTC #1 since July 07 = 6 months.
add me please

age 30, ttc since November'07, 2 months
Dont know if i count or not.

I am 25

I was originally TTC since May 05.
Stopped in July 07 as got new house. (2 yrs - 2 mths)
Trying again as of 14.01.2008 :dance:
Of course you count Kelly!! I shall add you now :) Good luck lady! :cheer:
caught pregnant while on the pill and found out last week but sadly had a miscarriage at 5-6weeks. now started TTC so really on first month - hoping it wont be long until i get my BFP! :pray:
Hi I'm Little Miss Pink

Age 28, TTC#1 since Jul 07, BFP Nov 07 = 4 months :cheer:

Although i was trying for 4 months i actually caught on my first cycle, on CD 117 is when i got my BFP, and my Last Menstrual Period was all the way back on the 5th July.

Other Factors:
PCOS, Slightly overweight (size 12/14)
Low Male Sperm Count too!
Good luck ladies!!!!

I was ttc from Oct 06 to Sept 07 - 11 months
Add me Add me PLEASE!

TTC First Baby
I'm 28 , came off pill end June been trying for 7mths.... nearly 8mths if no bfp at weekend
Hubbie 29 x

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