Good luck Jac, let me know if you want to join in on the thread and add you to the front page <3 x
Thanks char. I so hope this is your month.

I know people wait until few periods but my midwife says go for it as I have already had genetic tests and bleeding has stopped. Might not ovulate though but I am going to test 30th just probably more in hope than reality though lol. Xx
Massive congratulations that's how I felt with my BFP was the least month of which I thought I had symptoms. So happy for you. I have just been given the go ahead to try again after miscarriage so here's hoping. :pray: have such a happy and healthy 9 months xx

Thank you <3

So sorry to hear u had miscarriage really hope u get ur bfp soon. How are u feeling about ttc again x
Thank you <3

So sorry to hear u had miscarriage really hope u get ur bfp soon. How are u feeling about ttc again x

The thought I can try again is what's giving me the strength. I was lost first few days but passing baby naturally and taking it to the widwife actually in a strange way let me say goodbye. She said no reason I won't have healthy pregnancy now so think i am not getting any younger so why not try. Well won't stress over it just if happens next few months again great if not, just isn't meant to be xx
The thought I can try again is what's giving me the strength. I was lost first few days but passing baby naturally and taking it to the widwife actually in a strange way let me say goodbye. She said no reason I won't have healthy pregnancy now so think i am not getting any younger so why not try. Well won't stress over it just if happens next few months again great if not, just isn't meant to be xx

I loss my first born to abnormalities . I was 24 weeks gone. It was the most horrific thing we've been through.
Looking back I'm not so sure how I got through it all. I have been so lucky to have then got my girl and boy.
I'm getting on no too so this baby will complete our family.
Hope u stick around on the group and see u get ur bfp again x
I am so sorry to hear you lost your baby at 24weeks. That was similar for me. Lost my baby at 18weeks in March. We Struggled for months with it and only got intimate slowly June and in July fell pregnant again. I am not sure if that's helped me this time to not give up now. Hearing you have 2 children and now another on way also gives hope. I will try a few months and take from there after that. Xx

Best of luck to u xo
My RHR graph has taken a dip from 68 -stay there for past3 days to 66 this morning.... maybe this might end.. i was so tired last night so maybe it's a factor.
AF is due Monday. So I'll stay calm for the moment .. I got more 10mui the thicker strips so Il just keep using them and keep my good ones till AF is due
My lines are getting darker on yesterdays first response and the cheapies. Pray for sticky bean:pray:
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