Did you test with IC again then FREE? I got my bfp with my dd at 9dpo on an IC, maybe there not as reliable anymore
Yes internet cheapirs first sample this morning.. I though I was seeing evap . No pink so thought was out
Then this eve check again with internet cheapie seen v v faint line, enough to get the first response out which showed it clearly.
OH is out so havrnt got telling him yet
I'm just thinking too my resting heart rate graph was right too
My belly felt bit funny around 6po.. was hard to describe. Felt like I was buzzing or something. Thay was too early though I guess for implantation today I felt tiny shooting pains on my left side. Other than that nothing much. No sore boobs etc
Well good luck! Are you going to re test tomorrow or in a couple of days? Fingers crossed that line gets darker and darker for you x
Yes l will. I have small stash of pg test and il keep my digis for later till I can get a 3+ (fingers crossed)
That’s defo a line!!! Congrats hun! Come join us may mummies when you are ready xx
Wow - only been away from the forum for a couple of hours and we have a :bfp:
Yayyyyyyy!! Massive congrats to you @TTC no2 , so happy for you. I told you not to lose hope didn’t I :)
Thank you for starting off the thread with positive news <3 xx
Wow - only been away from the forum for a couple of hours and we have a :bfp:
Yayyyyyyy!! Massive congrats to you @TTC no2 , so happy for you. I told you not to lose hope didn’t I :)
Thank you for starting off the thread with positive news <3 xx

Still in shock. Partner has no idea yet.
Hes isn't home yet should be soon.

Now to see the rest off uz with good news.. right behind u all cheering uz on. :love:
Congratulations @TTC no2 :D:D:D

I use app flo to check when the period comes, and it says that it\s due in 6 days, but the 31 I bled a little bit of pink blood. :( SO idk if I ovulated early this month or late, if it was implantation or ovulation bleeding! I took some strips for ovulation but figured i took them with my first pee of the morning *Damn me who never reads* and now I am unsure xD

How is it going with you ladies??
My belly felt bit funny around 6po.. was hard to describe. Felt like I was buzzing or something. Thay was too early though I guess for implantation today I felt tiny shooting pains on my left side. Other than that nothing much. No sore boobs etc
Massive congratulations that's how I felt with my BFP was the least month of which I thought I had symptoms. So happy for you. I have just been given the go ahead to try again after miscarriage so here's hoping. :pray: have such a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Massive congratulations that's how I felt with my BFP was the least month of which I thought I had symptoms. So happy for you. I have just been given the go ahead to try again after miscarriage so here's hoping. :pray: have such a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Good luck Jac, let me know if you want to join in on the thread and add you to the front page <3 x

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