Hiya girls
So I'm deffo holding out until sat 28th before I test.
But I just have a feeling.
I never ever ever sleep during the day and I fell asleep after dinner tonight was totally exhausted and then woke up with achy boobs so I'm hopeful.
Today test at 9dpo, I know I should wait but I just can't. Why do I torture myself?

IMG_20190925_062846.jpg IMG_20190925_062738.jpg IMG_20190925_063054.jpg
I try to tell myself leave it a few days but I just can't help it. I will have the will power not to test tomorrow.

I got my bfp with my DD at 9dpo so I've always said to myself if I don't get then again I'm not pregnant. I know you can implant at different times.

Plus I've been having some really messed up dreams. The wait continues xx
Congrats @Oliviasmommy. Af arrived today for me. Hope now my hcg levels will go to zero and will ovulate and be able to try in October testing. Good luck everyone <3 xx
I try to tell myself leave it a few days but I just can't help it. I will have the will power not to test tomorrow.

I got my bfp with my DD at 9dpo so I've always said to myself if I don't get then again I'm not pregnant. I know you can implant at different times.

Plus I've been having some really messed up dreams. The wait continues xx
I've also had a few crazy dreams. Ordered my frer tests last night. I'm sure I will cave and test early also
Congrats @Oliviasmommy. Af arrived today for me. Hope now my hcg levels will go to zero and will ovulate and be able to try in October testing. Good luck everyone <3 xx

Fingers crossed for next month. Its a good sign if af has arrived, you should be back to normal now. Baby dust to you xx
Why does the 2ww seem like a life time? I hate it, didn't feel like this when ttc my DD.

On a good note I'm going to be an auntie again :) so excited. Would be nice if me and my sister were pregnant together again. There is 2 weeks between our 1st xx
Fingers crossed for next month. Its a good sign if af has arrived, you should be back to normal now. Baby dust to you xx
Thank you first time ever just wanted it to arrive to try move on and hopefully get a negative test in few days and ovulate again :pray: . Good luck for you over next few days xx
Why does the 2ww seem like a life time? I hate it, didn't feel like this when ttc my DD.

On a good note I'm going to be an auntie again :) so excited. Would be nice if me and my sister were pregnant together again. There is 2 weeks between our 1st xx

Congrats to your sister! :)

It’s my birthday tomorrow! So exciting :D

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