So much happening here now! Exciting!

@Jetina i definitely see your line! Congratulations! X

@soffphie so pleased to see your update. Congratulations x
Hi Ladies. I didnt plan to post on here but i have my second BFP. I do hope baby no2 is ok!!
After my MMC i did not expect to catch again, and especially not so quickly since it took us 19 months ttc before i even got pregnant with the first one.!

Its a very welcome miracle. Im just Hoping, Praying & Wishing This Is It!!! x

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Congratulations <3<3
Hi Ladies. I didnt plan to post on here but i have my second BFP. I do hope baby no2 is ok!!
After my MMC i did not expect to catch again, and especially not so quickly since it took us 19 months ttc before i even got pregnant with the first one.!

Its a very welcome miracle. Im just Hoping, Praying & Wishing This Is It!!! x

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Aw so glad to see you back hun. I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on. How amazing to get your 2nd BFP. Wishing you a sticky, happy and healthy pregnancy xx
Congrats ladies on all of your positives!! Woo hoo!

I do have a question about cm. Right now I have stretchy (can stretch it at least an inch), whitish color cm. Is that what it should be after ovulating quite a few days ago? I see so much about what it is before but not sure what it’s supposed to be after. I’d post a pic but didn't know if that’s tmi!
Hi! I found this website helpful about CM because there’s descriptions and videos. I hope it helps!

Visualizing Changes in Your Cervical Fluid (Cervical Mucus)
Wowww congrats to all the BFP. September is turning out to be a great month. Good luck to everyone still to test :clover: xx
I’m so sorry hun.
When isn’t AF due?
You aren’t due to test for a good few days so I am praying you just tested too soon xx

Thank you. AF due Friday. I was having brown discharge over the weekend. Which I never have. So thought I’d test x
I've gone and got myself stressed this morning. So after my faint positive on a FRER yesterday, I later tried on a Cassnovum early result test, which have terrible reviews, but it was my last one of those so just used it anyway and got a faint positive on that too. This morning though, I used one my blue HCG strips that I got from Amazon, thought I could see a super super faint something, but looked more like an evap line, and after the 10 min window it's just the indents I can see. Are the blue strips just not very sensitive? Got myself all worked up thinking I got false positives or evap lines yesterday. :(
I've gone and got myself stressed this morning. So after my faint positive on a FRER yesterday, I later tried on a Cassnovum early result test, which have terrible reviews, but it was my last one of those so just used it anyway and got a faint positive on that too. This morning though, I used one my blue HCG strips that I got from Amazon, thought I could see a super super faint something, but looked more like an evap line, and after the 10 min window it's just the indents I can see. Are the blue strips just not very sensitive? Got myself all worked up thinking I got false positives or evap lines yesterday. :(

I’d try another frer, they’re much more sensitive usually x
@PinkFlamingo - you are definitely not out if AF isn’t due until Friday and if you was only getting brown spotting over the weekend it would take a few days to show on a test so don’t feel let down yet. Your not out until that witch arrives. Lots of dust to you :dust:

@Jetina - I wouldn’t trust a blue dye test ever. Get yourself another FRER. They are the most sensitive on the market xx
I've gone and got myself stressed this morning. So after my faint positive on a FRER yesterday, I later tried on a Cassnovum early result test, which have terrible reviews, but it was my last one of those so just used it anyway and got a faint positive on that too. This morning though, I used one my blue HCG strips that I got from Amazon, thought I could see a super super faint something, but looked more like an evap line, and after the 10 min window it's just the indents I can see. Are the blue strips just not very sensitive? Got myself all worked up thinking I got false positives or evap lines yesterday. :(

My internet cheapies from amazon were exact same.. so so faint. Get urself first response
Thanks all, the internet ones were pink dye, but they're those little strips that you can get loads of for a few £, similar to the ovulation strips. The faint line was on a FRER yesterday but I have no more, so I'll have to see if anywhere local sells them. I know the faint line yesterday is a good sign, but these internet cheapies really do throw you don't they!
Thanks all, the internet ones were pink dye, but they're those little strips that you can get loads of for a few £, similar to the ovulation strips. The faint line was on a FRER yesterday but I have no more, so I'll have to see if anywhere local sells them. I know the faint line yesterday is a good sign, but these internet cheapies really do throw you don't they!
Yes i really dont trust them. Try to stay away from them hun. x

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