IMG_20190914_203543.jpg Evening ladies, I know this isn't a positive but don't want to miss my surge. Would you bd tonight? We dtd last night. So maybe would you say wait till tomorrow morning?

What do you think?
@Jac2019 awe thank you. Yes you assume you know and you don’t really know for sure when you ovulate all the time hopefully the sticks work. Worth a go I suppose xxx
Def worth ago. I couldn't take them this month as body abit messed up but def will try them again next month. Showed me the month I got bfp was cd15 with a 12day LP xx. Good luck xx
My husband and I usually DTD 3 times a day on weekends. Apparently it's a total myth that you should wait! My vote is go for it.

My oh has a history of low sperm count all tho he is clear now, just worried will either miss O day and that if we dtd too much the sperm quality
@liz85 sorry af came!! Keep up the good spirits!
@CrazyChic id just wait till the morning as well! Could still be a few more days until you get a darker line.

CD 75 for me today, thought I was coming on yesterday as I went to the toilet and a tiny bit of red spotting. We ended up Dtd, which normally brings on af slightly if I’m due on, but today there has been nothing. Looks like I’ll be waiting for October testing. Oh and negative test Friday morning. If no AF by next Friday will take another test !
@liz85 - what the hell, I was so sure your tests were positive. Do you think it could have been a chemical or dodgey tests?
I am so sorry hun :(

@CrazyChic - I would wait and carry on every other day until your peak xx
That would be a dream but I think we are thinking of different things haha
My temp also raised this morning yesterday was 36.02 this morning was 36.07. Hoping ovusense will confirm soon xx
@liz85 - what the hell, I was so sure your tests were positive. Do you think it could have been a chemical or dodgey tests?
I am so sorry hun :(

@CrazyChic - I would wait and carry on every other day until your peak xx
Not sure lol it was a line with colour in it so I’m so confused. I’d 3 tests with colour and about 5 negatives. So weird!!
I just posted in the Am I Pregnant section ladies, would love to see what you all think! I'm such a mixed bag of emotions right now, hubby is away at a friends till late tonight, but both me and my mother-in-law could see it.
I know it’s way too early to be testing. I took a first response and a cheapie and feel like I see SOMETHING. I’ll try again in a few days.

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