I'm terribly impatient so will be finding out. we brought our 2 kids with us to find out 2 and a half years ago . and will prob do the same as they are now 13 and 9 and love the guessing before handAaah my husbands birthday is 10th April too.
Is anyone having a surprise or is everyone finding out? Ill be having another surprise. Ive never found out.
Aaah my husbands birthday is 10th April too.
Is anyone having a surprise or is everyone finding out? Ill be having another surprise. Ive never found out.
Haha wow that’s awesome!!OMG mystery we had our first babies at the same time, I'm pregnant with my second, due late August!! How mad is that, congratulations lovely xxx
Jan 25 is my first scan, I’ll be 7 weeksOmg how funny is that?! Im taking these coincidences as a good sign
I will be finding out as i am way too impatient not to lol.
Is anyone booking an early scan? I think we will for the end of january xx
Aaah my husbands birthday is 10th April too.
Is anyone having a surprise or is everyone finding out? Ill be having another surprise. Ive never found out.
@MrsG2Be Yes! That definitely helps...glad I am not the only one who wants to keep testingHi summer congratulations! If it helps i have taken 6 home tests since 29th december as i am a testing addict haha x
summer let me know your estimated due date and I’ll add you to the listHello~
I am new to posting and this forum. I have had odd cramping and heightened temperature. (I'm also feeling a little constipated). I took a pregnancy test this week that was positive! My husband and I are very excited a little nervous as well. My doctor suggested we come in and get blood work (done today) and follow-up on Monday for a repeat to track HCG. Otherwise, they said I will come back in beginning of February. Lab results won't be in for a few more days at the earliest. Technically, first day of my missed period will be Sunday or Monday. The doctor declined to take a urine sample and just set up my follow-up appointment. Should I take another pregnancy test at home or just leave it and be patient? #Firsttimepregnancy
- Summer (nice to meet everyone)