***** September 2019 mothers *******

Princessp its just a gut feeling really (which is usually wrong haha) not based on any evidence haha xx
Soo scan went well considering baby was not playing and she couldnt get the nt measurements, ive been put forward to 13w1d meaning my due date is now 3rd september. Im going to start the september thread in tri2 shortly so come on over when you're ready xxx

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We had our scan yesterday. I explained to the sonographer we had been for an early scan at around 8.5w and that they said there was a possibility of a smaller second sac or it could have been a bleed site.

She had a look round and said there was 1 baby with a heartbeat but that there was actually a second sac, and that it started as a twin pregnancy but T2 stopped growing at 6w. It’s crazy to imagine that’s we could have had twins as nothing ‘exciting’ really happens to us.

We’re not upset as we kind of figured that we’d had that previous warning that that would have been the case. I’ve said to everyone if we hadn’t have known and gone in to find a surprising 2 heartbeats and then it happen later on then I would be devastated, but I feel this is the kindest way as it kind of feels like we haven't lost anything as we didn’t know there were 2. If that makes sense?! So although it’s a sad situation, we’re ‘okay’ with it.

This baby looks healthy though and measuring perfectly to dates so my date is still 11th. Xx

When seeing the midwife afterwards she did actually say though that we would need to meet with the consultant just as it’s under anything that’s out of the ordinary. So we have that booked in for 2 days after our anomaly scan next month.

Does anyone know what that would be for? Surely I wouldn’t be under a consultant the whole pregnancy? I’m kind of expecting to meet her once to discuss and then for her to put us back to Midwife led care? Xx
2 more days until my scan getting nervous and excited now feeling very emotional
We had our scan today. The sonographer was brilliant she was a trainee but she got some amazing photos So much detail! I thought I was 12+3 but they dated me 13+1 so New due date of 9th September

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