***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Oh I don't know now, you have the exact same routine as us lol, maybe try pyjamas and teeth before Peppa? However Liam goes to bed at 8ish give or take 15 mins. So we do up to the story part by 8ish and then he goes to bed for his 2 stories x
Not that I am a mummy quite yet, but maybe phase out iPad, Naomi? They say that the light from iPads can affect your sleep and trick your brain into being awake for ages.
Have heard it a few times. Maybe not relevant and as I say, no expert yet, so could be completely wrong! Xx
Yes, happy maternity, Lander! Morning! I am up and wide awake!
Have been awake since 3 so hungry I felt sick... I finally gave in just now and raided the in laws' cupboards as I thought I was going to faint! I could stil l eat more as well, but trying to control myself!
Becoming a bit of a pattern. My husband is trying to get me to eat properly etc. and gave in to just having two small crumpets for breakfast yesterday... Bad mistake. I nearly fainted! This baby is craving food. Constantly!
Haha, I've been up since about 4:30, my tummy is gurgling as though I either need to vomit or go to the loo :( so I'm sat here with a glass of milk and a glass of coke, which I'm waiting to go flat. Chris is snoring away again lol. Didn't get to sleep until about 1:30 as my tummy was itching like mad and I couldn't get comfortable at all. It seems though I get sleepy and go to get comfy then a baby will stick out of my side ... So I roll over and the other one does it, I'm in a lose lose situation lol. End result is I am shattered :(.
I have never raided the cupboards in the middle of the night before, never been hungry enough to do it lol, but if your baby wants you to eat .... You must eat :) x
I've been feeling hungry in the night as well. And need to eat something frequently so I don't feel dizzy etc.

Was up about 3 times in the night but all in all slept until gone 7am which is nice for me!

Baby's been very active though, if not general moving then he gets hiccups and after 5-10 mins of them he gets frustrated and stretches out and fidgets. Can just imagine him making baby squeaks doing it after he's born, face all scrunched up etc poor baby.

Hi girls sorry I have been busy was told last week baby was just under 4lbs. 3 weeks ago he was 3.1 so they keeping an eye on his weight gain was also told I would have to on metformin on friday there because of climbing resting levels, but on Wednesday went to fetal accessment for reduced movements again and they discovered I had a infection in my blood and baby would not perform he wouldnt move on the two scans and my heartrate matched that of babies so they had to get a doctor in because they couldn't tell me from babies heartrate lol and I kept feeling faint everytime they moved me on my back had them all scared anyways was admited overnight and stuck on two drips and back home the next day. Was told then to hold off on the metformin because could cause problems because of the infection. Started hypnobirthing classes this morning should be interesting.
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Will catch up on the reading to see what you all been up too xx
on phone atm to lazy to switch on lappy lol definetley making a start on hospital bag next week as it caught me unawares haven't had a hospital stay since had tonsils out at 21 so 18 years lol I guess this was a wee test run xx
Ah hugs sansk, hypno birthing will still help even if you end up with any kind of intervention. Helps keep you calm and focused xxx
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Hi girls sorry I have been busy was told last week baby was just under 4lbs. 3 weeks ago he was 3.1 so they keeping an eye on his weight gain was also told I would have to on metformin on friday there because of climbing resting levels, but on Wednesday went to fetal accessment for reduced movements again and they discovered I had a infection in my blood and baby would not perform he wouldnt move on the two scans and my heartrate matched that of babies so they had to get a doctor in because they couldn't tell me from babies heartrate lol and I kept feeling faint everytime they moved me on my back had them all scared anyways was admited overnight and stuck on two drips and back home the next day. Was told then to hold off on the metformin because could cause problems because of the infection. Started hypnobirthing classes this morning should be interesting.

Oh no, hope you are feeling much better, I looked into hypnobirthing but haven't done anything as I didn't see the point with a section. I see you are in the same boat as me with the growth thing, are they sending you for more scans? X

Oh gosh sansk what a worry :-( glad all was ok in the end. Will they put you on anything else instead of the metformin? Has baby been moving more since?

Hypnobirthing intrigues me. I looked into it a bit last time and was planning on doing it but got caught up in the general labour stuff in the end but quite tempted to try it again this time. Although I don't think meditative type music would help me in labour. I'm in the process of doing myself a rock and up beat music play list on my ipod as think stuff with a good beat to focus on might work for me.

Have had major constipation the last few days which sucks big time. I'm back to just peeing once during the night though since starting the GD diet which is good. Although being kept up for other reasons haha, sods law.

Touch wood though after two fairly spectacular tantrums during the last two hours before bed, millie seems to have tired herself out and has gone to sleep already. Hoping she sleeps through as she's been looking shattered these last few days. Thinking a good solid nights sleep or two will hopefully get her back to her normal self during the day xxx
Ah I'm glad you had a better time with Millie tonight :)

Liam has been a rat bag all day, stripped all day until tea time and then he turned into this sweet angelic boy lol

I was productive today and finished packing my hospital bag, so I have a holdall and changing bag to take with me. We decided it was worth having ready just incase they want me to go in after my scan on Tuesday ... And if not its ready for when we do go in.
Also bought our wallpaper today and Chris painted the ceiling which does need another coat, and I think he is glossing tomorrow so almost ready for the paper to go up :) ... Cannot contain the excitement.
Chris is also giving me a shandy tonight as apparently I sleep better after drinking one lol.

I have also been suffering from constipation a little.

Who els has their bags packed? Considering we are nearing the end. :) x
My changing bag is being delivered in the week. Have most stuff ready to go in it. Should have it all sorted by end of next week when I'll be 35+3!

He's big, getting engaged etc. We'll see ;)
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That is very exciting :), what changing bag did you get? I can't believe you have just over 5 weeks to go until term :) x
I'm in sunny Wales for the week but when I get back I'm going to get out all of the bits for my hospital bag and for baby just so it's done. I'm end of Sept so still have 8 weeks to go :-)

Hope everything is going a little more smoothly now Sansk :-) xx
She tends to have dinner at about 5:30, then bath or shower at 6:30. Then she's allowed to watch 10 mins of peppa or whatever on YouTube on my iPad and then into pyjamas, brush teeth and read two books in her bed. Any ideas of what I could try differently?

And yeh definitely don't envy you with 3!!

What about a change in bed? Could she switch to a big girl single bed? I literally just did this with my 2 year old yesterday and I couldn't get her out of it.. She loves it!
Ooh Liam is in a single bed now and absolutely loves it, I think the quality of the mattress compared to the cot/toddler bed one made all of the difference x
I'm in sunny Wales for the week but when I get back I'm going to get out all of the bits for my hospital bag and for baby just so it's done. I'm end of Sept so still have 8 weeks to go :-)

Hope everything is going a little more smoothly now Sansk :-) xx

8 weeks still isn't that long plus it's only 5 weeks until they consider baby to be ready :) x
Eurgh, I woke up this morning with a sore bump again :( x
Poor sansk!
Hope you and little man are ok now.
MrsB, you poor thing too :-( Could you go swimming?
Baby SiamesCL is kicking away this morning.
Last night, DH had head in bump talking to me and got kicked in the eye! Haha. He loved it and keeps trying to get BB to do it again.
2 weeks until BB is full term! Arg.
In relation to my whole baby being too big thing, my NCT class leader says that transverse babies often measure way bigger than they actually are, so a. Hoping that is the problem. Will find out on 10th August when have consultant appointment o guess. Hoping they will scan to check...

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