***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Is that the bottle feeding thread?
I'm a paediatric nurse and in the hospital if babies are on a 'special' feed the milk kitchen make the bottles up for 24 hours and we store them in our fridge until required then heat them up. My personal opinion is that as long as you make the bottle up with the boiling water initially to kill the bacteria then there's no harm in using it later.
There will always be difference of opinions and those that like to stick rigidly to the rules and guidelines but each to their own and we all need to find a way that works for us and our babies. No one is the perfect parent and we are all trying to do the best we can xx
Don't get upset over it xx

Yeah that's the feed lol ... To be fair I made feeds in advance but always with boiling water and left to cool then stored in the fridge
Some people just jump on their horses and assume you are a bad mum for it but I have the most healthiest smartest 2 year old to show for all the rules I broke :) x
If I'm able, I plan on ebf for the first 6 weeks or so until it's established then he will start combi feeding, my friends buying me a perfect prep machine but if I wasn't being gifted the machine I wouldn't buy one and the bottles would be getting made in advance. Hopefully won't need to take bottles out with me and he can bf if hungry xx
We wouldn't of bought the machine and done the ready made ones again but with having twins we thought it would have been easier to use a machine than make up 10 feeds :) I have heard that the machines are fab though. Will still make a few in advance if I'm going out and make the night time one as I'm a believer in room temp feeds ... If I was to breastfeed that wouldn't come out warm (i don't think -never done it)

Ooh I have a question ... Your section that is planned - has it been discussed throughout your entire pregnancy? I will be requesting one on Tuesday as twin 1 still seems to be breech, I have my growth scan Tuesday followed by consultant. I never really wanted one but considering it's looking that way I need to sort of plan it to get into the zone of it if that makes sense? Do you think I will be given a date on Tuesday? I'm seeing the anaesthetic doctors on the Wednesday anyway so that won't need factoring in. X
It wasn't discussed with me until I had my 28 week consultant appointment. I'm 42 and this is my 6th pregnancy (5 losses) so due to my age I'm considered high risk (increased risk of placenta deterioration) so the consultant said right away that I wouldn't be left to go to term and my options were either induction between 38 and 40 weeks or an elective section at 39 weeks and for me to consider both options and she would be happy to do what I wanted. After discussing it with DH and my midwife I decided to have the elective section as I don't want to risk a prolonged induction which increases the chance of assisted delivery or emergency section anyway. I also don't want to risk a prolonged, difficult labour and risk any foetal distress or hypoxia, I've come too far to put any risk on my baby and would rather my birth risks were to me.
I'm not sure if you'll get a date so soon, my midwife didn't think I'd get a date until around 36 weeks but when I told my consultant my decision she just went and booked me in there and then xx
I did ask what the difference was between him being born via induction at 38 weeks and having to wait until 39 weeks for a section and she said babies born via section are at increased risk of breathing difficulties before 39 weeks due to the womb not contracting and helping with expelling the fluid from the lungs and that if I was to have a section before 39 weeks she would want me in for steroid injections beforehand to help baby's lungs and reduce the risk of breathing difficulties xx
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Ahh see they have told me they probably won't let me go past 38 weeks and if they do it will be because all is well and both babies are in position. I'm going to discuss it on Tuesday at 32 weeks but I have another growth scan at 36 weeks anyway

I bet you have never been so ready for a baby x
More than ready lol
It's obviously more complex with twins, they'll probably wait until you have your 36 week scan to see what the babies are estimating weight wise before committing to a date for you, as long as everything is fine then they are best inside cooking as long as safely possible xx
Happy Saturday everyone :) how is everyone feeling today?
I didn't go to sleep until almost 6am, I am supposed to be going out tonight too so will probably have to have an afternoon nap.
My neighbour is very odd ... Every weekend my FiL has been coming round to help with some decorating and he parks outside our house, usually blocking our drive a little because he is a polite man and doesn't like offending people ... But every time he parks up she comes out of her house, takes her car off her drive and parks in front of her house leaving her driveway empty all day for no apparent reason ... Makes me chuckle every time :)
I seriously need to get up and get dressed as I need to go and pick a carpet for my Lou ge (that seems like it is nowhere near done lol) but I need to get them booked in ... Plus if there is a deadline my lounge will be done by then

Hope you all have a nice Saturday planned and lander ... Didn't you finish work yesterday? X
Haha how random Caroline! Some people....

I'm off to my friends wedding today. Slept at a b and b in tenby last night but millie didn't settle well and I forgot my pregnancy pillow so feeling very tired today and wondering how I'm going to last!!
Oh no, pregnancy pillows are sacred ... Maybe the loveliness of the day will help you through x
My washing machine has went on the bloody blink :wall: keeps tripping the electrics. Was in the middle of a cycle washing all the cot bedding as well :-( managed to get it out and rung as much water and soap suds out as I could for now but it'll all need doing again, feel totally stressed that I'm without a machine!
Oh no, that is one of my worst nightmares ... Luckily all baby stuff is washed as I have far too much time on my hands while on mat leave ... No wonder I'm always crippled lol.

My bump has been really uncomfortable the past couple of days ... I literally feel as though I'm going to burst, I know I will get bigger I just don't know how.

We now have a carpet half ordered, they are measuring up on Monday then they can order it :), a wall is now built up too so just need to arrange the plasterer. I feel as though we are actually getting somewhere with the lounge now.

Have you been to get a new machine or are you going to have it fixed? X
Going to phone the repair shop on Monday and ask if it could be repaired, if not I've picked one out from Argos and they do next day delivery so should be up and running again soon x

Sounds like you're making good progress with everything xx
Fingers crossed it can be repaired then as I'm sure that is the cheaper option.

And yes it feels like we are making progress now, it felt like we were getting nowhere and today it's gone very well :) x
Went and got my toenails done today lol. I always used to do my own but this is the second time now as I'm too pregnant to reach myself 5'8" with long legs even without bump in the way! DH can't help as he has some dexterity issues due to seven years of urticaria attacks.

Also got a few basics for baby that I don't want to be caught without in the middle of the night etc. Infacol, sudocreme, a couple of dummies and some Superdrug brand Nappies to try along with the Aldi Mamia ones and the Pampers samples I have.
That sounds like a nice day :), I can never be bothered doing my nails. Are they plain or fancy?

I'm going to get a complex soon, just realised how big my bump is as my maternity jeans no longer fit over it :( been living in leggings and my brothers joggers for the past 2/3 weeks and just went to get dressed up to go out and bam they wouldn't go over :( dress and tights it is then ... Such a fatty considering I've not gained any actual weight x
They're a sparkly silver. Nothing drastic just neat and tidy lol
Hi girls xx

Been to the next sale this morning picked up a load of stuff for the wee man��
Ooh they sound lovely lander

Hi sansk, I'm jealous although I already bought a few bits from there for the boys, I have also been eyeing up the new range x
I'm near a Choice (Next outlet/1st grade seconds) store anyway so I've a ton of great stuff from there already, not worth the effort of shopping at an actual Next lol

Weather has got a lot warmer since yesterday, I was horribly hot and sweaty all night last night, slept really badl. I'ts now like 20C and overcast and muggy now, still all clammy and that's only sat in underwear and short leggings before I have to get a dress on for a lunch event with the in-laws later. Oh and baby has hiccups...

I went through his clothes again yesterday and took aside the odd 'tiny baby' bits that were in his 'up to 1 month' box as I don't think we'll need them. Even some of the 1 month stuff might be pushing it, lots of it barely goes to 8lb so, we'll see lol

Have plenty of 0-3 though and those go from up to 10lb- to up to 14lb depending on the make/brand!!

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