*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

It's been 3 weeks of bad tummy now so I think it's not long now. Just very crampy and severe back pains xxx
Arghhhhh H just read them - that gets me so excited. So you advise scrubbing the house and getting on my ball???
Glad baby is moving about loads now - our little September bundles love to keep us on our toes don't they!!

Aww MummyBee my fella can be the same - he doesn't drink very much but funnily enough on Friday night he had had a bad day so I bought him a bottle of wine and he drank the lot, very annoying all night and kept stealing the quilt. Didn't help that I thought I was leaking waters that night so would have had to get a taxi to the women's if I was in labour - that's sure put him off now haha xxxx
Definitely scrub the floors hun, you have to get on your hands and knees and do it for it to help though, something to do with the way it positions the baby :D Drink your tea! I really think I will wake up to a labour thread for you tomorrow as you are exactly how I was :) xx
Thanks H! Hope so - we will see :)

Do you know what oil to use for the perineal massage? xxxx
my money's still on bunny or h first think this lo will b staying put till next Tuesday!!

Having Said that I don't mind them cuming early as I'm very uncomfortable now n feeling so much pressure all the time.

Hope everyone has a fab Sunday.

I don't have a clue what this baby is doing honestly. I have the most horrendous back pain today though and nothing is helping, getting a lot of pressure down below every time I stand up too. Not sure he will come this week but I will be very surprised if he doesn't come before due date x
Same here H so much pressure down low and horrible back ache. I'm gonna try and nap it off but I highly doubt it's gonna happen, ahhhh isn't pregnancy a fun experience? Especially towards the end? Haha xxx
For those ladies that have had a GTT do you know if paracetamol is allowed during the fasting window? I have had to take quite a few the last couple of days to get through the headaches/backaches etc and my back is horrendous today I can't see me lasting from midnight until lunchtime tomorrow without a painkiller :/ x
I wouldn't have thought it would make any difference hun don't think it's git sugar in has it??!! I'm not sure who u cud check with tho as I'm no expert.

So tired now n I'm not even sure why as I haven't done anything lol.

Oh ladies it really is getting exciting in here! I keep expecting to come online to a labour thread! Sorry you lr back is hurting so much h ~ rest as much as you can!

We dtd last night in a bid to get things moving. Was fine at first, then started having cramps after that. After about an hour I started getting proper contractions in my back and tummy. Didn't get excited as presumed they would tail off, and once they got up to about 6 minutes apart they did. I still thing that was positive as last time we dtd (4 weeks ago) I cramped a bit after but nothing like last night so good to know things are progressing in the right direction. Hubby is working in Surrey tuesday which is hours from here so might give it a few nights and then try again! Xx
Sounds like we need to dtd!!
Definitely on tonight's agenda x
We dtd last night but absolutely nothing! Think I'll be overdue. Apart from Braxton hicks, not having any signs whatsoever. With Amelia I had my section 2 days before due date and there was no sign of her putting in an appearance!
I was the same Katherine. I had no symptoms at all then my waters broke in the middle of the night at 40+1 and it all just started happening :)

Had no signs of that happenings x
I had a bath after giving up napping completely. I've had some pains radiating up from my pelvis around the bottom of my bump it was bad enough to make me grit my teeth and squeeze hubby's hand, then I say up in the bath and felt a pop ignored it got out got dry and had no leakage etc sat on the loo however and the smallest trickle came out so I lay on the bed incase it was just from the bath and yet again when sitting up more trickle of fluid it smelt of nothing and was clear. I'm still getting pains in my lower abdomen and my bottom part of the bump has gone hard too xxx
Call triage Hun, you have had way too many cramps etc this week, makes me think you might be in very early labour stages as that was what mine was like in terms or period pains, lower bump contractions etc.
My back is so bloody bad now, these cramps have ramped up too and I have got the worst runs! Beginning to think maybe something is happening after all! Told OH I will try and cross my legs for a day as he starts his new job tomorrow doing 7am -3pm so if I can at least hold out until 3 tomorrow before having proper contractions that would be good! Lol.

We dtd last night so maybe that is why I am feeling it today?!

Took Ruby swimming then came home and had a 2 hour nap and I have just carb loaded on pasta lol I am all set! :p

How was everyone's Sunday?

Bunny - any more contractions Hun? X
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I'm going to call them now him thank you hope your okay too and you feel better soon. The back pain I had has returned and it's achy as hell.
Sorry ladies just catching up now!

Tessa that's exciting think we're going to DTD tonight, I'm going to make him although I think he will be happy. It's been a while haha!

Let us know how you get on Violet - 100% doing the right thing calling triage now like H says you've had lots going on with your body this weekend that I think will be best to be checked out. If it's nothing who cares, better to be checked then not.

H this all sounds promising! You feeling the same now?

No more contractions at all! Think it was my body playing tricks on me last night but we will see.

My house smells bloody gorgeous I've scrubbed everywhere, got a scentsy in the living room which had flooded both living rooms & kitchen with fab smells, candle in bathroom and 'baby powder' candle upstairs in baby's room! I feel so relaxed i love candles can you tell! Just had a bath and lying in bed now. XXXX

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