*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Hahaha love it Kelly! I reckon you will be this week too! This full moon at weekend is going to make us all have babies lol x
Haha love that Kelly, so the 2nd for me?

Oh I jinxed myself I now feel so sick. It's frustrating because I'm starving but looking at food makes me feel like vomiting , exactly how I was in tri 1 - except I vomited all the time back then! Apparently it's a good sign!!! I'm not off my food tho I want it I just feel sick when it's in front of me xxxx

That's exactly how I felt all last week Hun, it's bloody horrible x
Why am I always first lol getting nervous now!!!! Was guna dtd later now I'm worried it will start something off!!

Everyone's going to go early and I'll be in here like billy no mates until October boo hoo lol slight exaggeration! I've lost no plug yet and just got a sore footh with daggers.

Just woke up from a monster nap of two hours, never going to sleeo tonight and I've got the nap hangover feeling yuk. Xx
Yeh Bunny I think you and me will be similar times :)

Michelle, sorry, you just send off signals to my brain lol.

Doll I bet one of us will be well overdue and still here with you feeling fed up lol x
Michelle you look amazing just seen your picture before going out - love the dress!

Dolleyes don't worry - I keep thinking these are all signs ill have her soon and watch me be the last one haha!

Oh I really want to go this week or if not this week then anytime after next Thursday - it's my nieces 1st birthday on Thursday 3rd xxxx
Hey ladies, I forgot I can post in this thread any time...have a right dopey moment tbh. I've got some abdominal pain going on bumps gone hard and it's getting pretty sore now, I know it's normal and does happen just wanting to be sure as you guys know I worry. The period pains are getting stronger too xxx
Speaking of baby arrivals. Iv been so sure il go early up until the past week. Now i just have this gut feeling im going to go over and have to be induced! I really dont know which i would prefare. I was induced last time and i fear this time il not make it to hospital in time if i do go on my own. Im one of those people i hate going and making a fuss over nothing incase its just a waste of time lol! In all seriousness il probably be squeeling by 2cm begging for an epidural even tho i really wanna steer clear of that! This pg im having a lot more pains. Loosing sooo much plug (took me 4 wipes earlier to get rid of it all) the pressure down below is sometimes nearly unbareable. I struggle to walk long distances due to leg cramps so i just make sure i use my ball, take my rlt capsules and dtd to try get things moving haha xx
Oh exciting! We've got at least 4 people to pop in the next 10 days I reckon! Hayes, H, Bunny and Kelly. Doll, I'll be here until October with you I reckon. As soon as I finish work next week, project eviction starts. Although I'm still having a rlt daily, an evening primrose oil and at least 20mins on my ball daily as well as yoga and Aquanatal so it's gonna ramp up, lol x
Don't worry doll_eyes I'm one if the first in terms of due dates but definitely sounds like there's going to be lots of babies before mine - apart from strong Braxton hicks I'm feeling fine and pretty symptomless!

Oo Michelle enjoy Prezzo - I could go a chicken and meatball calzone right now! :lol:

Violet - think I posted on your other thread but my BH can be quite intense and painful (despite what the books/Google will tell you) I often have to stand/sit really still and focus on breathing whilst my bump goes rock hard and then wait for it to pass - but obviously if the pain is growing in intensity over a short period of time then you might want to get checked.

I braved it to Greenwhich park today - the drive was fine and so glad I went as weather was gorgeous and got to see loads of my friends for a last little get together before baby arrives :)

Christening tomorrow! Hope everyone else has made the most of the gorgeous weather (though hope it cools a little before we actually start giving birth!)

The pains are now in my back too. Also a bit tmi but me and oh have dtd and I've had 0 leakage even though he did come and I've had none of that happen before I don't even know if it's normal tbh....some of the things we talk about hey? Haha xxx
Bunny, I actually think that If you don't go a couple of days early then u will be a couple of days overdue. I don't know why I think it. With my son I was sure he would be early and I Was wrong then too haha. So I haven't got any psychic powers. I do usually Have great dreams and I am waiting for one about us all x

Summer, I think you will be one that will randomly pop very quickly. It will just happen unexpectedly around due date ;)

Violet, maybe if your too concerned get checked out? Does paracetamol help the pain x
Gorgeous weather? It's been wet all day here and now we're in the middle of a massive storm! So jealous of you all having fabulous weather! Apparently it's now going to be bad here till next weekend.

Yeah Violet the reason I advised that is because we all have worries and they are easily answered and supported in here rather then you having to write a thread - chances are someone's felt the same in here and we're all really supportive of each other. Would love you to be a part of that as I know your friends haven't been great.

Summer sounds like you've had s fab day! Enjoy tomorrow too! Because MW and OH seem to think I'll pop any day now we're going to completely scrub the house tomorrow and double check everything's ready! Funnnnn haha!

Sounds promising MummyBee!!!

Haha we will see Kelly - for some reason I've said the same. I said if I don't go this week I'll end up going over haha! Xxxxx
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Thanks mummybee, I think it's better me posting here too, I do genuinely forget sometimes haha I am being a right dimbo lately but think it's hormones. Sat on my ball Trying to ease it off sadly not working tonight xxx
I've had two paracetamol and they haven't really done much of I'm honest I've said to hubby we'll give it till 10pm if it's not eased we are going to be checked out xxx
Thanks Kelly, I'm gonna stay on my ball for a while and hope it buggers off back pains a new one though for me anyway it's normally period cramps if it's my braxton hicks but never really in the back xxx
Violet my labour last time started with period cramps for about 10 hours before they turned into proper contractions so you never know!

I have had absolutely horrendous lower back pain since around 7.30, no idea why unless it is baby position as I have done literally nothing all day! Keep feeling wet down below like you do on a period and keep going to toilet to check for plug. Very odd. x
I'm the same H! I feel wet but I'm dry as a bone excuse tmi, I lost more plug this morning but that's been it sat on my ball I feel damp constantly so keep checking myself even though nothing is there. It's just so nasty feel achy but also sharp and easing sharp and easing my bump feel rock hard baby is active and is fine but I am not a happy mummy bear xxx
I don't think the heat helps, I swear it sets pains off more. Been so hot here all day, praying for rain lol x

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