*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I know I really feel for her n just hope it calms down a bit n she at least gets the pessary n feels like she's doing something if that makes sense.

Exactly, she could still be ages with the pessary. It would be nice for her to get started. Fx things calm down for her. Xx
Ah Michelle that's rubbish for your friend ~ hormones must be going crazy!!

Gilly I use a 'thinking patch' with belle. It's basically a flannel she sits on if she has been naughty, works in same was a naughty step but fits in my bag so wherever/whenever we need it it's there! Know a few people have done naughty step and then struggled when out and there are no stairs etc. I have never had to use it too mic as luckily Belle is really good, but have found having it with us really helpful on the odd occasion it's been needed.

Wedding was lovely yesterday, left about 10 as belle was tired and I was ready for a bath. The drive home today was even worse than Fridays, was ready to explode when we got home. Stood and rocked about for a bit but having painful tightenings every time I get up. Sitting down they stop so totally putting it down to another 4 hours in the car. Won't be doing that again for a while! Xx
Glad you enjoyed the wedding Tessa, sorry to hear the car journey on the way back was no better though!

Thinking patch sounds like a good idea, might have to try that one myself, Ruby been a right monkey today! x
Save those long journeys, but glad you enjoyed the wedding :)
Anyone got a hv coming out? I had a letter yesterday to say one is coming round Tuesday. I didn't get this last time but I also don't really want the hour long meeting with her just two hours before my midwife appointment! I don't feel I really need the support to be honest. X
Kelly I had one last time, as did one other of my 7 NCT friends. Funnily enough the two of us that got the pre baby visits were the two that weren't married ~ made me very doubtful as to why she was there! X
I had a letter but changed Drs so cancelled, the new area hasn't contacted me. I cba with the mw coming every day for a week after we get home, it was so boring waiting in for her last time. x
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I have had a letter saying I will get a visit before due date but they will let me know date nearer time, must be an area thing as when I lived in the West Midlands I didn't get a visit until after Ruby was born x
No visit for me just the red book through the post n a letter saying see u after u have had the baby!!

Thinking place sounds good defo nice to have something that's portable.

Glad u enjoyed the wedding, u don't know how u did it with the car journey tho ouch.

I got given my red book at the hospital last time. Funny how things are so different area to area.
Just had a letter from the Children's hospital for O. Feel a bit down, I know it's my hormones but it just drags up a lot of horrible feelings and memories. He isn't poorly, but when he was born they did think there was something quite seriously wrong with him, he had a load of tests and went to the children's hospital at 5 days old. He's had an operation which went brilliantly and confirmed everything was fine but they still want to know why what happened, happened (sorry if I'm being vague, I just hate talking about it) and they want us to go in end of September to discuss results of the blood they took during his operation. I've worked myself up that it's shown something but hubby is saying it could also be the final all clear and a discharge appointment. I just wish I knew. On a daily basis I forget about it, O is meeting his milestones, he isn't huge but he's 25th percentile, he's happy....just feel like this is a kick in the gut today. Deep down I know I'm scared of something being wrong with the twins and having to go through it all again. My hormones are crazy, I've been snivelling for 10mins. :(
I think I might decline the meeting. This is my second baby, same area, already met the HV after I had my son as she did the day 10 visit. I'd have much preferred them to come last night! I like to be left alone really unless I need help.
I got the red book at the hospital too :)

Gilly, all I can say is try not to worry. I am sure everything is fine with all 3 of them. Even if it wasn't, there is a lot of support out there. I know how hard it must be, but try not to get worked up about it :( x
Thanks Kelly, I know it's part worry but more hormones! Just needed to get it off my chest. :)

Do you reckon the mw will come as much as she did with the first baby? It was every single day for me and they expect you to hang around for them. They got really shitty with us when they came and we were at Tesco! X
I'm sorry to hear u r upset gilly I'm sure if it was anything serious they would want to see u quicker. Prob as ur hubby says just the finally chat n discharge for you. fx it all goes smoothly with the twins, not long now till u get a date!!!

I'm glad I'm nit having a visit this time seems silly as u say Kelly nothing has changed in the last 18 months, I'm nit sure about mws tho I saw a lot as Harry didn't put on much weight till I bottle fed but will b doing both this time so will hopefully see less of them.

Have you thought about how you're going to combi feed Michelle? Ratios or anything? I'm going to breast feed in hospital and then combi feed when I get home. I would like to combi feed in hospital if I'm on the feeding regime but I'm a right wuss when it comes to the breastfeeding nazis! :D xx
Gilly as Michelle said I am sure they would have contacted you by now if anything was wrong, and they would certainly want to see you sooner than the end of sept. I can understand why it has made you sniffle though, these damn hormones aren't easy! Sending a hug your way, 2 more sleeps till your app.

I don't remembered wife coming around all that often last time, maybe just twice? And we were out of hospital the day after Belle was born. Last time I was so eager to get out, use the pram, take her places etc. This time I plan to spend more time in pjs enjoying snuggles and more skin to skin. Belle goes to pre school for 3, 5 hour days from sept which I feel really sad about (not intending on sending her for 3 days every week ~ she loves it but i think 2 is enough!) but at least that's somewhere she can go during that first week to get out/run off energy etc xx
Glad you enjoyed the wedding Tessa, seen some pictures on FB you and your family looked gorgeous and it looked like a beautiful day. No more long journey's till LO is here tho, I don't know how you did it.

I haven't had a letter off HV should I have?

You ladies up to much today?

So exciting to see Jenbob's labour thread xxx
I had a hv appointment, its routine in our trust area now especially for ftm. Was only about twenty minutes and very similar to booking in questions. I actually know my hv small world shes hubbys mansgers wife so it was quite pleasant as I'd convinced myself it'd just be a grilling! X
I might ask my GP today.

Oh can I have a rant ladies?? We bought our pram months ago, get everything with it like car seat etc, and the service was amazing! Meant to pick it up on 5th august so the wednesday just gone, they didn't say between that date and another they just said it'll be in by the 5th maybe before. Called wednesday and the girl was so crap at her job 'oohhhh it should be in soon dont worry' I was so frustrated, I could pop at anytime now and we have no car seat. OH called Friday and the same girl said 'oh it's been delayed' OH was like right till when and she said she didn't know!!!!! UGHHHHH xxx
I'd be kicking off Bunny, they need to give you an answer of how long or get another ordered for you sharpish. Is it an independant store or chain? Ask to speak to the manager.

Re: HV, last time I didn't have a visit before baby but this time I did, I've only moved 9 miles but it's different districts. Think it just varies.

Maybe they only came so much because of everything that was going on with O. He did have slight jaundice too. It was just intrusive. I know I'll have twins this time so they might want to come a bit but I'll have hubby and we have both done it all before.

Not up to much, off to collect the car seat and base, had a massive brain fart and ordered it in to Leeds rather than Sheffield...so off to Leeds when Otto is up from his nap. Decided to turn our dining room area (living and dining room is open plan) in to a play area for the kids as we eat at the table in the kitchen anyway. Just bought a circus play tent and a numbered foam tile mat, I'm geekily excited about Otto having his own space. Quite looking forward to having my living room back too!! :D

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