I keep having bad dreams, most of them involving me or other half. Dreamt I was a murderer the other night! Also had a few about baby being a 10 pounder or looking six month old when he's born and with a mouth full of teeth, sitting up from birth. That freaked me a wee bit haha.
I keep buying clothes for my hospital bag , then wearing them. Hoping I'll be in a situation where in decently dressed at the time or near by clothes to throw in haha.
Think this baby is just going to continue teasing me until he makes an arrival hopefully not long, after having the waters scare last week , bump Has drastically dropped and came down size quite a bit then all day yesterday I was having really strong Braxton hicks, infact I thought they were contractions they were coming in between every 7-25 mins and lasting between 30secs-2mins. So no where near regular but this was ongoing for about 6 hours. Knew not to get excited and they would fizzle out
Woke up and can't get back to sleep now feeling really crampy like period ache though, and trying to get baby to move he was quiet yesterday.
Strange that now we have to pay attention to every niggle etc as its so near but makes it all the longer!!
Couldn't get off the bloody loo yesterday for loose stools (sorry tmi) was beginning to think I was having 'the clear out' .
Can't wait until all the labour threads gear up!