*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

You honestly looked amazing not one bit frumpy!

I'm starting my little panic again that I don't have the right things for my hospital bag or for bringing her home ! Why do I do this every couple of weeks xxx
Iv been having nightmares about my son. Even ones where im physically hurting him. I wake up and cry about it then have to go check on him. Theyre really horrible :(
I put leggings and a long top in my hospital bag yesterday along with a cardigan. I had planned to put flip flops/ sandles in but the weather is so unpredictable here (even tho it still feels 1000°) i might just get oh to bring me something practical up weather depending.

Has anyone been experiencing cramps in there legs? Lately im getting them really bad in my groin/ tops of my legs shooting right down. There that bad i cant even walk i sort of need to crouch and wait for it to pass. Was in tescos yesterday and it kept happening. Was also having really bad BH to the point i though 'this is it' but of course as soon as i got home it all stopped!! Scary to think a lot of us could really go at any point now if not in the next couple of weeks :o xx
Gilly, hope you have a lovely evening tomorrow :)

My hospital bag clothes will be maxi dresses I think. Easy to get on and off! But I will do those just before going hospital x

I get the pains if it's the same. It's like a right shooting pain from the pelvic bone down the insides of the legs at the top? I presumed it was to do with my PGP though which is horrendous at times.

I also think that within the next 14 days somebody from September Mummies will have a baby (or 2 Gilly ;) )

I've got 25 days until due date now! Eek x
Yes!! Thats exactly it. I dont know if i have that. But i have nentioned to the midwife about having a really sore (bruised type feeling) in my tail bone right round to my pubic bone. I cant sit for ages. Its at its worst in the mornings when i get up - i can barely walk. Sitting up to get up to pee during the night kills me too. The shooting pains are awful. Mw sent a referral to pyhysio... weeks later i sill havent heard anything. She freely admitted it wont do much good tho as "its just one of those things that happen in pregnancy" why would i want to go and waste my time then if its not going to help?

Ahhh itll be interesting to see how close we all get to our due dates. Loving these labour threads at the min. I have to say im excited but s**ting myself at the same time for labour lol!! Iv 22days!!! Jeeeeez

Have you written a birthing plan? Xx
36 days for me! Hoping it will be less than that though! ;)

No birthing plan for me - my plan is to go with flow same as last time but probably end up with pethidine or similar plus gas and air again as although I still felt pain and screamed like a big girl I was fairly calm at same time haha x
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I've got to have given birth by the 26th August but that kind of takes the magic away from our guessing game! :D
So excited to get my date on Wednesday - still not sure whether to tell you ladies or let it be a surprise and text Bunny on the day! Try to keep some excitement! xx
I wouldn't tell my own parents if they weren't looking after Otto ha! I've even threatened not to tell hubby but logistically that's tricky! Certainly not telling the general public as I don't want to deal with messages etc. I've even talked hubby in to not telling his mum so it can be a nice surprise (and I avoid phone calls every day leading up to it!). x
Haha fair play to you, it does get super annoying when people keep texting etc asking if you have had baby every day towards due date so would be even worse if everyone knew your induction date! x
I keep having bad dreams, most of them involving me or other half. Dreamt I was a murderer the other night! Also had a few about baby being a 10 pounder or looking six month old when he's born and with a mouth full of teeth, sitting up from birth. That freaked me a wee bit haha.
I keep buying clothes for my hospital bag , then wearing them. Hoping I'll be in a situation where in decently dressed at the time or near by clothes to throw in haha.
Think this baby is just going to continue teasing me until he makes an arrival hopefully not long, after having the waters scare last week , bump Has drastically dropped and came down size quite a bit then all day yesterday I was having really strong Braxton hicks, infact I thought they were contractions they were coming in between every 7-25 mins and lasting between 30secs-2mins. So no where near regular but this was ongoing for about 6 hours. Knew not to get excited and they would fizzle out :wall:
Woke up and can't get back to sleep now feeling really crampy like period ache though, and trying to get baby to move he was quiet yesterday.
Strange that now we have to pay attention to every niggle etc as its so near but makes it all the longer!!
Couldn't get off the bloody loo yesterday for loose stools (sorry tmi) was beginning to think I was having 'the clear out' .
Can't wait until all the labour threads gear up!
Ekkk I only have 21days left!!!

Gilly I totally understand why u would want to keep it a surprise I might b mean to my family n nit announce the sex till they get to the hospital lol.

Wow Ramsey that certainly sounds like you a gearing up a bit hun! I reckon I will end up having baby at 41 weeks again like I did with my daughter just because I want him out so badly!

Michelle - that would actually be a nice surprise, you should do it!

Did anyone see that video doing the rounds a while ago where the couple had twins but everyone thought they had a single pregnancy so when people went to hospital to visit they filmed their reactions when seeing two babies? lol x
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I think that's a lovely idea too, Michelle!

I dreamt about us all last night, random! A man was putting us into a queue in the order we were going to have our babies...nothing really happened just people saying that's not when their baby was due!

I've seen that video H. When I first watched it I thought how has she hidden that it's twins, she must have been massive. But now I'm living it it's totally feasible, I feel massive but not one person has assumed that it's twins. They just assume I'm 40weeks plus. I could never have kept it a secret!! I couldn't keep their sex a secret! X
Me haha. I think that's me projecting my own wishes haha! Michelle was next to me but then it got confused as everyone was arguing about where they should be. Clearly a quote literal dream about queue jumping!! X
Oh my goodness bunny you have bought the dreams on me!!!

I dreamt people were getting put in groups of 10 and between them had to decide who would be hung as the population was getting too high. Was really horrible and I woke up all panicked!! Hopefully a one off.

Other surprise some of you could save for when people meet baby is the name. Am wondering about waiting till my mum meets ours to tell her the name, which also means we get to tell Belle ourselves rather than on the phone when she comes in xx
Omg gilly how weird altho cud b very true I might not b v long behind you. Altho who knows who will pop first it's very exciting.

Think I might do it n make the mother n mil wait till hospital n my sis as they will prob b the only ones to visit n prob b there as quick as they can b lol. They can share the news. Don't worry tho ladies I will tx Tessa the news I won't keep u guys waiting.

My friend hasn't revealed any names either so we doubt know sex or names!! Can't wait to find out bless her hope it's soon!!

We're yellow but haven't chosen names for either yet. When we do, I don't think we'll tell anyone. Only my parents will know when I go into labour as they're having Amelia. Don't want loads of texts etc.
Yes, the pain for me is worst in the morning too and then later on in the evening. Also turning over in bed is very painful.

No birthing plan for us again. I'll hopefully just let it be as I did last time x

Gilly, you HAVE to tell us! Lol. We want something to look forward to :-D

Some pregnancy dreams are a bit mental. I'm actually surprised that mine haven't been quite so bad this time. Especially these last few nights. I've been dreaming about holidays and fun, nice things :) x

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