Loads of luck today gilly ~ thinking of you!
I ended up in hospital last night. Phoned my local hospital due to reduced movements over last few evenings, and they were a bit worried because of that coupled with slowed growth. Send me to city hospital which is an hour away for monitoring and a scan. Thankfully all seems fine, baby is fairly small measuring around 34 weeks (am 36 today) but looking healthy and cord/placenta working fine. Got home at 4 30 this morning, craig has gone away for a few days and my step daughter has woken up with a sickness bug. Her mum is off shopping so said she will get her when she can, meaning that I am awake and caring for her. My mum is gonna take belle out but obviously can't take esme with her being sick ~ sympathy please!!!! Think I am just tired and hormonal but feeling really put upon.
Also have white blood cells in urine and this morning I have an itchy rash over bump which I presume is from gel etc last night.
Hope everyone else is having better days! Xx