*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Oh hun good luck so excited to hear the news later n see piccys of ur gorgeous girlies.

My next n last mw appointment is Tuesday 18th, that's it then shouldn't see them till after the bubs is born!!

Bless you Gilly, bet you are knackered today hun! What time have you got to go in to hospital? x
Good luck hun, hope the injection goes ok and isn't too painful x
Good luck Gilly!! Looking forward to hearing your news and I hope every thing goes nice and smoothly xxx
Back home now, the jabs aren't the nicest things! Just having a good play with Otto before his nap. :) xx
Loads of luck today gilly ~ thinking of you!

I ended up in hospital last night. Phoned my local hospital due to reduced movements over last few evenings, and they were a bit worried because of that coupled with slowed growth. Send me to city hospital which is an hour away for monitoring and a scan. Thankfully all seems fine, baby is fairly small measuring around 34 weeks (am 36 today) but looking healthy and cord/placenta working fine. Got home at 4 30 this morning, craig has gone away for a few days and my step daughter has woken up with a sickness bug. Her mum is off shopping so said she will get her when she can, meaning that I am awake and caring for her. My mum is gonna take belle out but obviously can't take esme with her being sick ~ sympathy please!!!! Think I am just tired and hormonal but feeling really put upon.

Also have white blood cells in urine and this morning I have an itchy rash over bump which I presume is from gel etc last night.

Hope everyone else is having better days! Xx
So sorry. Sounds like you have a rough night/morning. Last thing you want is to catch a sickness bug too! I had an itchy bump all of yesterday! No idea why. Mine used to itch a lot when stretching.

Not great for me. Been emotional these last days. OH can say the smallest thing and I'm in floods of tears. Today he said I snap too easily atm. Especially to my son and made out I was just generally horrible. Always nice to hear!
Oh no hun, how awful what a fright for you. Glad baby is ok tho. Why can't her mum just cum n get her if she's ill that isn't fair on u at all. Hope u can get sum rest later.

Oh Tessa, what a fright. Glad everything is ok though. Thinking of you. Xxx
Gilly you just think of yourself today!!

Michelle her mum is out shopping so will come when she is ready. Nice. Worried that when she does I will be in the worst mood but obviously don't want to fall out with her x
Tessa what a horrible night! Glad you and baby are both okay tho and hope your day gets better! Our September baby's really are monkeys aren't they! xxxxx
Last bump pic, excuse the look of back fat! I swear I'm snapping in two!!
Ooooo it's all go in the forum today, 3 labour threads and potentialy 4 babys being born today xxxx
Sorry to hear you have had a rubbish night/morning Tessa, hope the rash sorts itself out for you soon. Glad baby is ok and hope your step-daughter has a speedy recovery.

Bless you Kelly, my OH says I am moody this week too, I told him he is always moody so I am getting even haha.

Awwww Gilly what a lovely last pic if your bump, this time tomorrow you will have your lovely little girls in the world :D So exciting seeing your labour thread up and running!


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