*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ooo good luck with all these signs ladies, there's defo some imminent action due now. H sounds weird you saying 3 days away when this one is already here. I like the plan that you'll all go tonight together x
I'm getting strange tightenings tonight that are going round my back. Braxton hicks have never done that. No other symptoms though.
Sounds very promising Katherine as alot of people describe proper contractions like that :) x
I know Purple, you left me! *sob* lol. Only kidding, glad one of us has baby already :) x
Hubby said to me earlier, how will we know when baby's coming? Neither of us have a clue with having a section last time!
Oh trust me you will know! The first hour or 2 (or in my case the first 6 hours!) is normally just crampy etc and fairly painless and then you start getting bad pain at regular intervals and there is no mistaking it is labour ;) xx
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I think you will know.. lol
Although, this time, so many pains confuses me. I am not used to this!

Just lost loads more plug though! X
H with all the signs you've been having, I would have put money on you going first. Won't be long now x
I know, just shows how misleading these symptoms can be! To think my midwife said I was already in pre labour weeks ago and she didn't think I would make it to 38 weeks and here I am almost at due date no further forward lol. I am so ready to have him here now as I am dying to get my body back under my own control if you know what I mean! Found pregnancy quite difficult this time round what with having a toddler to contend with too, not sure I could ever do this again, think I will definitely be stopping at 2 children lol x
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Yeah I can imagine it's tough with a little one to look after and yeah I know what you mean about your body. Mine is a battered and bruised feeding machine at the moment but then I keep looking at my saggy bump in the mirror thinking 'wow, what an amazing job it's done'. Just need my nipples to sort themselves out now. Going to send OH for nipple shields in the morning x
Hope they help you hun, breast feeding can be tough. It didn't work for me as Ruby just wouldn't latch on properly and I just didn't get enough milk production so she was crying all time so I combi fed and then just decided to formula feed after much thought. I have heard that breast feeding gets easier once you get through that first initial pain barrier though so really hope these shields help you :) xxx
Hope everyone is ok this morning. These niggles are so cruel at times - getting everyone's hopes up! I'm trying not to symptom spot but it's so darn difficult as its on my mind ALL the time! Baby has a little more than 24 hours to make a move before eviction! Induction tomorrow- eeeek! Not really sure how I feel about it really - anxious but excited too. I know a lot of people's labours have started just prior to induction including my mum but the clock really is ticking now!

Hope the breastfeeding becomes more comfortable for you soon purple, I had a wonderful 12 months feeding my daughter - I'm just hope I'm as lucky this time round xx
Dairy it must be a lovely feeling knowing whatever happens natural or otherwise you will probably have baby by tomorrow evening :)
Well the midwife who did my 2nd sweep on Thursday said that as I was already a good 3cm and she could feel my waters they should just be able to break my waters rather than have to use the gel/pessary/drip to get things going and if that's the case I might still be able to use the pool. Just hoping my body responds and things progress nicely! Just gonna try and enjoy our last day of being a family of 3 today and pick up a few more bits of food for hubby tomorrow as he may be in it for the long haul - poor lad! Xx
Best of luck tomorrow dairy. If your anything like me, I am a bit gutted that it has come to induction but at the same time, it is nice knowing baby will be here or Atleast things will get started.

I'm feeling a bit upset today that I still have no baby. Although I have induction booked for Wednesday (if they don't put me off) I just feel really sad that it hasn't happened yet :(
Thanks Kelly, yes I feel the same - really wanted a water birth in the birth centre and unfortunately it looks like that's not going to be possible now. At the same time though I'm sooooo ready for meeting this baby - I know it's going to be hard work with a newborn and a toddler but I'm finding all this symptom spotting and enquiries from everyone I know mentally exhausting!! Not to mention all the ball bouncing, walking and raspberry leaf tea - life has been far from normal these past few weeks anyway! My bags have been packed about 6 weeks now! Xx
Oh Kelly I felt exactly the same on day 9 with Ruby! It was a Friday and my induction was in place for the Monday and I was gutted and just thought it really wouldn't happen for me naturally but I decided to give the whole scrubbing floors on hands and knees a go and within a couple of hours of doing that I went into labour. Think the position of crawling round the floor like a dog (lol) really helped, think these things work much better when you are already quite overdue as body only needs a little extra push sometimes by that point. Give it a go hun, nothing to lose xxx

I feel like I will end up going really overdue again too, I am holding out zero hope for labouring before 42 weeks as I haven't even lost anymore plug since that pathetic teeny bit the other day and at least with Ruby I had started losing quite a bit of plug by this point! Considering how massive this baby is (estimated 9lb already based on both scan and size of my bump) I cannot believe he is so happy to stay in there as he really can't have much room at all now! So irritating! Everything feels really hard now, even getting up to go to the bathroom often requires OHs help as I am so massive I just can't get up without an aid lol.

We are taking Ruby swimming at 1pm, not getting in myself just going to watch her and OH swim but hoping the walk will encourage at least some plug loss as his head is so bloody low now I can literally feel it if you know what I mean, so painful to walk! x
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Me too! I wanted a pool in the new birthing unit. It opened a few months after my son was born so I missed out last time and was really looking forward to it this time! Hoping they break my waters and I labour much quicker this time as it was 13 hours last time from waters to baby, but I wasn't as dilated as I am now then x

I will give it another go today Helen. I am going to go for a walk despite the pain and will also scrub the two other floors again today. OH has now wasted the last 9 days off work without a baby but then I think about it and realise it's not the worst thing as he has been able to spend time with Joshua and myself as a little family of 3. I'm going to have some breakfast, get dressed and try and stay active today, atleast for and few hours :) xx
Helen, I'm still hoping you have this one like my first. A spontaneous birth around 40+1 :)
I can't do much either. I struggle getting my shoes and trousers on now too :(
Totally understand the pain. Can't believe it's so bad. Feel like my bones should actually break with the pressure x
Hope things kick off for you today hun, keep us posted xxx

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