*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Also have a massive pressure in my bum when standing.... Baby may be heading for the wrong exit!
Ohhh exciting Tessa, is feeling sick a sign? I have been feeling pukey for the last hour too! x
I keep getting that pressure in bum! Mainly since my sweep on Tuesday! I presume it was something to do with baby dilating further?

Hehe listen to us all! If you guys labour before me I am going to feel like the unluckiest woman alive now lol xx
Lol my OH is making me promise to wait until match of day is finished around half 11 anyway so that works for me lol x
Okay once midnight hits, I want my son to get a few hours sleep first haha xx
I just had another pop/twang on my cervix just like last night.....do you think it could possibly be to do with cervix effacing/dilating rather than waters or am I just a crazy person? It is just so weird! x
No idea! Is it possible a bone? I know that sounds crazy, but I've had a pop sound but it's only when I'm moving and only happened a couple of times and it sounds like a bone on another bone, it's really weird x
I have heard of people (including one of my friends) hearing pops of babies bones clicking.... Apparently it's quite normal. Could it be that? X
Hmmm could possibly be one of baby's bones, hadn't thought about that! Definitely wasn't one of mine as I was sat perfectly still when it happened. My tightenings have disappeared already, boooo! No labour for me again tonight! lol x
I've had those bone sounds too. They are really odd. I did wonder what bone it could be so it makes sense to be baby bones! Poor thing, hope it's not cause she doesn't have much room and is squashed up!

I'm getting the tightening and cramps still.. but still nothing regular and not getting worse! Rubbish :( just teasing again! X
I am debating getting some EPO capsules tomorrow - are they expensive? x
I wish I was a midwife! A bit gutted I don't get another sweep before induction now! X
H think my pot was about £8? Yeah kelly now would be a great time to have a midwife friend! X
I should have looked into those a while ago. Probably a little late for me now.
Tightening stopped and just have back ache x
I got some epo from Holland and Barrett last week. They were only about £3 for 30 capsules.
Thanks ladies, £3 sounds reasonable, not much point getting more than 30 been as due date is 3 days away so that sounds perfect :) x

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