*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

He was fine with his ps3. I managed to get some tv in before the football starts haha x
Hi ladies!

Kelly I am sorry you are still waiting!!! Can't be long now though... Baby day is getting closer every second!

H any more leeking?

Katherine we too tried dtd last night. Had cramps etc for an hour and then fell asleep. Feel a bit uncomfortable today but nothing more exciting to report. Bloody show seems to have stopped. Also ate a whole fresh pineapple yesterday... Clearly baby is happy and comfy in there!

Summer and Michelle so glad you are both doing so well. Xx
Oh Tessa, hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too long!

No more leaking at all, putting it down to stupidly watery discharge and some bizzare baby movement. Had 2 RLT and about to cook a super spicy dinner haha x
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Haha dinner plans sound good! I am avoiding all spicy food and have done for weeks as worried about having a dodgy tummy in a birthing pool ~ haha!!!

I am surprising myself with how up up-beat I am about it all! Can't wait for it all to get started and to meet baby, but since I don't feel too bad I am ok waiting a few more days. If I make it to next weekend I am pretty sure this positive side will have gone though! For now I am just thinking I am closer to meeting my baby than ever before and whatever happens it won't be long now xx
I've just stood up and felt a wet patch. Went to go wee and have a wet patch but didn't go through to trousers. Then when I stood up, had a little more fall onto my leg..
Not sure what to make of this?
I've just put a pad on, how slow can waters actually leak? x
H, I reckon I may have experienced what you did! Although, just when I put a pad on I had a massive cramp, lost some plug and then had a really right belly. But only had a tight belly once since and it's been 20 minutes and no pains or anymore painful cramps.
I'm ready for dinner. Really hungry! Think fajitas or pie and mash! Yum x
Not sure how slow they can leak but without getting your hopes up sounds promising!
I'd just keep a pad on and see what happens for the next hour or so.
Oh this could be exciting kelly! I have no idea but would second what Katherine has said. Xx
Had another two cramps and tightening since. Not painful, just noticeable. I got all excited that it could have been starting lol x
It probably is starting Hun like Mummybee said yesterday waters can trickle out if baby head acting like a cork so you may only get a few trickles now and again for a while. They say to lay down for 30 mins then stand up and if a leak comes out when you stand up then it will of been pooled waters :)

I had really spicy chorizo and chicken paella with loads of chilli for dinner and another raspberry leaf tea but all that happened was baby went mental no cramps lol x
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I will lay down down before dinner arrives :) OH has football on anyway!

Yum your dinner sounds lush! Xx
Oooh sounds promising Kelly!!

Just had such a scary moment I was running a nice bath n came into the living room to see hubby scooping Summer up out of her bed thing, she was flapping her arms n looking frightened n not breathing hubby said I don't think she breathing properly I said blow in her face which he did n she did take a breath but was all included up. She did mange to spit some up n then I held her close to calm her down but it scared me so much. I knew she had a cold poor thing as I have cleared he little nose today n tilted her bed in both the living room n our room up so she on an angle not sure what else I can do for mucus. I'm so worried she will choke on it again n I don't know how to clear it!! Never had this with Harry so I'm nervous to leave her side now. Thank God for the sensor mat in our room or u know I'd never sleep tonight.

Any advice ladies, anything I can do for mucus??!!!

Oh bless you that sounds super scary!! Ruby had her first cold around 2-3 weeks old and I used those saline drop things which helped a little but other than that not massive amount you can do, I let her sleep in her bouncy chair when she had a cold too so she was more upright but if you have propped her up in cot then that should be fine. Hope she gets better quickly xx
Ah Michelle that sounds scary. Was it the snot suction thing you used? I never had one but have heard they are good. You could try putting the shower on full heat and sitting in bathroom with summer for 10 minutes to try and loosen things. Other than that not too sure what to recommend ~ sorry!

H I am vegetarian and your dinner still sounds yummy!

Kelly I have faith this could be the start of things for you ~ I really hope so! X
Thanks ladies calmed down a bit now but really scared me bless her. I have seen those nasel things but no I haven't git one but May well do if she keeps suffering. Used the saline drops. Used them with Harry n they seemed to work that n the plug in thing. Poor thing I hate to see her suffer.

Oh no Michelle! Sounds very scary. I'd have been super protective now too :(
I've no idea what to suggest as I have never had that with my son. Don't think he has ever had a cold really x

Cramps and tightening still, but not regular and barely any sign of anything on pad! Hmmm! Xx
Kelly I still have faith you will labour in the next 24 hours - 9 days over was the key for me so you only got 4 hours to wait ;) xxx

I am sat here doing hip rotations on my ball haha. Told my mum about the millions of cups of RLT, spicy dinner and fact nothing happened, not even a BH and she couldn't stop laughing at how stubborn baby is lol x
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Our mums eh. Do keep us entertained ;)

I feel really bloated now! So unconfortable.

H, I will be positive that it will happen soon ;)
All this rotating on ball is giving me full on tightenings, how long do I need to keep this up for to go into labour? lol x
Can I please join in? I am freezing, have ear ache, tightenings that are verging on painful but not lasting long or regular. Feeling a bit sick but hungry too. Keep rotating h! X

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