*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

That was my first thought Kelly, baby head been bashing against my cervix for good 5 mins after it went pop so was worried he would block waters coming out if was that so I am just laying down for 20 mins and will see what happens when I stand up. Feel very very wet down there all of a sudden since it happened though! :/
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Ohh! May well be. That's the only thing I could think it could be xx
I have put a pad on to monitor so will see how it goes. I always second guess myself with these things and just think I am paranoid though lol. Will update if anything exciting happens! x
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H, remember, you can't have a baby around 5pm tomorrow due to the football lol xx

Yes do keep us updated :-) xx
Hahaha Kelly I was literally just sat here thinking that as I read your post lol x
Nearly 8 days overdue! Ahhhhhhh! What a little madam I have! Xx
My daughter was the same hun, I went 9 days over. Must be a girl thing! She still a little madam now too lol x
Hopefully this time we swap so that you can go around 40+1 and hopefully I'll go 41+2 or before!! :-D
Anything to report this morning ladies??

We dtd last night but nothing here. Think we'll go for a walk later if the rain stops. Curry again tonight although only gave me heartburn last week :-(

Really thought last weekend would have been our last as a family of 3!!
Was so hoping for sum news today!! These babies really r making u poor ladies wait so unfair I want to see pics of ur gorgeous bundles.

So much for my relaxing day, taking Harry to the soft play in a bit to wear him out as daddy's then going into work for the arvo as its good money for the overtime. First time on my own so want Harry to have had a lively morning as will b just chilling here this arvo.

No news here, really don't know what to think about last night as although I felt a few trickles my pad didn't even become damp so thinking it can't be hind waters but that big pop/ping was so odd I don't know. New territory for me as waters never broke with Ruby so no comparison available. I just don't fancy sitting at hospital for 3 hours for them to tell me it is discharge. Might give them a ring in a bit and explain and just say pad hasn't even been damp so what is advice. I know the 24 induction rule if it is waters but as it didn't happen until very late last night I feel more inclined to get on the RLT, spicy food and ball bouncing for the day and see if I can encourage anything as I am assuming if it was waters and I do all that something might happen? x
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I thought last weekend would be our last and the weekend before that I thought the same. :(
Oh Michelle! I don't know what to say! Xx

I think you would know if it was any form of waters? However you could just ask on the phone and see what they suggest?

I woke up today to some bloody show and a bad belly. Just been food shopping and really struggled getting around. I need this baby out just to prevent the pain now! :( so uncomfortable. Saw a few people I know and I almost went into tears when taking about it to one of them x
Hi ladies - forgive me for being a bit absent - we got home from the hospital yesterday late afternoon and feeling fab to be home!! Just been catching up on the last couple of pages - come on little babies!!
Kelly - I got to 3cm without feeling any different from 2cm, I was having contractions by the time I got to 4cm but didn't feel any different cervix wise. Do you have a sweep booked?

H - sorry you're feeling worried about waters. Maybe you could just ring your hospital and ask if they do the simple swab test to see if amniotic fluid is present? Hopefully wouldn't take to long to reassure you.

Bless you Kelly, hope baby comes at 5.30 for you ;) xx
Yay, happy for you to be home :) enjoy your first days of cuddles. It's really nice hearing from you.
I was fine at 3cm but starting to think it's going to 4, but I could be wrong :)
I don't have another sweep now. Just induction booked for Wednesday. I really didn't want to make it, but looks like I will! X

5.30 would be perfect lol :) although as soon as we got home we have replayed football on haha x
Glad you are home now Summer, bet you feel loads better being back to your own comforts? Xx
Glad u r home summer there's nothing better than it own sofa n bed.

First time on my own with the kiddies n both r asleep I cud get use to this lol.

Glad they are behaving for you Michelle! Tried to convince Ruby to have a nap and she just screamed house down so I gave up lol x
My son is out until dinner time. My OH decided to buy an xbox 1 this morning. He has spent about 4 hours on it now... so I'm going for a nap! Bored! X
LOL Kelly that made me laugh - my OH has a PS4 so know the feeling sometimes lol xx

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