*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Good luck Kelly and Dairy! Sorry not had proper time to catch up. Like a whirlwind and only a few hours sleep in 72hr x
Hope things continue to progress for you Kelly- it has to be our turn soon!

My hopes have fizzled out - contractions stopped after about 3 hours but lasted just long enough to remind me what they feel like! Haha! Come on baby - you're going to be evicted on Monday anyway if you don't get a wriggle on! Really thought tonight was the night - what's the chances of things starting again?
Hope things get a wriggle on for you soon ladies x

Ruby let me have a solid 8 hours sleep last night as she has only just woke up, soooo nice! :)
Tummy finally settled a bit till half 5 this morning then it all kicked off again! Absolute nightmare. Doesnt help me and OH have been up all night with Emily. I think she thought it was day time and decided to tell us stories! Lol. Surviving on about 2 hrs sleep and i think il need to consume 2 ltrs of redbull to keep me awake today lol

Kelly has it sussed... get laughing ladies!

Hope things kick off again for you and dairygirl again!

That was good of Ruby to let you sleep that long! Im sure you feel freat after that! Definately make the most of it while u can haha!

These september babies really like to tease us!! Apart from all the messing about i hope you all are well :) xx
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That's a nice sleep H!
Not so nice for you last night but,
Hope your belly settles soon Mummy!

No pains today. Don't know what last night was. Getting bored of this now lol. I wake up wanting something interesting to be happening x
Totally agree that the waiting around for labour gets boring Kelly lol. I can't even be bothered to get on my ball or anything as I got way too excited doing all those things for the last month that now I just can't be assed haha x
Oh MummyBee hope you are all nicely healed soon, I remember it took quite a few months for my uterus to stop contracting and being painful, then I found out almost a year later I actually had a cyst from pregnancy and that was why I was in so much pain! It eventually just disappeared on its own by the time I went for my 12 week scan with this one. I actually have no idea how long is normal to feel pain because of that though - any ladies with babies actually know how long it should take as this is just made me realise it would be helpful if I knew incase I have more problems this time! X
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What sort of pain? I don't remember being in any pain other than sensitive down there and aching for 3 days x
I was getting really bad stomach cramps for like 12 weeks almost as bad as early stage contractions which I was told was uterus shrinking back and then when I queried why it was going on so long they said it had shrunk back already so I had to go on waiting list for a scan to check what was going on. That is why I found out I had a cyst causing the pain. Well that and I had intermittent bleeding all time between periods or periods just wouldn't arrive at all, all very random lol x
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Oh no! I never had any of that. I think it is fairly painless afterwards.

I hope it's going to be a bit better for you this time! Xx
Itll happen when you least expect it and take you by surprise!

Oh my H that sounds awful! My cramps stopped about 2/3 days after. They did feel exactly like labour pains. No amount of paracetamol/hot water bottles eased it. I dont remember it ever being that painful with my first but apparently it is worse second time around. Still feeling pretty bruised down there tho and as iv mentioned before my pelvis is agony but mw said they wont do anything until my 6week review because i still have all the hormones in my body. Fx its away by then tho! Lol xx
I am keeping my legs crossed until tonight - trying to avoid a September 11th birth silly as it sounds! x
How much does Kim (summers) little boy look like her!!!! Absolute beauty he is xxx
Eek! Second time is worse? Not looking forward to that!
H, I had a horrible feeling about September 11 too... kinda hoping it kicks off tonight though for a sept 12th baby. MIL having Joshy tonight so would be quite convenient x
Thank you everyone! And thank you Kelly for posting for me sorry there wasn't updates as such - once I hit the gas & air I could barely tell you my own name haha! But we are both doing really well - will post labour story separately but basically water birth/gas&air, and he's feeding like a pro so hoping to get discharged this afternoon. Couldn't be more in love with our little man.

Hope you are all well - got a bit of time in post natal waiting for checks so will catch up on thread now



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Oh Hun he is such a beautiful little boy! Adorable! Xxx
He's absolutely gorgeous hun!! Well done, sounds like a fab labour. Xx

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