*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Oooooh exciting Tessa! Fx this is another September baby on the way!! Xx
Good luck purple candy - hope things progress quickly for you.
Sounds exciting Tessa! Hope it means another September baby on its way shortly :dance:

Kelly - I'm in the same boat as you ... After such a promising sweep my little man appears to be staying put. And to top it off my doctors reception has said that their midwife appointments are fully booked for the next 2 weeks at both surgeries (obviously no good to me as I'm 41wks on Thursday) she told me to contact my midwife directly and she would have to squeeze me in - I rang and left voicemail on Friday and text yesterday morning - still no response ... Fed up now xxx
Ah summer I am gutted for you. Hope your midwife responds very soon. It's so frustrating so I can't even imagine the extra hassle your going through.

I imagine my sweep today will be truly unsuccessful. I have a great feeling she is going to tell me my cervix is too far back and not ready at all! I'm actually concerned that she may decide not to offer me one at all! My mood is slowly deteriorating by the day x
Good luck for your sweep Kelly! Fx.
Summer, hope your mw gets in touch soon, but rubbish that she hasn't yet! Xx
Sounds very promising Tessa, fingers crossed for you Hun :)

Summer that sounds really annoying, I would just keep calling her until she picks up!

Hope you sweep goes better than anticipated Kelly :)

My GP wasn't sure if my symptoms are anything to worry about or not as BP fairly normal and no protein in urine but she concerned about lights in eyes so she trying to get hold of hospital for advice and will call me later with outcome. She did warn me they may just decide to induce as I am 39 weeks just incase it is anything to worry about. Feeling pissed at OH his response was just to moan that we will have to go hospital sit there all day and be sent home as nothing wrong oh and he annoyed as he cant go swimming etc until we hear back. Nice n supportive huh :/ men! X
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Sounds promising Tessa!!! Iv my fx for you! Xx
Good luck Kelly! X
Summer i hope you hear something soon! What a pain! Xx
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Thank you ladies.
Summer, I agree with H!
Oh H, I'm glad it doesn't give signs of pre - eclampsia though. But hope the hospital give you a better insight as to what could be wrong.
Sorry your OH isn't really being very positive. Maybe he is nervous incase they decide to induce you? xx
Ooh we may have lots of babies! Good luck with the midwife Kelly!
I'm glad ur blood pressure was good and no protein H at least that's a good sign good luck with the hosp this afternoon xx
H glad the doctor is getting some extra advise, and glad it isn't pre eclampsia, but sorry your oh isn't being too supportive. I am sure once he knows what is happening everything will click into place for him, I think guys find this last bit really hard.

Kelly when is midwife?

Nothing has ramped up here, had a nice long nap and woke up starving so had a sandwich. That's as exciting as its gets for the mo! X
Tessa, there is still time today for it to start again :-D

3.30 today midwife x
Well I just had a call from hospital who have said they are definitely concerned it is pre eclampsia as my bp is a lot higher than booking in bp and basically contradicted everything GP said. They have asked me to go for a blood test for pre eclampsia first thing tomorrow morning and they will let me know tomorrow if I have it or not. They said if I have any more funny turns today or start getting any pains on right hand side to phone them. Better safe than sorry I guess. I don't know why OH being an asshole but he being well stroppy and saying there is nothing wrong with you blah blah blah and that I am just ill. Probably just worried so saying rude things so I will let him off but bloody annoying. He stomping round like a stroppy teenager!
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H smack his bum! Cheeky man ha - definitely better to be safe than sorry at this stage (though I'm sure you will be just fine).
Kelly hope you have a good sweep this afternoon! :)
Tess I've had cramps in my lower back today but not really sure if it means anything or just because I'm now carrying a 5 day overdue chunk! :lol:

I rang my local surgery back today and said I know you have no appointments but I've tried contacting my midwife directly and she's not responding (phone keeps just going straight to voicemail) receptionist was lovely and said 'O I know why her phones off, she's on holiday ...' :roll: thanks for the notification haha! I asked if there was a cover midwife I could contact and she advised I just ring the community midwife desk at the hospital and ask them to fit me in - hospital were great and I'm now seeing a brand new midwife tomorrow morning for check up/sweep and to book induction! Honestly - I really don't feel I should be having to chase this up myself - but feeling a bit better that I'm actually going to be seen for a 41wk appointment now!
Oh H, sounds like your OH could be a little more supportive. It may well be nothing, but as you say, better safe than sorry and he should think the same with his child involved :(

Oh my Summer! Imagine you waited in your midwife for a few more days you'd be about 44 weeks pregnant when she got back!

I am sure my midwife is off to Holland next week so not sure if I'll get an appointment at all next week x
Oh summer that is rubbish, your midwife really isn't the most considerate is she?! glad you have an appointment tomorrow ~ hopefully it will be your last one!

Hope you are ok about everything h, do make sure you ring them again if you need to. Shame oh is being stroppy, do you think how close you are to term has suddenly hit him? Xx
Thanks ladies. He is just a weird one - whenever he is in any stressful situation he gets all moody, he can't handle stress at all and starts being overly defensive and weird. I know the reasons why he is the way he is and I understand them but it just doesn't help me at all. Told him off for being stroppy and his response was is it any wonder he is moody as he has the worry of having to go to hospital etc and I said duh how do you think I feel then been as I am one that is actually carrying the baby! It is so silly as I am sure the test will come back negative anyway so don't see point stressing about it before results come back but he just gets all weird. Never mind. Sorry to moan ladies, it just wound me up.

Summer, glad you got appointment sorted but fingers crossed you won't need it anyway :)

How are your ladies cramps/back pains now? Any worse? x

Oh I forgot to mention my little boy is fully engaged now so explains the horrendous cervix pains lol x
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H don't worry about having a moan - that's exactly what we're all here for! I'd be wound up if I were you too - but at least you know why that's the way he's acting - we all deal with things in very different ways. My other half always goes super calm and quiet but to the point where it's so frustrating it drives you a little insane wondering if he's bothered (but I know he is its just how he reacts to things) Good news about him being fully engaged mine is and the 'fanny daggers' (so my midwife called them lol!) can stop me completely in my tracks xx
Not had chance to catch up proper but Baby Eric born 8th Sept 12:24, 7lb7, 4.5hr labour, 2nd degree tear, first feed went well x
Amazing news purple candy! Well done you! Hope you and baby Eric and doing well and get home soon xx
Yay H for fully engaged baby! :)

Congratulations purple! Great news and sounds nice and quick :)

Back from sweep. Getting the usual cramps but not feeling hopeful. Was only 1cm dilated when she did it but I guess that's better than none at all. X

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