Oh my gosh! That's my worst nightmare

total sick-o-phobe! I think I'd be more traumatised by that than the actual labour pain! Was it because you reacted badly to pain relief do you think? I've heard that Gas & air / pethidine makes some people sick? ...
Yes - haha. I trained him when he was 12 wks old - he uses the toilet because he's an indoor cat and doesn't have a litter tray

he just meows when he needs it flushing. Only issue we occasionally have is that he forgets he doesn't need toilet roll and seeing as he doesn't have thumbs he just unravels the whole roll and shoves it down there ...
Purple candy What a great idea!! Can I get bonus points as I've also just scrubbed the bathroom inc. tiles from top to bottom and about to do the kitchen floor haha

Honestly no idea what made me so sick. I tried gas and air at the very beginning but i didnt like how it made me feel and it did make me feel sick so i stopped taking it. Wasnt actually sick till a good few hours after that. I did ask for pethadine but she convinced me remi was better so i went for it. I suppose that could maybe have made me sick come to think of it but i was so off my face then it never even dawned on me lol. Your cat is brilliant im showing everyone this! How did you manage to train her?
A car drive over big bumpy roads then go home and do some more ball work and dancing lol!
Iv been too scared to try the stuff in the bath. Iv only heard one good and one and review about it so i think il stick to purples list haha. I dont have ep but ypu have just reminded me to take my rlt!!
I meant to take arnica tablets after my first and totally forgot about them. After birth i had stitches and the mw gave me a wee gauze type thing... soaked in witch hazel to put on my pad it felt great. I do think it helped healing. Kept it in the fridge aswel so it was nice, cold and soothing when i had to use it lol! Xx