*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Apparently it helps with healing n swelling of ur foof Tessa!! Never used anything with Harry but my friend recommended it n I checked with mw n she said yea it helps as dies tea tree oil in the bath which I forgot to get so I think my mum is guna get me sum.

Bunny I think u or h mayb this weekend.

What makes you say me Michele? That excites me! I've been bouncing on my ball and it just seems to make me need a poo haha sorry TMI!

Has anyone heard from Violet? Hope she's doing ok also.

Yeah I've heard really good things about amnica - people swear by it for foof healing I'll be using it!

Hi ladies,

Well, my baby is not breech. The hospital mw was surprised my mw ever thought it was, so there you go! Various things about my mw have made me doubt her this pregnancy, but that just confirmed my suspicions!

I used arnica after my first- a forceps delivery of a larger than average baby with a big head, and I hardly had any pain at all, considering. I have already stocked up for after I have this one. It might have been coincidence, but I'm not going to risk not taking it. :) xxx
Just popping in to wish you the best of luck ladies, and then I hear of a cat using the toilet! Whose cat is this??? Please share your wisdom with me, I need to get rid of our trays!!!

Back on topic, I'll be watching to see if there's a baby boom with the full moon and I'll be looking out for all your threads!

Oh my gosh! That's my worst nightmare :shock: total sick-o-phobe! I think I'd be more traumatised by that than the actual labour pain! Was it because you reacted badly to pain relief do you think? I've heard that Gas & air / pethidine makes some people sick? ...

Yes - haha. I trained him when he was 12 wks old - he uses the toilet because he's an indoor cat and doesn't have a litter tray :lol: he just meows when he needs it flushing. Only issue we occasionally have is that he forgets he doesn't need toilet roll and seeing as he doesn't have thumbs he just unravels the whole roll and shoves it down there ... :roll:

Purple candy What a great idea!! Can I get bonus points as I've also just scrubbed the bathroom inc. tiles from top to bottom and about to do the kitchen floor haha :)

Honestly no idea what made me so sick. I tried gas and air at the very beginning but i didnt like how it made me feel and it did make me feel sick so i stopped taking it. Wasnt actually sick till a good few hours after that. I did ask for pethadine but she convinced me remi was better so i went for it. I suppose that could maybe have made me sick come to think of it but i was so off my face then it never even dawned on me lol. Your cat is brilliant im showing everyone this! How did you manage to train her?

A car drive over big bumpy roads then go home and do some more ball work and dancing lol!

Iv been too scared to try the stuff in the bath. Iv only heard one good and one and review about it so i think il stick to purples list haha. I dont have ep but ypu have just reminded me to take my rlt!!

I meant to take arnica tablets after my first and totally forgot about them. After birth i had stitches and the mw gave me a wee gauze type thing... soaked in witch hazel to put on my pad it felt great. I do think it helped healing. Kept it in the fridge aswel so it was nice, cold and soothing when i had to use it lol! Xx
Not sure why bunny just a feeling it's guna b u or h!!

Thank you for the luck :)
We all need some luck just for one of us to pop soon!

Had my rlt. I'll have more later. I have to just let it cool a little and then guzzle it lol x
Finally caught up, loads of posts today! Everyone must be at a loose end :-). Love the cat pic. We've got a house cat and wish she could do that!
Just done a bit of gardening with hubby and a pile of ironing so having 5 mins now. MIL has taken Amelia for a walk to get an ice cream half an hour before tea! She keeps coming over to "help" but my idea of helping would be do a bit of ironing or cleaning whereas she only wants to play with Amelia. Usually in the sand and water which involves plenty outfit changes and more washing!! She's insisted on not booking any work in September so she can "help" - can't say I'm looking forward to it. I do get on with her and she's really generous and helps us out a lot financially so I sound like a right ungrateful cow. But my mum recognises what help is needed.
Haha Summer your cat is famous on the forum!

Kumber thanks for the wishes - hopefully we will see some labour threads over the weekend! Excited.

Aww well thanks Michelle makes me very excited I hope you're right haha!

Nicnax that's terrible of your MW - don't know what's going on with some of these MW's recently. Great news for you tho ! The tablets can I just get them from anywhere?

Yeah I think when one of us goes we will all start haha! xxxxx
Good stuff, I've ordered some arnica tablets and soothing cream to put on a pad afterwards. Someone has to pop soon to spur the rest of us on, it's only a couple of days early x
I hope someone goes before me but I think u mayb right Kelly if no babies tomoz I'm thinking it will b me!! Exciting times.

Ahh Katherine I can understand what you mean. Sometimes helping isn't always taking your children out and keeping them occupied. Hopefully tea isn't ruined!

I actually feel today a little bit like I did the day before I went into labour with my son. Expect with him my mood was outrageous but isn't too bad today lol.
I just feel achey in my back,a little sicky but not throw up sicky. Really hungry and in a bit of a world of my own like I'm not really with it properly.

We have another balloon festival on this weekend and my son loved them a few weeks ago so hoping to go for a walk around 6 to see if we can spot any balloons x
Omg Kelly u have just described exactly how I feel!! I totally feel like I'm not really with it n things r going on around me. Hope it's a good sign of things fir us.

Quick question - was in supermarket looking for rasp leaf tea and I could only find various fruit teas with raspberry flavourings no leaf mentioned is there a specific one and where do I get it from? Thanks! Char x
I could only find it in Holland and barrat ~ you need the leaf! Hope you are pleased with hair cut! X
Ah! Thanks Il try them on Monday - gave the appointment to my OH in the end as iv decided to keep it a touch longer for convenience, it only just ties back now and with a trim thought there would be no hope! X
I had to get raspberry leaf capsules from Amazon, apparently tesco have the clipper tea bags, but I could never find them and my heartburn is bad enough with just water lol so went for the tablets. Need to get some epo though start that on Monday.

My cousins seventh birthday is on Monday so anytime after then is now fine with me, so I'm just going to enjoy this thread with everyone trying to kick things off. Getting so exciting can't believe we're all almost fully cooked! Xx
Nicnax - I honestly wonder if half of the midwives even know what they are talking about lol. Glad baby in good position though :)

Thanks for dropping in with well wishes Kumber, hope you and baby are doing well :)

Michelle I wish it would be me but I highly doubt it as still not lost any plug really, I know not everyone loses it before labour but I did with my daughter so am convinced I am not going to labour anytime soon :(

Awww Katherine, in laws eh?! I can see why you would get a bit irritated if it causes you more work!

Ohhh Kelly that all sounds very promising then, maybe it will be you who kicks us all off?! :D Excited!

Char - you can get the Clipper brand of Raspberry leaf tea in all the Tesco extra stores, that is where I got mine from :)

I have had 2 cups of RLT and spicy chilli chicken for dinner, done a load of cleaning, bathed Ruby and just sat down. Back is killing me but nothing new there. Still not feeling quite right but think maybe I am just a bit run down. No contractions or anything so don't think it will be me today. Apparently the effects of full moon last for 3 days though so hopefully one of us will pop by Monday! Although they couldn't change my due date my last scan estimated baby would measure full term next Wednesday as he is a big old chunk so hopefully he will arrive before 40 weeks but we shall see :) xxx

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