One Born Every Minute

I am def watching tonight but I don't think I can persuade OH - he thinks I'm mad to be watching it but I'm a bit obsessed and been watching re-runs of the last series!!
Well Oh took me to asda and got lots of munchies and my covers out, making a night of it! He doesn't mind watching it at least he knows what kind of noises to expect lol x
OH gone upstairs already :roll: My eyes were watering at the first baby scene at the titles!
What do you think your partners will be like when your in labour? My poor oh I think he will be more panicky than me bless him!
hahaaa....asked my OH if he wanted to watch the show with me, refused point blank! Man Utd game is more important to him lol....
My OH will be a bundle of nerves I think but try not to look it. He'll be fab I reckon. x
He was irritating!!

Loved the second guy.

I hate so much when they show them coming out not crying :( God I'd hate that!

Balled my eyes out at birth scenes as expected lol.

He didn't give a shit about his girlfriend. He cared about himself then the baby. He was an idiot. She didn't want you there take the hint.
My Oh was so mad at that lad too - what annoyed me was him hitting and kicking stuff saying there was something wrong when he had already been told the baby was fine and she was getting stiches - i recon he was just acting up infront of his mates/ parents because he wasn't bothered to start with about not been there. And how was storming off to the smoking shelter helping anything!! xx
He seemed alright at the beginning though, like he'd got his head screwed on. Made me chuckle a few times with stuff he was doing (reminded me of my OH when he put her dressing gown on, that's something he'd do!)
But with the hitting and getting angry, really no need for any of that. And then saying he was going to the pub down the road. Yes because all respectful new dads go and do that 5 minutes after the birth of their child! :roll:
Omg that guy really irritated me too and his poor girlfriend a 10lb 10 baby bless her she did amazingly well and it was probably just as well her boyfriend wasn't in theatre with her!
I nearly throw up at the sight of the forceps too fresh in my mind lol

My OH wanted to give that bloke a knocking out lol can see why she didn't want him there! He almost had to leave the room when the baby didn't cry, I had to tell him everything was going to be ok. I also cried!
Lol my DH and I found him so irritating too - he seemed so selfish! And with the way he acted was definitely the right choice not to have him there! The other guy was young but seemed really decent and like he had his head screwed on.

Was literally sobbing at the births! I think it really scared DH but he still wants to watch it next week!
The first guy was just acting like a big child! he was very annoying, his poor girlfriend with the 10lb baby. Have to say watching that has made me feel a bit quesey! feels very real, eeep!

The second couple were just lovely though and she did amazing!

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